Left to Right: Gabby Cooksey, An Gates, Kim Izenman, Hidde Van Dyum, Lynne Knopp, Jan Ward, Lynn Skordal. Not Pictured: Mari Gower
Take a cake, a cellist, banners, a memorable keepsake printed by Jessica Spring of Springtide Press, add a room full of artists, guests and patrons, and 44 handmade books created by 28 book artists, and you have yourselves a party. June 4, 2015 marked the opening reception of the Puget Sound Book Artists 5th Annual Members Exhibition at Collins Library on the University of Puget Sound campus in Tacoma Washington. After five years, the organization had much to celebrate. From a small group of five individuals, the Puget Sound Book Artists has grown to over 80 members and in 2013 was the recipient of the AMOCAT Award for community outreach by an organization. To date over 60 mini-workshops, lectures, presentations, exhibitions and other PSBA related events have been hosted or sponsored by the Puget Sound Book Artists, with more already scheduled into 2016. As I said, we had much to celebrate.
This year’s exhibition was curated by PSBA members, An Gates, Lynne Knopp, Jan Ward, and Kim Izenman. Congratulations to Mari Gower for the Recognition of Excellence Award bestowed by Hidde Van Dyum for her work, Circle or Zero, Gabby Cooksey for the Collins Library Award awarded by Peggy Burge, Eli Gandour-Rood, and Katie Henningsen for Monsters and Beasts , and Lynn Skordal for the Curator’s Choice Award given by An Gates, Jan Ward, Kim Izenman, and Lynne Knopp for Smoke. The award books were created by Jan Ward, Kim Izenman and Debbi Commodore. And last but not least Congratulations and Thank You to all the artists who participated in this year’s exhibition for making it so memorable. I can’t wait for the next five years.
The Fifth Annual,
Puget Sound Book Artists
Member’s Exhibition
June 4th -July 30th
Collins Library, the University of Puget Sound
Conversation with the Artists
Wednesday,June 17th, 5:30-7:30
Trimble Hall
Panel Discussion,
The Artists Vision: From Idea to Completion
Thursday, July 16th, 5:30-7:30
Collins Library, Room 020
All events are at the University of Puget Sound
Library hours: pugetsound.edu/libraryhours
Click here for campus map:
To view an online catalog of the exhibition, visit the UPS website.
To order your own catalog of the exhibition, visit Blurb.com
Scroll down for more pictures from the opening reception!