Hello My dear Blog Followers!
I know in my last post I promised to continue my English-teaching story, but when I sat down to write about it today, I just couldn’t keep my attention focused. It was an unbearably hot day, the kind of hot where you would really like to just take a nap in the shade, but even there, the heat prevents you from ever really nodding off. I ended up spending the majority of my day hiding in the shadows of my house trying to become intimate friends with the cold cement wall and floor, ha ha ha. Though at my host sister’s suggestion, I did take a scalding shower which rather strangely cooled me off later, though it felt unbearable at the time.
Anyways. This is all to say that my promised blog on teaching English is still to come, but in the mean time, I want to send along a little note updating my life. I am dead center in the middle of my Independent Study Project for the SIT program, and have been interviewing lots of Moroccans/spending a great deal of time reading sociolinguistics papers. Ha ha ha, and now that the majority of my research is actually completed, I am staring down the prospect of writing the whole paper. Which I am happily procrastinating for. Because as the paper deadline approaches, so too does the date of my departure from Morocco, and the friends I have made here. To compromise, I spend my evenings attempting to read and write for the ISP, my mornings are used for sending e-mails home and in general, keeping up to date with the world (ha ha, even if I, er, am not keeping the world up to date with me) and my days are spent doing random activities I either have not had a chance yet to do (such as visiting the Roman ruins just outside of the city walls), or that I have enjoyed and wish to do a few more times before I leave (walking through the exotic gardens or visiting the culture and arts center).
For example, tomorrow morning I am going to go swimming in the ocean with my sister, as we both agreed that another day of heat like today would simply be suicide to try and sit through. And on Saturday I might venture out with a few friends from the Association where I volunteer and go explore the Moroccan night scene. I have neglected to join any of my American peers for this particular adventure as of yet, feeling that a group of three American girls would just provoke…eh, more interesting nights that I am willing to encourage. However, going with a pack of Moroccan guys I have come to know and love really well, as well as (what seems to be) the only female member of the association, I feel much safer and relaxed. Ha ha, perhaps I question more fundamentally the intentions of my American peers, seeking to go out drinking or clubbing in Morocco, than I do Moroccans seeking to go out and dance with a group of friends.

The ruins of a mosque built on top of the ruins of a Roman city, crowned by African storks; it was great!
Anyways, this is all to say that second entry on teaching English is yet to come, I have not forgotten it, and I have a dozen other stories that I should be telling, but have not (and if I am honest with myself and my readers, probably won’t, because I am too busy living them!).