From the Archives & Special Collections: Celebrating Archives Month!

October is Archives Month and we are excited to celebrate! According to the Society of American Archivists, “Since 2006, American Archives Month has given the profession an opportunity to tell (or remind) people that items that are important to them are being preserved, cataloged, cared for, and made accessible by archivists.” I believe the work of archives and archivists is incredibly important, and I encourage you to engage with us this month (and beyond!).

If you’re interested in engaging with archivists around the country, consider participating in #AskAnArchivist Day, which is today, October 3rd! #AskAnArchivist is an opportunity to speak directly with archivists from across the United States to learn about the work they do and why they do it. Head to Twitter, type in the hashtag, send a question, or just follow the conversation.


If you’re interested in learning more about the Archives & Special Collections department at Puget Sound, visit the library for pop-up exhibits this month. One of our staff members will be on the first floor of the library for the next four Wednesdays with some of our favorite items for you to explore.



Our pop-up exhibits will be up between 12-2:00pm on:

Wednesday, Oct. 3rd:     Green Beanies at Puget Sound

Wednesday, Oct. 10th:   Scrapbooks

Wednesday, Oct. 17th:   Alternative Student Newspapers

Wednesday, Oct. 24th:   Election Ephemera


The Archives & Special Collections is located on the 2nd floor of Collins Library and open Tuesday through Friday from 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. or by appointment.

By: Adriana Flores, Archivist and Special Collections Librarian

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Memory Lame: An Unforgettable Installation by Jessica Spring and Scott Gruber, Opening Reception Dec. 5, 6:00pm, Collins Library

Memory Lame,
Exhibit open October 22–January 25, Collins Library.

A multi-faceted installation by Jessica Spring and Scott Gruber, “Memory Lame” focuses on retention and loss of memory, and our collective knowledge. As humans we employ many memory aids—from digital apps to old-fashioned mnemonic devices—to readily access facts we need. Derived from the Greek mnēmonikos and related to Mnemosyne, the mythological goddess of memory, mnemonics make use of encoding, retrieval cues and imagery to better retain information. Ancient Greeks identified two types of memory: “natural” is inborn and used instinctively; and the other “artificial,” which one can train and develop. Commonly encountered mnemonics are often used for lists and in auditory form, such as acronyms or memorable phrases, but mnemonics can also be used in visual or kinesthetic forms.

Elements of the “Memory Lame” installation incorporate repurposed salvaged library journals and handmade paper. Abaca fiber is both strong and translucent, and includes a memory of its own formation, revealing papermaker’s tears and areas of waves that appear like wrinkles. Recycled journals—rendered replaceable with digital surrogates—serve a new purpose while still in their library setting. These materials take physical form in the river of forgetfulness, the fountain of knowledge, and a memory palace surrounded by mnemonic devices that connect with our collective knowledge.

“Memory Lame” was funded with assistance from the Tacoma Arts Commission, and the Morgan Conservatory. Supported and funded by the Collins Memorial Library, University of Puget Sound.

Jessica Spring learned to set real metal type in 1989 and has been a letterpress printer ever since, most recently inventing Daredevil Furniture to help other printers set type in circles, curves and angles. Her work at Springtide Press—artist books, broadsides and ephemera—is included in collections around the country and abroad. She also collaborates on the Dead Feminists broadside series with illustrator Chandler O’Leary. Their book, “Dead Feminists: Historical Heroines in Living Color” is available from Sasquatch Books. Spring has an MFA from Columbia College Chicago and teaches book arts at Pacific Lutheran University.

In the early 1980’s Scott Gruber received formal training in how to see, understand what is being seen, and how to create objects & spaces that enhance what other people see. He earned a BFA in Sculpture from St. Cloud State University which translated to more than three decades of creating functional and non-functional three-dimensional art, ranging from jewelry, interior accessories, water features, totemic sculptures, and entire landscapes. Squeezed into this timeline is the operation of a commercial poultry and sheep farm which ended in 2017, and the ongoing nursery operation specializing in culinary and therapeutic plants. Under the name Calendula Farm & Earthworks, Scott feels very fortunate to get paid for playing in the dirt with rocks & sticks & things.

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Collins Library Links – Special Edition: Focus on the Race & Pedagogy Conference


Collins Library Links – Special Edition
Focus on the Race & Pedagogy Conference

Librarian Lori Ricigliano has put together a number of useful resources associated with the upcoming Conference.  We encourage you to share this information with your students and colleagues.  We are also pleased to announce a special student issue of the Race & Pedagogy Journal described below.

2018 Race & Pedagogy National Conference Library Guide
This guide includes works by keynote speakers featured at the 2018 Race and Pedagogy National Conference with links to full text articles and video clips. The books are on three day reserve. In addition there are conference related links and information about conference exhibits in the library.

