Original Phishing Message
Note: If you received this message, please simply delete it as it is not legitimate. Do not click on links or enter your credentials.

Tips for Detection
- Notice the “Caution” banner prepended to the message. This indicates that the email matches patterns of previous phishing attempts. Always use extra caution if you see this banner.
- Beware of cloud file sharing links that you are not expecting especially if the file name has an extremely generic title like “docx”.
- Notice the discrepancy between the text in the body of the message claiming that “Isiaah Crawford Shared a file” versus the actual sender being “Melissa Barna”
Text of Phishing Message
From: MBARNA[@]ebnet[.]org
Subject: MELISSA BARNA shared “docx” with you.
MELISSA BARNA shared a file with you
FWD:Isiaah Crawford Shared a file with One Drive
docx [link removed]
This link only works for the direct recipients of this message.
Open [link removed]