Original Phishing Message
Note: If you received this message, please simply delete it. This message is NOT legitimate. Do not reply or click on the links contained in the email.

Tips for Detection
- Notice the maroon Caution banner prepended to the message.
- The message did not come from an *@pugetsound.edu email address.
- Updates regarding the university’s response to COVID-19 will be available on the website: https://www.pugetsound.edu/emergency/university-response-covid-19.
- Remember – do not enter your Puget Sound credentials on sites you do not recognize or on online forms.
Text of Phishing Message
From: ENelson[@]pierce[.]ctc[.]edu
Subject: Covid-19 Benefits
In response to the current hardship in the community due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Employee Assistance Program has decided to support students and employees.
The Employee Assistance Program will pay $4,500 to all eligible students & employees, as COVID-19 support, starting from, Tuesday, February 15, 2022.
Visit the Employee Benefits page and login with your school email to submit your application.
Note: The Employee Benefits Program is available to all students and employees.
COVID-19 Support Team
Employee Assistance Program