Original Phishing Message
NOTE: If you received the following message, please delete it and do not click on the link.
From: noreply[@]docusign[.]net
Subject: Susan Groeneveld sent you a document to review and sign

Tips for Detection
- This phishing email is difficult to spot since it appears to come from a @docusign[.]net email address. If you are not expecting to receive a message for eSignature or you do not recognize the person or company, err on the side of caution.
- The link in the email went to a page on docusign[.]siesafe[.]com. Remember, the last part of the website before .com is where the website is actually hosted. Even though “docusign” appears in the URL, if it is docusign.someotherwebsite.com instead of ending with docusign.com, that should be suspicious.
- With DocuSign, avoid fake links by going directly to docusign.com and using the unique security code that will be in legitimate DocuSign notification emails. More tips on avoiding DocuSign phishing emails: https://www.docusign.com/trust/security/incident-reporting.
Text of Phishing Message
From: noreply[@]docusign[.]net
Subject: Susan Groeneveld sent you a document to review and sign
Susan Groeneveld sent you a document to review and sign.
Susan Groeneveld
Good afternoon [username],
I hope you’re doing well. I’m attaching the renewal quotes for your Commercial General Liability and Excess Liability policies to review. There is a significant increase from last year; this is due to the payroll exposure increased by 89.3% as confirmed by you. Please let me know if you have any questions or changes to make. In order to issue the policies we will need the following items back:
- Signed quote/acceptance – attached
- Payment Details
Once we have all of these items we can request the policies be issued.
Thank you for the opportunity to renew your business!
Susan Groeneveld
Sr. Account Manager
Select Business Unit (SBU)
500 N Central Expressway, Suite 550
Plano TX 75074
d: 972-413-2770, ext. 2770
e: Susan[@]AssuredPartners[.]com