New collection at Collins Library includes all the resources you need for #adulting in college!

LifeSkills_ImageGreetings, Loggers! Welcome (or welcome back) to the University of Puget Sound! We’re looking forward to seeing you in the library in the coming months.

This fall, we’re excited to bring you a featured collection of books and other resources to help you adjust to your new environment. Transitioning to university life can be challenging, and getting a handle on some basic life skills can help you cope with the added demands of college and prepare for a successful future.

The Life Skills Collection is a unique LifeSkills-booksassortment of materials, pulled together to help you find answers to everything you need to know about thriving on campus outside the realm of academics. Wondering how to get involved in extracurricular activities and make friends without maximizing anxiety? Not sure how to keep track of your money? Is it possible to survive eating pizza and ramen for a whole semester? (Maybe, but we don’t recommend it). The Life Skills Collection provides information and resources related to a variety of topics, such health and wellness; interpersonal relationships; personal finances; transitioning to college; developing cultural competency; understanding issues of diversity, equity and inclusion; bolstering self-esteem and developing leadership skills. We hope this new collection will aid and enable you to take ownership of your university experience!

The Life Skills Collection is located in the Learning Commons, on the first floor of Collins Library. Learn more on the companion guide devoted to the Life Skills Collection and discover many more resources at the University of Puget Sound!

 By Katy Curtis, Humanities Librarian

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The Woman in Cabin 10, the newest “twisty-mystery” from author, Ruth Ware

WomanCabin10Lo Blacklock, a travel magazine journalist, embarks on a weeklong luxury cruise with only a handful of cabins and sophisticated passengers. As she begins her journey into the North Sea, her stay is nothing but pleasant until she witnesses a dark event: a woman being thrown overboard.

However, all passengers remain accounted for and despite Lo’s attempt to speak about what she witnessed, the ship sails on.

Ware has created a thrilling and suspenseful mystery that will quickly make you forget about all of the thrills of a new school year. Pick up this read at the Popular Reading Collection now!

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From the Archives & Special Collections: A New Theme for the Puget Papers!

PugetPapersSome of you may remember the Puget Papers, a serial we published on a weekly basis on our Tumblr. In the fall semester, our chosen theme was “the ‘University’ in University Place,” which documented our school’s adventures from 1893-1903 while planning to create a permanent campus before we moved to our current location in 1923 (if you haven’t read it, you should).

This semester, we have an entirely new series that’s built a bit differently. This one is called “The One Who Knows,” as you may have guessed, and it sits more in the speculative fiction genre than nonfiction. Here’s our official introduction:

“While working in the Archives & Special Collections we often come across odd and just plain strange things. This semester the Puget Papers will feature a story that appeared in the student newspaper, the Trail, detailing the experience of a Puget Sound student who fell asleep in 1928 and woke up on campus in 2021.”

We’re also hoping to accept submissions from our readers for what kind of campus this student might be seeing. We’ll take photographs, stories, videos, predictions, links, questions, anything you can come up with; so make sure you read the story (which will post every Wednesday at 11 a.m. for twelve weeks) and either submit your ideas to our Tumblr’s submission box or tag us in a post using #towk (The One Who Knows). We look forward to seeing your interpretations of the story!

The Archives & Special Collections is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 12:00-3:00 p.m. or by appointment.

By Morgan Ford

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Events at Collins Library – Fall 2016


Friday, September 16: Susan Lowdermilk, Book Artist. Susan is a Professor at Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon where she has been teaching courses in printmaking, artist books and graphic design for two decades. As a book artist and printmaker, Susan works in traditional processes such as woodcut, wood engraving and etching as well as digital media. 5:30–7:00pm (Library Room 020)

Wednesday, September 21: Linda Marshall and the Art of Washi Paper. Linda will discuss the art of Washi as well as showcase examples of paper. This is very much a hands on session and paper will be available for purchase. 5:30–7:00pm (Library Room 020)


Friday, October 7:  Open Education Resources Conversation with Nicole Allen, SPARC Director of Open Education
Collins Memorial Library is hosting a discussion of Open Education Resources with Nicole Allen, Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) Director of Open Education. Ms. Allen is an internationally recognized expert and leading voice in the movement for open education. Starting during her own days as a student at the University of Puget Sound, she has worked tirelessly to elevate the issue of college textbook costs and access to education into the public spotlight and to advance openness as a solution in both policy and practice.

Ms. Allen’s career began in 2006 with the Student Public Interest Research Groups, where she worked with college students across the United States to organize numerous large-scale grassroots campaigns on college affordability and related issues. In 2013, Nicole joined SPARC to develop and lead a new program on open education, which has since evolved into a national network of more than 100 academic librarians and a robust advocacy portfolio spanning state, national and international policy. She also continues to work with students through the Right to Research Coalition and as part of the organizing team for OpenCon.