2018 Race & Pedagogy National Conference PreK-12 Educators Personal and Professional Resources
This collection of print and non-print resources was compiled by teachers, university faculty, and community members who collaboratively developed the PreK-12 Teachers and Students Unlearning Racism strand as a part of the 2018 Race & Pedagogy National Conference. It is a starting place for continued exploration about centering race and unlearning racism.

Coming soon!  A special student issue of the Race and Pedagogy Journal will feature the work of individual Master of Arts in Teaching students’ experiences with race and racism during student teaching in K-12 classrooms in Spring 2018.

Need Information? Don’t forget the Collins Memorial Library – Library Guides
Questions? Contact your liaison librarian
Comments: Contact Jane Carlin, library director
Remember – Your best search engine is a librarian!

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From the Archives & Special Collections: 2018 Race and Pedagogy National Conference

Members of the Japanese Students’ Club, 1941

Beginning this Thursday evening, the University of Puget Sound and the Race & Pedagogy Institute will be hosting the fourth Race & Pedagogy National Conference. This year’s conference is centered on the theme of “Radically Re-Imagining the Project of Justice: Narratives of Rupture, Resilience, and Liberation,” and will feature a variety of poster presentations, speakers, performances, and exhibitions. Held on the Puget Sound campus every four years, the RPNC was created with the mission of providing teachers and students with the necessary tools for thinking critically about issues of race and advancing terms and practices that will allow them to act to eliminate racism.

In the Archives & Special Collections, we are honored to be participating in this conference in several ways. Over the past month, I have been working on curating an exhibit about the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II, with an emphasis on the 36 Puget Sound students who were among those excluded from the West Coast. The exhibit is divided into three sections: before incarceration, incarceration, and remembrance.

The first section highlights the successes of the Japanese American community in Tacoma and on the Puget Sound campus; in Tacoma’s Nihonmachi (Japantown), Japanese American businesses thrived and the Japanese American students on the Puget Sound campus were active in all aspects of campus life. However, racism still loomed in the background in the form of Japanese exclusion leagues, anti-Japanese immigration laws, and general prejudice.

The evacuation notice posted in Pierce County,
notifying Japanese Americans of their
impending evacuation.

This racism reared its head in the wake of the attack on Pearl Harbor, leading to Executive Order 9066, which allowed the federal government to exclude groups of people from certain areas of the country during wartime. This brings us to our next section: incarceration. In May 1942, Japanese Americans were “evacuated” from the West Coast, sent to “assembly centers” near the areas of exclusion, and then removed to “relocation centers” further away. Conditions in these camps were unacceptable: detainees lacked privacy and adequate food, family units were broken down, and the physical environment was extreme and inhospitable.

After incarceration, few Japanese Americans returned to Tacoma, but their legacy on the Puget Sound campus still exists, bringing us to the section on remembrance. The grove of cherry trees on campus has been maintained and replanted since 1939, when the original members of the Japanese Students’ Club (never revived post-incarceration) donated the original trees. In 2009, the university bestowed honorary degrees, Nunc pro Tunc (something that is done at one time that should have been done at another time), on the 36 incarcerated students.

The exhibit, entitled “Looking Like the Enemy: Japanese American Incarceration during World War II,” will be located outside of the A&SC on the second floor of Collins Memorial Library for the remainder of the fall semester. Come check it out!

Also, if you’re interested in learning about how archives relate to the mission of the RPNC, Archivist & Special Collections Librarian Adriana Flores will be participating in a panel discussion on Friday at 1:30pm in the Archives Seminar Room titled “The Liberated Archive: Creating Inclusive Spaces for All Histories”.

The Archives & Special Collections is open Tuesday through Friday from 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. or by appointment.

By Julia Masur

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Peer Research Advisors for Fall Semester 2018

Marcelle Rutherfurd ’19 and Lindsey Rachel Hunt ’19 are Peer Research Advisors in Collins Library for Fall Semester 2018. Their primary focus is to help first-year students find resources for the research paper in the Seminars in Scholarly Inquiry and in other introductory courses. One of them will be available for drop-in research questions Sundays through Wednesdays, 7:00pm-9:00pm in the Collins Library, Room 118.

For more information:

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An aspiring journalist becomes an advice columnist

Emmeline Lake and her best friend Bunty are doing their part for the war effort and trying to stay hopeful despite the German planes that make nightly raids. Emmy dreams of becoming a Lady War Correspondent and when she spots a job advertisement in the newspaper she seizes her chance. Instead, she finds herself typing letters for Henrietta Bird, a renowned advice columnist of a magazine. Mrs. Bird has one rule: letters that have any unpleasantness are to go in the trash. But as Emmy reads the desperate pleas from different women, she begins to secretly write back to the readers who have spilled out their troubles.

Check this book out from the Popular Reading Collection!

