Original Phishing Message
From: Eslam Elfishawy eslam[@]servicetech[.]com[.]eg
Subejct: Grant Announcement

Tips for Detection
- Beware of emails asking you to reach out using a personal email account instead of the one it was sent to. Scammers typically ask for this to bypass security measures in institutional email systems.
- The sender claims to be from College Board but neither the sender email address nor the email address listed as a contact are from a domain connected to College Board.
- Be wary of offers that seem too good to be true, especially if the wording feels off.
- Never provide your personal information to an unknown individual trying to solicit that information.
Text of Phishing Message
From: Eslam Elfishawy eslam[@]servicetech[.]com[.]eg
Subejct: Grant Announcement
vvDear Qualified Student,
Your 2024 student benefit check has been approved by the College Board and payment is set to be released. This grant is to support students in paying educational and personal bills. This is not a loan so you will not be required to repay it. For claims Kindly submit the below to your payment officer Mr. Collin Weir (getcollinweir[@]outlook[.]com) 1. full names, 2. Mobile Number 3. Personal email 4. Name of University 4. Are you currently or previously enrolled in any other university/College aside from the University mentioned above? If yes kindly specify College/university name Important Note: As earlier mentioned, the response to this email must come from your personal email account(Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, iCloud, etc. ) and not your educational email. Also, this is a non-reply email and the claims application must be sent directly to Mr. Collin Weir ( getcollinweir[@]outlook[.]com). If you don’t comply with this simple instruction, it would seem that your eligibility for this grant will be disregarded. The payment process will begin as soon as we receive your claims application which you need to send to the details below.
Contact Person: Collin Weir
Contact Email: getcollinweir[@]outlook[.]com