Topics will include potential benefits of Open Education Resources (OER), opportunities for library-faculty member collaboration in the realm of open education, and overcoming perceived barriers to OER adoption, but attendees are encouraged to bring whatever burning questions they have to the event. Library 020, Direct event inquiries to
Ben Tucker.

Saturday, October 8: So you want to write and illustrate a Children’s Book: A Conversation with Karen Robbins. Karen, an accomplished local author will share insights in the business of publishing and the creative process of writing and designing a children’s book.

  • *Family Story Hour: 10:00–11:00am: Karen Robbins will read her book Care for Our World (Rocking Chair Reading Room)
  • *Lecture: 12:00–1:00pm: So you want to write a children’s book? Conversation/lecture with children’s author Karen Robbins (Library Room 020)

Monday, October 10: Creating Futures through Magical Devices and Library Caravans: Participatory Design with Syrian Youth at Za’atari Refugee Camp. Karen E. Fisher, Professor, Information School, University of Washington.
(Library Room 020, 3:00-4:30pm, Lecture with Q&A Session at 4:00pm)

Wednesday, October 12: Vamp & Tramp. Our annual show & tell extravaganza of book arts. 2:00–3:30pm.  2rd Floor,  Angle Room.

Thursday, October 20: Opening Reception, 5—6:30pm
October 20, 2016 – January 2, 2017

  • Salish Bounty: Traditional Native American Foods of Puget Sound. A travelling exhibit from the Burke Museum, UW, supplemented with specimens from the Slater Museum at the University of Puget Sound, and gathering baskets from a private collector.  (Library Open Gallery)
  • Chandler O’Leary: Farm to Table. This exhibit will feature a series of illustrations, lettering, patterning and paper installations that highlight organic farming and the sustainable food movement in the South Sound region. From original sketchbooks to cut-paper pieces, the body of work illustrates the agricultural importance of our region and highlights the struggle to preserve farmland amid rapid suburban and industrial development. (Library Link)

Saturday, October 22:  Rocking Chair Room Story Hour – Fall Fun: 10:00—11:00am, Pacific NW Room

Monday, October 24: “Words in Dust and Literary Fireworks: Contemporary Chinese Book Arts.” Amanda Clark, art historian and scholar will showcase her research on this unique art form. She will cover several works of Chinese book art, broadly defined, including Xu Bing’s Where does the dust itself collect?, Wang Qingsong’s Crazy readers, and Cai Guo-Qiang’s One night stand, among other works that push the margins of how we define and categorize art. The presentation will consider a wide variety of works produced by contemporary Chinese book artists, the paradigms they push against, and the powerful global messages their artworks convey. 3:00–4:00pm, Library Room 020.

Saturday, October 29:  Rocking Chair Room Story Hour – Boo Fest! Halloween Fun: 10:00—11:00am, Pacific NW Room


Tuesday, November 8: Dead Feminists: A presentation and celebration of the work of Jessica Spring and Chandler O’Leary. Join us for this opportunity to learn about the project and see the newly released book by Jessica and Chandler. 4:00-5:00pm. Archives Lecture Space, 2nd Floor

Saturday, November 19:  Rocking Chair Room Story Hour – Giving Thanks:
10:00am—11:00am, Pacific NW Room


Saturday, December 3:  Rocking Chair Room Story Hour – Winter Wonderland:
10:00am—11:00am, Pacific NW Room

Monday, December 5: Diana Weymar:  Artists’ Books.
Collins Library in collaboration with the Puget Sound Book Artists Association, with support from the Chism Fund at the University of Puget Sound, is pleased to host a presentation by artist Diana Weymar, on her unique fabric and stitched books.
5:00—6:00pm, Room 020, Collins Memorial Library

December 14:  Laura Russell from 23 Sandy Gallery – “Pop-Up Now” Pop up Extravaganza
Pop-up books captivate and excite the child in all of us. They come to life as three-dimensional works of art hidden inside the pages of a book. Pop-Up Now II will feature handmade artist books that pop-up, move, slide, twirl, whirl, light up, or even sound off. This international, juried exhibition of handmade pop-up and movable artist books will delight viewers everywhere.  11:00-12:30pm, Collins Memorial Library, Second floor, Archives Lecture Space


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Collins Library Links: Welcome Back Edition: Part I


Welcome Back Edition: Part I

Outside the Archives & Special Collections, August 2016

Outside the Archives & Special Collections, August 2016

It’s been a busy summer at Collins Library, here are just a few of the highlights:

Archives & Special Collections:

The space enhancement project is well underway with the walls up for our Reading Room and Learning/Presentation spaces.  We still have a lot of “behind the scenes” work to complete, but we can already see how terrific this new space will be for users.

