Original Phishing Message
Note: If you received this message, please delete the message and do not open any attachments or reply to the email. This message is NOT legitimate.

Tips for Detection
- The sender’s email address is relay[@]call67249894382[.]com. Legitimate messages from Human Resources will come from a pugetsound.edu email address.
- “Puget Sound” is spelled “Pugetsound” in this message. Along with other typos, this should be suspicious.
- Always use caution with attachments that have a HTM or HTML file extension type. They likely contain a self-contained webpage that will attempt to steal your Puget Sound credentials. Never put in your username or password on sites that you do not recognize.
Text of Phishing Message
From: relay[@]call67249894382[.]com
Subject: Pugetsound Update at 21 May, 2021
Hi [name removed],
As a recap for an update to the Pugetsound Employee Benefits Eligibility Policy, appended in this is a duplicate of our Core Values and Operating Behaviors.
Pugetsound Representatives in the accompanying business division(s) are qualified for the Pugetsound EMPLOYEE BENEFITS as depicted in this appended Policy. Every representative will be considered answerable for these qualities to guarantee our proceeded with development and achievement.
Kindly review and approve the compliance section so we can proceed.
Pugetsound HR Department