Original Phishing Message
If you received this message, please delete it as it is NOT legitimate. Do NOT click the link or submit any information.

Tips for Detection
- Legitimate emails regarding your Puget Sound password will come from ts-no-reply@pugetsound.edu. You will receive more than two days notice on an impending password expiration, and you’ll never be contacted by an individual from Technology Services about your password.
- This sender is an individual from outside the university — note the sending address.
- This email contains grammatical errors and typos with no forms of contact. Official TS emails will include our email and extension.
- The link added to the message does not lead to a Puget Sound site, but rather an online form.
Where Did the Link Lead?
The link goes to a form on share[.]hsforms[.]com, and prompts you for your username, email, password, and a password confirmation. Never submit passwords on any form.
Users should note the suspicious formatting of the word “password,” likely as an attempt to evade automatic spam protection.