Digital Humanities:

On July 27, 2016, Collins Library hosted Digital Humanities/Digital Pedagogies: A NW5C Workshop, which was organized by Peggy Burge, Humanities Librarian and Coordinator of Teaching, Learning and Digital Humanities.  The 33 participants in the workshop came from all five colleges and included a mix of educational technologists, faculty and librarians.  Lightning talks highlighted an assortment of digital tools in specific pedagogical contexts.  Puget Sound faculty members—Katherine Smith in History and Alison Tracy Hale in English and Honors—explained how they have incorporated digital tools in their course assignments.  Two hands-on sessions were offered in the afternoon, one on “Using Scalar in Digital Writing, Publishing, and Exhibits” (facilitated by Peggy Burge) and the other on “Engaging the Classroom: Interactive Lecture” (facilitated by Technology Service’s Lauren Nicandri and Kaity Fain).  Want to know about the work we are doing in digital humanities?  Check out this LibGuide:

New Resources:

We have added many new electronic resources to support the curriculum, the KNOW overlay, and diversity:

Here’s a rundown of the new databases and collections that Collins now provides access to:

    • Includes the historical backfiles of the Chicago Defender.
  • EBSCO Upgrade (coming soon) which includes:
    • Upgrade to full text version
    • African American Studies
    • African Studies
    • Chinese Studies
    • Latino Studies
    • Political Science
    • A demographic data visualization and research website designed to engage users through dynamic maps and customizable reports.

Need Information? Don’t forget the Collins Memorial Library – Library Guides
Questions? Contact your liaison librarian
Comments: Contact Jane Carlin, library director
Remember – Your best search engine is a librarian!

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From internationally bestselling author, Jessie Burton: The Muse

TheMuseEngland, 1967. Odelle Bastien is a Caribbean émigré trying to make her own way in London. She begins working at Skelton Institute of Art and quickly discovers a painting rumored to be the work of Isaac Robles, a young artist whose mysterious death has perplexed the art world for decades.

Spain, 1936. Olive Schloss, the daughter of a Viennese Jewish art dealer, follows her parents to a poor village on the southern coast. She grows close to a young housekeeper, Teresa, and her half-brother Isaac Robles.

The Muse is a tale of intriguing mystery and vividly demonstrates the passage of time and the ways in which history can shape and change our lives. Now available in the Popular Reading Collection!

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From the Archives & Special Collections: Tales of The Hatchet


Students with The Hatchet in 1950

Welcome to campus, new and returning loggers alike, and a warm “Hack hack, chop chop!” to all! For you newcomers, are you wondering where this phrase comes from? Well, it could have something to do with our school relic, The Hatchet, which you can find displayed in a glass case in the Wheelock Student Center.

What is The Hatchet, and where did it come from? If you haven’t had the chance to read its story posted beside it in its case, here is a brief history of The Hatchet from The (previous) President (RonThom):

“Story goes that students found The Hatchet in 1908 in an old barn they were helping to demolish to make room for a new campus building. It was not just any hatchet. It was an old roofer’s hatchet. Those students intuitively recognized the thing as a sacred Logger relic, symbolic of their school. A hatchet is a small ax, useful in trailblazing and log hewing to be sure. But this hatchet was a special kind, designed to meld the past and the future by shaping things as well as by joining them.”

A tradition of originality still drives us every day and guides our plans for the future: that sense of the living presence of our past, that determination to never rest upon what has already been done but to build something upon it—make it new, different, better.

Chop, chop, hack, hack, and make it better. To me, that’s Puget Sound.” – Autumn Arches 2008

So what is this “tradition of originality” he speaks of? Well, since becoming a beloved logger relic in 1908, The Hatchet has been subject to many years of thievery over the last century. It became a campus tradition, only to reappear again when all hope is lost. Read about the tale of the last Hatchet heist of 2000 here.

After its most recent disappearance, as it has always been, The Hatchet was returned once again, just in time for the 100th year anniversary of its discovery. This tale is a little more mysterious; see if you can put the pieces together. For the intriguing tale of The Hatchet Men of ’08, click here.

If these tales have inspired you to participate in the tradition, beware of the ASUPS replica of 2006. Getting your hands on the real Hatchet may be harder than you think!

Yet this is just the tip of the iceberg for this dear relic. There are many stories to be told, and many that have yet to occur. If you are interested in The Hatchet history, come by the Archives & Special Collections in Collins Memorial Library to learn more! We have photographs, newspaper articles, and hundreds of other historical materials full of tales and traditions; you’d be surprised what you might find.

