Original Phishing Message

Tips for Detection
- Notice the “Caution” banner pre-pended to the message. Technology Services adds this banner to messages that match patterns of previous phishing emails.
- Beware of .htm or .html attachments as they usually open a webpage designed to trick you into entering your credentials which will then be sent to the attacker.
- Double check the sender’s email address and do not reply, open attachments, or click links if you are unsure who the sender is.
Text of Phishing Message
Subject: .pugetsound/Ongoing_PaymentINV084767289** Schedule for today July 30, 2021, 12:26:15 PM
From: cwynkoop[@]ci[.]pinole[.]ca[.]us
Received: – July 30, 2021, 12:18:32 PM GMT
Documents transcript record data Received
Sender Details:
DTMF/DID: + [username removed]
Resolution: Normal
Type: Attachement.
Reference #: -#INV0489473646-94.EFX*