
PSBA 2014 group photo for blog

When I strolled up the steps to Collins Memorial Library  five minutes early for the 2014 Puget Sound Book Artists annual meeting on January 15th , I was already late.   As I opened the doors, I was unprepared for the energy already emanating from the room.   Synergy might be a better word to describe  what I felt.     From the far flung corners of Puget Sound they had gathered this night with a purpose, whether to show their newest creations, talk about new ideas, purchase a cherished item from the silent auction table,  or perhaps simply to leave the rest of the world at home and mingle with other book artists.

I don’t believe anyone left disappointed.  The silent auction with it’s eclectic selection of journals, paper, and anything related to the book arts was twice as successful as the previous year.  While some gathered to make business card holders with Rochelle Monner and Bonnie Egbert, others laid out current projects or items of interest and talked about new ideas.  The new Puget Sound Book Arts business cards designed by PSBA member Mark Hoppmann were set out on a table for distribution to the membership and everyone was treated to a presentation by Jennifer Kennard about her exhibit Campfire Tales currently on display at Collins Library.  Last but not least, following the board members presentation about what had been accomplished the past year and what we could look forward to for the next, Rochelle Monner,  PSBA President emeritus was presented with a glass orb from Jane Carlin for her past and future contributions to the Puget Sound Book Artists and the book arts.  Congratulations, Rochelle!

As I left for the evening, I was reminded why I enjoy working with this organization so much.  Here’s to another successful year for the Puget Sound Book Artists!


Jane Carlin presents an award to out-going PSBA president, Rochell Monner for her past, present, and future contributions to the book arts.

Annual Meeting

Karren Perrine, Elicia Peterson, Lynne Knopp, and Rochelle Monner mingle and converse at the 2014 Puget Sound Book Artists Annual Meeting

2014 PSBA auction

Deb Creveling anxiously looks over the bids at the silent auction table


PSBA Business Card Front Final Version copy

The New Puget Sound Book Artists Business Card featuring a book design by Lynne Knopp


Blog by Mark Hoppmann
Photo Credits: Mark Hoppmann
































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Art Of The Book Symposium: March 15, 2014

horizon_splashPuget Sound Book Artists, in association with the Northwest Chapter of the Guild of Book Workers and the Book Arts Guild  is pleased to host a one day symposium dedicated to the Art of the Book.

This symposium is being held in conjunction with the Guild of Book Workers Horizon Exhibit which will be on display at Collins Library, University of Puget Sound, from February 3 to March 30, 2014.

Date: March 15, 2014 Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Location: University of Puget Sound ( 9:00 – 1:00), Pacific Lutheran University: (2:00 – 4:00) Registration Fee: $40 for members, $55 for non-members ( continental breakfast and lunch included in registration fee) Registration opens January 16th at 9am.

This event coincides with the exhibit, HORIZON, that is on display in the Collins Memorial Library Feb.3 – Mar.30, 2014. This is part of a two-year national tour and the Guild’s triennial members’ exhibition. Collins Library is the only venue in the Northwest to host the exhibit which features 53 works. The Horizon Exhibition honors the legacy of the book workers’ craft and celebrates some of the finest examples of book arts today. Founded in 1906, the Guild of Book Workers has over 900 members today and is the only national organization dedicated to all of the book arts, including  bookbinding, conservation, printing, papermaking, calligraphy, marbling, and artists’ books. At a time when the masses are considering the materiality of the book and its presence or absence as a  physical object, it is exciting to showcase the many hand crafts of the book form. Whether by contemplating the apparent horizon, personal horizons, or the horizon of the book as a physical  object, the Horizon exhibitors created works that demonstrate conceptual integrity and the strength of a practice in craftsmanship.


9:00 – 10:00: Coffee and continental breakfast in the exhibit space in Collins Memorial Library. Have the opportunity to view the show and meet and greet with fellow attendees.

10:15 – 12:15: Presentations by three of the artists whose work is represented in the exhibit. Tahoma Room, Commencement Hall, University of Puget Sound.

