Original Phishing Message
NOTE: If you received this message, simply delete it and do not click on any links. The message is not legitimate.

Tips for Detection
- Notice the maroon caution banner prepended to the message. This banner is added on messages that match patterns of other phishing attempts.
- The email is not sent from an @pugetsound.edu address.
- The entire body of the email is a hyperlinked image (instead of text) which should be suspicious. This is a method used by attackers to bypass email spam filters.
- Though the hyperlinked text appears to be for a pugetsound.edu site, hovering over the link reveals that the true destination goes to the URL securehelpinfo[.]com.
- Technology Services will not ask you to click a link to “avoid login interruption.”
Text of Phishing Message
From: mcdoashl[@]gvsu[.]edu
Subejct: UPS out of date
Your UPS account settings are out-of-date. To improve all student/faculty/staff account user experience, privacy policy update is required to avoid login interruption.
Privacy Policy Action Required now