By Ella Frazer ’18

Not sure if the Career Fair is for you? Nervous about attending? Here are the Top Four Lessons I learned from attending Puget Sound’s recent Fair:

1: Employers aren’t just hiring seniors for full-time work. While Career Fairs are great for seniors seeking post-graduation opportunities, organizations are also looking for students of all ages to fill part-time and internship roles!



2: Recruiters are friendly—and some are Logger alumni! Attending Career Fairs and networking with students is part of what these people do every day. Don’t be afraid to tell them a little about yourself, ask questions, and learn about their organization. They want to talk to you!



3: Recruiters have insight to share. Maybe you’re a good fit for a role that isn’t posted yet, or you’d be perfect for a particular department. Recruiters have knowledge about the organization and hiring process that isn’t available online, which gives you an advantage over other candidates!



4: You can reach out to recruiters via LinkedIn. Did you have an interesting conversation at the Fair? Connect on LinkedIn and follow up. Recruiters want to see that type of initiative from students. (CES can help you quickly get your LinkedIn profile up and running.)



Bonus: CES staff members are ready to offer guidance, take a quick look at your resume…and give you that extra boost of confidence. Did you know CES has their own table at the Career Fair? Professional staff members are ready and waiting to check in with you before and after you talk to recruiters. Drop by for a pep talk, for suggestions about who to talk to, or for advice on how to follow up. The CES team is there for you!

Photos | Ross Mulhausen
© 2018 Career and Employment Services, University of Puget Sound