By Ella Frazer ’18

It’s that time of year, Loggers, and this will be my final blog post as CES’ Peer Advisor—and as a student at Puget Sound. With graduation just days away, I thought I’d reflect on some of the things I’ve learned in CES and share some tools I’ll be using moving forward.

I may not have a post-grad position lined up quite yet, but I’m getting ready to move to San Francisco, and I’m still exploring the types of positions and organizations where I could see myself finding success. Plus, I know that if I get stuck—even in San Francisco—CES still offers resources for recent graduates seeking entry-level positions, and they offer appointments by phone or over Skype.

In the year and a half that I have worked for CES, I’ve done the personality and skills assessments, poured over the cover letter and resume guides, and spent a lot of hours in the Career Advisor’s offices. I’m confident that I will be able to find an opportunity that fits me because I’ve put in the work to recognize my professional strengths and I know what types of environments and opportunities I want to work with.

Looking for a job isn’t necessarily difficult, it just takes time to find something that really fits.

CES has shown me how to use job boards and how to network—in person and through platforms like LinkedIn (and there’s still time for the advisors to show you, too).  Puget Sound’s Alumni Sharing Knowledge Network on LinkedIn is an invaluable resource for students looking for information about specific positions or employers. If you have a first or second connection on LinkedIn with someone who is doing something you’re interested in, send them a message or ask your mutual connection to introduce you—alumni are especially willing to help because they’ve been in your shoes.

But even if you’re not quite at this point in your search, sometimes all it takes is sitting down and outlining goals. Some resources that you might find helpful include the Odyssey Planning Worksheet from Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, or utilizing the SMART method for goal setting. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-Focused, and Time-Bound. These are highly specific goals that outline real, functional steps to get you where you want to be.

Wherever you are in your process, know that CES is here to support you even after graduation. And although I’m not quite sure what I’ll be doing in six months, I know that you will go on to do great things.

Thanks for reading, best wishes, and see you at graduation!

Image Credit | Ross Mulhausen
© 2018 Career and Employment Services, University of Puget Sound