* Susan Collard: Susan Collard is an architect and book artist in Portland, Oregon. She has been making one-of-a-kind collaged and constructed artist’s books since 1991. Her work has been featured in many group shows, and is in a number of private and library collections.

* Suzanne Moore: Suzanne Moore is a book artist who fuses eclectic interests in the creation of her work. Working with the Wales-based team, led by Donald Jackson, Suzanne is one of three Americans who created contemporary interpretive illuminations for the Saint John’s Bible, the manuscript commissioned by the Abbey at St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota, and completed in 2011. Suzanne’s work is exhibited widely, and her books have been acquired for private and public collections in the U.S. and Europe

* Monica Holtsclaw: Monica Holtsclaw received a Diploma in bookbinding from the North Bennet Street School in Boston, Massachusetts, She specializes in hand bookbinding, restoration, and the creation of custom boxes and enclosures.

12:15 – 1:00 : Buffet Lunch. Enjoy conversation along with some Book Arts Trivia.

1:00 – 2:00 Free time to re-visit exhibit space and travel to Pacific Lutheran University. Travel time is approximately 30 minutes.

2:15 – 4:00 pm. Tour the Elliott Press at PLU which recently celebrated thirty years and print a special keepsake. Presentations by:

Jessica Spring: Jessica Spring is the Resident Artist and Manager of Elliot Press at PLU and the proprietor of Springtide Press. Jessica has been designing, papermaking and printing for more than twenty years. She has an MFA from Columbia College. Her work is included in numerous collections throughout this country.

Chandler O’Leary: Chandler O’Leary is a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), and the proprietor of Anagram Press – a small business built on the notion of doing everything the hard way. Specialties include lettering, illustration and printmaking. Chandler is the author/artist of the illustrated travel blog,  Drawn The Road Again, and one half of the collaborative team behind the Dead Feminists series. ( Jessica Spring is the other half)

General Information: Parking/Directions/Lunch

All participants will be sent parking information once registration is confirmed.
Buffet Lunch will have plenty of options for vegetarians.

Directions to Collins Memorial Library, University of Puget Sound:

Directions to Pacific Lutheran University, ( Art Building):

Space is limited. Registration required ($40 members/$55 non-members). Lunch and coffee included in registration fee.   Registration opens January 16th at 9am at

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January 15th: Save The Date!

PSBA Silent Auction     As if the excitement of the Holidays wasn’t enough, the Puget Sound Book Artists Annual Meeting is less than a month away.  Perhaps meeting is the wrong word.  Calling the event the Puget Sound Book Artists Annual Party might be more apt.  More than just your typical, run of the mill, garden variety annual meeting, it is also an opportunity to meet our newest members, display and discuss your newest work or projects with fellow artists, enjoy a snack or refreshment, and support the PSBA by renewing our membership and bidding on those gotta have items at the silent auction, all while learning about the programs and workshops planned for 2014.

If all or part of the above is not enough to induce everyone to attend the festivities, then take note.  Some surprises have been included in this years meeting.  As most of you may already know, artist and designer Jennifer Kennard will be discussing her current exhibition at Collins Library, Camp Stories.  As for the other surprises, well they wouldn’t be surprises if I told you what they were.  You will just have to come and see.  Let’s just say you will not leave disappointed.  See you there!

The Puget Sound Book Artists Annual Meeting

January 15th:   6:00 to 8:00 pm. 