If you can’t wait any longer, see what clues you can find in our digitized photo collection on A Sound Past!

The Archives & Special Collections is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 12:00-3:00 p.m. or by appointment.

By Monica Patterson

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New in the Popular Reading Collection: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

HarryPotterNineteen years after the Battle of Hogwarts… Harry Potter is now an overworked employee of the Ministry of Magic, a husband, and a father of three school-age children. While Harry grapples with a past that refuses to stay where it belongs, his youngest son Albus must struggle with the weight of a family legacy he never wanted.

Jack Thorne and John Tiffany bring the magic of Harry Potter into the real world with a script that allows older fans to bask in the now familiar magic of the wizarding world while also opening the doors of Hogwarts to an entirely new generation of Harry Potter fans.

Continue the saga with Harry Potter and the Cursed Child!

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From the Archives & Special Collections: Back to School

CALLOUT_BackToSchoolSoon enough we will be going back to school. All the stores are stocked with school supplies and dorm decorations. Empty rooms are waiting to be filled with posters, mini fridges, lamps, and rugs. How easy it is today to get all of that stuff. Just hop on over to Target and you’re set. I wonder where students got their school stuff in 1947? This young lady is all moved into her room in Anderson Hall. While sitting on her bed, she is sewing. The room does not seem to be much different than dorm rooms today but I am sure not many people will be sewing in them. For more pictures of dorms and campus in the 1900’s visit A Sound Past or come by the Archives & Special Collections.

The Archives & Special Collections is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 12:00-3:00 p.m. or by appointment.

By Sierra Scott

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Limitless Possibilities: Ceramics @ Puget Sound Exhibit, August 15 – September 30, 2016. Organized by Ronda Peck

"Cat" - Hand built, Red Earthenware by Kendall Harman, ARTS 248

“Cat” – Hand built, Red Earthenware by Kendall Harman, ARTS 248


The students inspired me to organize a non-juried exhibit to display the many different types and styles of art work being created here at Puget Sound. I wanted to provide a place where “loggers” could showcase the results of our hard work from inside the ceramics building.

I was motivated by the artists featured in the Kittredge Gallery exhibits during the academic year. Going to hear the artists speak about their art and what motivated them, and what inspired them was a most genuine experience. The common denominator was obvious that each artist possess a true passion for what they are providing for everyone who sees it. During my first year at Puget Sound, I have seen so much talent emerge from the ceramic classes. When a piece is created from a person’s mind and then watch their hands attempt to design the piece from clay.

Phases of Dedication

There is so much hard work and dedication that occurs under one roof. Starting with gaining knowledge and experience with mixing a clay body from dry ingredients and water. Creating, reacting and forming the raw clay to better understand your own limits and possibilities as well as the clay. Learning and evolving as you keep moving forward towards your anticipated result. Surviving the heat working along the clay during the bisque fire. The next step is preparing your piece for glaze firing. This next step can be just as challenging as the building or construction process. Much like in the beginning, when we are mixing clay from dry ingredients, the glaze components are dry and in separate containers.   The science and chemistry involved at this phase is truly an entirely different world. Here is where you decide how colors will enhance the message you are conveying through your art. The final step is a very high heat exposure to the piece to ensure the chemicals in the glaze are going to perform as expected. The end result can be absolutely breathtaking and amazing.

My experience

I have been working with clay for approximately 4 years. I started out like most, I took a class in high school. Shawnee Heights High School in Tecumseh, Kansas. My teacher was Ms. Jan VanMeter. She was amazing! I never realized how much I was able to retain until I came here to Puget Sound and was met with the diverse types of clay, firing methods, and glazes.

Clay is so versatile. The possibilities are virtually endless. You can focus on something that is 2D or 3D. There are so many decisions to be made when creating a form. As long as you have an understanding of how clay needs a balance of moisture at the right times of forming and creating there is an opportunity to create for hours on end. There are so many delicate steps to getting a final piece.

About me

I am originally from Tecumseh, Kansas. Wanting to see the world was my dream and joining the United States Air Force was the best way to travel. I have lived in Texas and Germany and now Washington. My job in the USAF was a medical technician. My rank when I retired was an E-7, Master Sergeant. I served proudly and faithfully for 21 years and 3 months. It was an amazing adventure and what I miss the most are the people I met along the way. I retired in 2014 at Joint Base Lewis McChord, Washington, with my family and friends in the audience and my young son standing by my side. I was ready to put my military career in my past and challenge myself with a new adventure. Being a part of the Puget Sound student community has honestly been a very remarkable and rewarding experience.

Ronda Peck, Puget Sound student

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