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From the Archives & Special Collections: Behind the Archives Door: Exploring Artifacts from the 1989 Tiananmen Square Protests, September 20, 2018, 3:00–4:00pm, Archives Seminar Room, Collins Library

Tomorrow, September 20th, is our first “Behind the Archives Door” event of the year! Join us to explore the Egge Collection on China, which contains materials dating from 1987 through 1990, collected by Claire ’57 and Don Egge ’55, two Puget Sound alums who lived and taught in China during the late 1980s. The collection is centered on the democracy movement in China in 1989. It contains newspaper clippings, maps, pamphlets, government policy publications, and posters. Generally, the collection is useful for examining aspects of Chinese life and culture including education, politics, and economics. A lot of the collection consists of English-language newspapers from China, so you don’t have to be able to read Mandarin to take advantage of this collection!

For this event, we will be focusing on the documents specifically relating to the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, which were part of a larger democratic movement in China. On June 4, 1989, students protested against Deng Xiaoping’s decision to minimize the funeral of a top government official, Hu Yaobang, who had supported the democratic movement. The Chinese government suppressed the protest using armed force, which led to civilian casualties.

Dr. Anthony Clark of Whitworth University, who will be giving the talk, specializes in East Asian history with a focus on late-imperial China. His research centers on the interactions between China and the West in China. Previously, he has worked with the Egge Collection transcribing some of the student posters.

To learn more about the Egge Collection and to hear Dr. Clark’s perspective on the collection and the Tiananmen Square protests, come to the Archives Seminar Room on the second floor of the library from 3:00-4:00 PM, Thursday, September 20. We’ll see you there!

The Archives & Special Collections is open Tuesday through Friday from 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. or by appointment.

By Julia Masur

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Fall 2018 Zine Series, Tuesday evenings from 5:00-6:00pm, Archives & Special Collections and the Makerspace

Join Collins Library for an informal series of reading hours and drop-in making sessions on Tuesday evenings 5:00-6:00pm in the Archives & Special Collections and the Makerspace!

9/25      Race & Identity Reading Hour @ A&SC
Get to know the Collins Library Zine Collection and browse zines related to this year’s Race & Pedagogy National Conference

10/2      Intro to Zines @ Makerspace
Come for a brief history of zines and learn how to make a one-page zine on 8.5 by 11 paper, create and share

10/23    Social Justice Reading Hour @ A&SC
Passionate about a social justice issue? Come browse our zine collection to discover new ideas and perspectives on an issue that matters to you.

10/30   Zine Design @ Makerspace
Fundamentals on page layout, design, and simple binding techniques + space to practice with your own creation

11/6      Self-Care Reading Hour @ A&SC
Need some time to reflect and relax? Explore our zine collection to find materials that are mindful, inspiring, and sometimes even funny.

11/13   Collaboration and Work Space @ Makerspace
Bring in an in-progress project and make! In our last drop-in hour we will print, cut, and finalize your zine.

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Letters From Mississippi, Thursday, October 18, 5:00–6:00pm, Archives Seminar Room, 2nd Floor, Collins Library

Behind the Archives Door event:
Dennis Flannigan, former Washington state legislator and pioneering Tacoma community leader, will be visiting the Archives & Special Collections to discuss his time at Puget Sound and his experience as a civil rights worker in the 1964 Freedom Summer campaign in Mississippi. In the Fall of 1964, Flannigan wrote a series of letters to his friends at Puget Sound and they were published in The Trail as a series titled “Letters from Mississippi.” Join us to hear Flannigan reflect on his past of civic engagement and peruse documents from Puget Sound’s past.

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Veritas Editions presents Puget Sound Book Artists the story of our journey, Sunday, November 18, 2:30–4:30pm, Archives & Special Collections Seminar Room

Veritas Editions Introduction
Veritas Editions is honored to present the Puget Sound Book Artists the story of our journey in Fine Press Artist Book Editions. Veritas Editions is dedicated to the beauty in truth, and the truth in beauty. Formed in 2015 by photographic artist Craig Alan Huber, Veritas Editions’ goal is to communicate the message of truth through the publication of premium limited editions of combined word and image. As we live in an increasingly digital, texture-starved world, Veritas Editions strives to bring that texture back into our lives with fine prints, papers, and materials matching the raison d’être of each publication.
The goal is to treat the artists as equal partners in such endeavors. We employ a novel funding approach for the production of these hand-crafted editions, one akin to that of a Co-Op, in which the artists as a collective and Veritas Editions each contribute equally to the cost, and each share equally in the profits.
Works from Veritas Editions are in permanent collections including the Vatican Library, the Huntington Library, the National Steinbeck Center, Carmel Mission Foundation, Stanford University Special Collections, UC Berkeley Bancroft Library, four State Libraries of Australia, the Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain; and in private collections throughout the US, Mexico, Europe, and Australia.

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