Collins Memorial Library
The University of Puget Sound



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Camp Stories, Illustrated


Gladiola Flowers

As a book artist and illustrator, I am always impressed with those artists such as Gladiola Flowers who could immerse themselves in their vision and create an encompassing body of work in such a short period of time.  For some it would be viewed as an obsession.  For Glady Flowers, it was obviously a labor of love.  The work seen in Camp Stories, Illustrated, including the journal, was created from memory in the span of one month in 1983.  This marks the first time the work has been publically exhibited since their initial creation that year.  Chronicling a special time in her life, Glady Flowers, who legally changed her name at the age of 83, chose to write and illustrate her family’s adventures of the family cabin, commonly known as the camp at Sunrise Beach at the height of the Great Depression.   Drawn with an aging hand, but seen through the eyes of a young girl, Camp Stories, Illustrated was created with mostly a neutral palette reflecting the greyness of the times.  Exhibiting her interpretive work alongside her mother’s  in the exhibit, Jennifer Kennard had this to say about her mothers work:Company_every_Sunday_600   “Glad’s choice to work mostly in black, white and grey palette may or may not have been a conscious choice, however she mentioned several times about how dark and dismal the Camp was back then.  This greyness evoked the Hard Times experienced by her family and others during the economic crash of the 1930’s.  To myself, many of the images recall the WPA era and even the more refined work of Thomas Hart Benton and others.  Far more, I think some of these images were considered to be just studies, so she could just get thoughts and recollections on paper before she painted them in oils as she hoped to do.” Glad would frequently work her images all the way to the edge of a sheet of paper.  Not just continuing horizon lines, but she had action and details included up to the edge.  This is far more unusual than you might believe, given that most unskilled artists tend to concentrate the action in the middle of a page…”

For a more comprehensive overview of the body of work, visit:

image001 copy

Camp Stories, Illustrated

An exhibition of drawings and true stories about one Northwest family living during the Hard Times of the 1930s. Narrative artwork by Gladiola Flowers, and daughter, Jennifer Kennard, on display November 6th through January 14th, 2014, at the University of Puget Sound Collins Memorial Library, Tacoma WA.

Jennifer Kennard

Jennifer Kennard speaks about her mother’s work, November 16th 2013 at Collins Library, the University of  Puget Sound.

Exhibition Viewers

Visitors arriving at the exhibit of Camp Stories, Illustrated
Collins Library, the University of Puget Sound November 16th, 2013

Blog: Mark Hoppmann
Photo Credits: Mark Hoppmann

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Congratulations to the Puget Sound Book Artists!

AMOCAT GlobeOn October 28th, the Puget Sound Book Artists  were honored by Mayor Strickland and the City of Tacoma with the 2013 AMOCAT (that’s Tacoma spelled backwards for the anagramatically challenged) Award for Community Outreach at the annual Art at Work Party in Tacoma, Washington.  Their simple mission statement, “…to further the knowledge, practice and understanding of the art of the book by means of educational activities including but not limited to exhibits, lectures, and workshops. ” only just begins to describe the  dedication and commitment of it’s members in promoting the book arts.   The strength of their commitment lies not in numbers but in their diversity.   Who are the Puget Sound Book Artists?  They are printers, librarians, journalists, artists, writers, publishers, typographers, illustrators, poets, educators, papermakers, administrators and more, each artists in their own right who are dedicated to enlightening the world of the art of the book.  Congratulations Puget Sound Book Artists!  Let’s keep doing what we do best!

Intellectual property of the City of Tacoma, WA.  Republication prohibitedFrom Left to Right: City of Tacoma Deputy Mayor Marty Campbell, PSBA Vice-President Jane Carlin, PSBA President Rochelle Monner, and City of Tacoma Mayor Marilyn Strickland
Photo: Property of the City of Tacoma


Group Photo IMembers of the Puget Sound Book Artists attending the Art at Work party with the AMOCAT Award for community outreach.  From left to right; Deborah Greenwood, An Gates, Jan Ward, Lily Richmond, Amy Ryken, Randi Kander, Jane Carlin, Holly Senn, Rochelle Monner.
  Photo credit: Mark Hoppmann
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Autumn Daze

Every now and then, a month comes along where everything clicks and all of the hard work seems to come together (or maybe just all at once).   October has been one of those months.  It has been a month of preparations, exhibitions, presentations, and finally,  rewards for work well done.     Maybe once October is behind is, we call sit back and take a deep breath….but I doubt it.   In the meantime, the month is not over yet.  Scroll down to see what you might be missing.

