Original Phishing Message

Tips for Detection
- Note the sense of urgency (e.g. 6 hours, final deadline).
- The generic message (e.g. All EDU users) should be suspicious.
- Hovering over the link does not take you to a University of Puget Sound website. Always use caution before clicking on links in emails.
- Legitimate messages from Technology Services regarding password expiration will be sent 14 days prior.
Text of Phishing Message
From: anthony.salvana[@]nhs[.]net
IT SUPPORT Announcement
All EDU users are advised to VERIFY their login information due to the phishing emails circulating. You have less than 6 hours remaining before time runs out! (FINAL DEADLINE)
Username: Use your .Edu credentials (@.edu)
If you have problems logging in, use the support email below for assistance from the system administrator.
Support email: SUPPORT[@]ADMIN[.]EDU
Access via mobile device or computer