Original Phishing Message

Tips for Detection
- The university does not add a “safe senders” banner to email messages.
- The university does not utilize a fax to email service at this time. Therefore, if you receive an email saying you received a fax to your office phone number, the message is likely not legitimate.
- The email contained a .htm attachment. Always use caution with .html or .htm attachments as they are heavily used in phishing attacks. Never enter your credentials on a webpage you do not recognize or trust.
- Notice the sender’s display name and email address being mismatched.
Text of Phishing Message
From: dmiller[@]keelermiller[.]com
Subject: Pugetsound-FAX-72912659 | July 21, 2021
This sender has been verified from pugetsound.edu safe senders list.
New Faxed Documents Received For [name removed].
You have been faxed 3 documents) from (976 976) – 57**.
Pages Check #02933 front and back Copy PDF.
Received July 21, 2021
To view Fax, please refer to attachment and authenticate user to enable instant access to all your fax messages on
the go.