Sparrow, 2013October 7-November 9th
New Work by Holly A. Senn
Kittredge Gallery
University of Puget Sound
Gallery Hours: 10am-5pm M-F Sat. 12pm-5pm

For more information:

Be sure to visit to find out more about he artist


dorothy_mccuistionSeptember 23-December 10
Dorothy McCuistion prints: Old Friends in a New Place”
Gig Harbor campus of Tacoma Community College
3993 Hunt St. NW, Gig Harbor, WA
Reception: October 23, 4 – 6:30 pm
Hours: M-Th 8am – 9pm and Fri 8am – 5pm

To find out more about the artist and view her work visit:


ArtAtWork-Logo Monday, October 28th
Tacoma Art at Work Party
The Puget Sound Book Artists will be presented with the 2013 AMOCAT Award for community outreach!
Foss Waterway Seaport, 705 Dock Street, Tacoma Washington

If you wish to attend, be sure to click on this link to rsvp!

And last but not least, even though The Tacoma Studio Tours as part of Art at Work month are in November, they are  just coming up too fast to ignore:

November 2-3, 11am-5pm

The Tacoma Studio Tours


Visit the studios of PSBA members: Dorothy McCuistion, Leann Seaburg Perry, Holly Senn, Deborah Greenwood, Lucia Harrison, Jessica Spring, Chandler O’Leary, Lynne Farren, and Mark Hoppmann. for additional information, visit:  Tacoma Arts Commission Face Book page,   www.ArtAt, and the  Tacoma Arts word press blog


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Black Bird Nest, 2013

You don’t have to be an avian to appreciate Holly Senn’s latest exhibition, SCAVENGED, currently at Kittredge Gallery on the University of Puget Sound campus.  Arriving early at Kittredge Gallery to listen to Holly speak about her latest work, I was captivated by the intricacy of her newest creations.  While careful not to copy nature verbatim, Holly uses printed pages torn from discarded library books, glued together, and retorn again in seemingly endless strands of paper woven to create sculptures reminiscent of actual birds nests.

Working from a variety of sources, including personal photographs, observation, and many visits to the Slater Natural History Museum at the University of Puget Sound, Holly creates her art with endlessly woven strips of paper created from her collection of discarded library books.   While genre plays little or no role in creating her pieces, age, color, and texture are important factors.

Holly sums up her newest exhibit best when she says, “I am fascinated by how birds collect a variety of materials and bring them together to make nests. In “Scavenged” I explore how knowledge can be re-purposed; I turn text into objects, objects into shelters, and shelters into text by using book pages to create nests. The scavenging and assembling processes of nest building are similar to what I do when I make ephemeral sculptures and installations. I find discarded books, tear out their pages, and then re-fashion them into new structures”.

While you may have missed the opportunity to hear the artist speak about her work, there’s still time to hear the artist speak to you through her work.   To find out more about the artist, her work, and the current exhibition, visit Holly’s website

Above photo: Blackbird by Holly Senn
Photo credit: Duncan Price
blog by Mark Hoppmann

SCAVENGED: New work by Holly Senn 

October 7-November 9

Kittredge Gallery, the University of Puget Sound

Gallery Hours 10am-5pm M-F, 12pm-5pm, Saturday

For more information and directions:


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An Evening with Beau Beausoleil and Friends

Beau Beausoleil IILast evening, I (and many others) were treated to a rare opportunity of listening and visiting with three speakers who talked about the Al-Mutanabbi  Exhibition running currently at Collins Memorial Library at the University of Puget Sound.  Bonnie Thompson Norman of discussed the broadsides and book she created for the project, Laura Russell, a PSBA member,owner of the 23Sandy Gallery in Portland, Oregon, and also one of many artists worldwide to contribute work to the exhibition, discussed how she was moved to take a part in the exhibition, and most importantly, we took special pleasure in listening to and visiting with Beau Beausoleil, visionary and curator of the Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here Exhibit who discussed how the exhibit came to be.

Arriving at Collins Library last night, I already knew on March 5, 2007 a car bomb exploded on Al-Mutanabbi Street, the historic book center of Baghdad named after a 10th century Arab poet.  I knew thirty people had died that day with over a hundred maimed and injured, and I knew life on Al-Mutanabbi Street would never be the same.  What I didn’t know was how the Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here Exhibition came to be until Beau Beausoleil began to speak.

