[Completed] Monthly Production Patch Maintenance – Sunday, 10/14/12

The October Server Patch Maintenance has been completed at 10:55 a.m.

The next scheduled maintenance is a Quarterly, the Pre-Production tentatively set for 11/1/2012 from 7 am to 9 am, and Production Server Maintenance tentatively set for 11/11/2012. A separate blog will be posted, prior to the maintenance performed.

The monthly production patch maintenance is scheduled for Sunday, October 14, from 3:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Most services may be intermittently or entirely unavailable, including:

  • Email
  • Personal and departmental file shares (on Alexandria and Merlin2)
  • Database applications that include Cascade
  • Web services such as www.pugetsound.edu, cs.pugetsound.edu, and Moodle
  • vDesk
  • Print Services
  • Merlin2 server migration between 2:30am Saturday morning and 2:30am Sunday morning older version of user files may appear due to the data migration. At the end of this migration and period of time the files will be back up to date.

An update will be posted once server maintenance has been completed.