When Beau Beausoleil first heard of the bombing is was from the New York Times.  He waited for a response and when none came, he knew he had to do something.  .  Phone calls and emails followed as Beau tried to organize letterpress operators into printing broadsides about the calamitous event.  It wasn’t until Beausoleil made contact with Sarah Bodman Senior Research Fellow for Artists’ Books at the Centre for Fine Print Research (CFPR), in the United Kingdom, who with a simple,”What can I do to help,” the project began to take on a momentum, if not a life of it’s own.

What began as a solicitation for broadsides became an appeal to poets, book artists, printers, art organizers, all over the world to contribute.  What began as a simple appeal turned into a world wide event made up of 260 artists books exhibited simultaneously in exhibitions in Europe and the United States.  Beau Beausoleil’s work is not yet complete.  There is much yet to be done, whether in the form of lectures, workshops, or additional exhibitions made up of printmakers and other artists.  In closing last night, Beau wanted to make one thing clear; “The Al-Mutanabbi Street Exhibition is not a memorial, but rather an opportunity so that every time you read a book, it is Al-Mutanabbi Street speaking to you”.

Epilogue:  a small degree of normalcy is starting to return to Al-Mutanabbi Street in Baghdad, but it does not yet have the openness it once had.  There are curfews and raids by the police who worry that being too open may invite yet another bombing like the one it experienced in 2007.  It will take time.

Please take the time to read Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here, edited by Beau Beausoleil and Deema Shehabi.  There are many websites to visit as well about the exhibition, including: as well as:   And by all means visit the Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here exhibition at Collins Memorial Library at the Unviersity of Puget Sound which runs for two more weeks until October 31st.

Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here

Collins Memorial Library, University of Puget Sound

August 19, 2013 – October 31, 2013

Laura Russel and Bonnie ThompsonLaura Russell, Bonnie Thompson Norman, and others, discuss Bonnie’s work related to the Al-Mutanabbi Exhibition, October 16th at Collins Memorial Library.

DSCN5852“The Usual Suspects”

From Left: Beau Beausoleil, Bonnie Thompson Norman, Laura Russell, Jane Carlin
Mark Hoppmann & Jane Carlin contributed to this blog
photo credits: Mark Hoppmann


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Paper Trails

Each of us handles dozens of pieces of paper each day.  Paper is such a pervasive part of our lives that we rarely think of it as anything other than a work-a-day surface for commercial print or a quick pencilled note.  PAPER TRAILS offers the opportunity to explore paper in new and different ways.  On view will be hand-made and hand-embellished papers, fine calligraphy, hand-made art books, letter press items, origami, unique cards and gifts, and imaginative paper designs and fabrications.  Several vendors offer items for sale.

The Second Annual Paper Trails

Saturday, October 19th, 11-4 pm
Kings Books
218 St Helens Avenue, Tacoma Washington.

       Several vendors will demonstrate old and new paper techniques.  Two make-and-take tables offer hands-on projects for adults and kids.  Information about local groups involved in these pursuits are featured.  Event sponsors are Tacoma Calligraphy Guild, Tacoma Book Artists, and Puget Sound Book Artists.  PSBA recently received the 2013 AMOCAT Arts Award for Community Outreach by an Organization, due, in part, to its support of events such as Paper Trails.   This event is open to the public (of all ages) and free. For more information, visit

       Puget Sound Book Artists who will be participating in this event, either as vendors or demonstrators and volunteers include Mitzi Lindgren, Lynne Farren, Randi Parkhurst, Debbie Greenwood, Pat Chupa Chandler O’Leary, Nancy Brones, Rocheele Monner, Kim Izenman, Mary Preston, and Karen Perrine.

Karen Perrine, Lynne Farren, & Rochelle Monner, Puget Sound Book Artist members, contributed to this blog

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Tacoma Art at Work Party & Amocat Awards

image004Tacoma Arts Commission Announces 2013 AMOCAT Arts Award Winners

The Tacoma Arts Commission has announced this year’s AMOCAT Arts Award winners: Erivan and Helga Haub and family (Arts Patron), Puget Sound Book Artists (Community Outreach by an Organization) and David Domkoski (Community Outreach by an Individual). The AMOCAT Arts Awards honor those who provide distinctive contributions to the arts in Tacoma.

  • The Arts Patron award goes to Erivan and Helga Haub and family for their investment in the arts in Tacoma. In 2012, Tacoma Art Museum announced a major donation by the Haub family of 280 outstanding works of Western American art, along with endowment funds for the care of the collection and a 16,000 square foot museum expansion.

The Haub family gift of a world-class art collection will have a lasting legacy on the Tacoma community and greater region, elevating the city’s reputation as a cultural destination. As the only Western American art collection of this caliber in the Pacific Northwest, the Haub family gift will provide a new dimension of cultural offerings to our region and make more prominent the diversity of the city’s many cultural offerings.

“As the history of the Northwest is inextricably embedded within the history of the greater West, the Haub Collection will strengthen the meaning, value and historical perspectives of Northwest art within the broader art historical context of American art,” said TAM Executive Director Stephanie Stebich.

  • The Community Outreach by an Organization award goes to Puget Sound Book Artists who, since 2010, has been carrying out its mission to create a spirit of community among book artists and those who love books. The organization has exhibited a deep and ongoing commitment to creating a welcoming and educational community for book artists of all skill levels to collaborate and share their work with the public.  

      Perhaps the most publicly visible work of PSBA is its annual juried book arts exhibition, which continues to grow each year.  “There are limited venues for book arts to be displayed, so we feel strongly about the opportunity to showcase the book arts,” said PSBA President Rochelle Monner.   

     PSBA strives to increase educational opportunities for individuals and foster excellence by bringing book arts experts to Tacoma for lectures and workshops. Professional development also comes from within PSBA’s membership, which works collaboratively to self-produce exhibition catalogs and provide professional support to its members.

  •  The Community Outreach by an Individual award goes to David Domkoski for his dedication in bringing the arts to Tacoma through his work in local theater and through his job at the Tacoma Public Library.

“You know that quote, ‘Find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life?’” said Domkoski. “I have two jobs like that.”

Domkoski has directed theater for Tacoma Little Theater, Lakewood Playhouse, Northwest Playwrights Alliance, Tacoma Community College, Tacoma Repertory Theater, and Tacoma School of the Arts. In 2012, he created Assemblage Theater to produce provocative, quirky and challenging plays – including Pericles Snowdon’s “Bluebeard” and Mark O’Rowe’s “Terminus” – that explore the endless possibilities of live theater.

Having served as the Tacoma Public Library’s community relations manager since 1987, Domkoski is responsible for the Handforth Gallery – featuring the work of local, regional and nation visual artists including Alfredo Arreguin, Jacob Lawrence and Mary Randlett.  He has worked tirelessly to bring free literary and performing arts experiences to the community through the library – featuring book talks by major American authors including Ray Bradbury, David McCullough and Sherman Alexie; concerts of all types including classical guitarists, brass bands and marimba ensembles; and the community-wide reading program – Tacoma Reads Together – with programs and events designed to engage the community in conversations around important issues.

Awardees will be honored at the annual Art at Work Opening Party on Oct. 28, from 6 – 8:30 p.m. at the Foss Waterway Seaport (705 Dock St.). Mayor Marilyn Strickland will present the awards starting at 7:15 p.m.


In addition, there will be live entertainment at this event that includes music by Taxi Driver, a molten iron pour by Tacoma Community College, contemporary dance by the BareFoot Collective, urban arts by Fab-5, poetry by Tacoma Poet Laureate Lucas Smiraldo, films by Kat Ogden and Carla Barragan, and a hands-on public art project with Diane Hansen. Attendees can experience the newly-renovated Foss Waterway Seaport which includes a new public art piece – “Lot 411” by Bret Lyon – and there will be appetizers, dessert and a no-host bar.

This free public event is sponsored by Click! Cable TV, the Greater Tacoma Community Foundation, Tacoma Weekly, KPLU, Weekly Volcano, Premier Media Group and Foss Waterway Seaport. Visit for more information.

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