Original Phishing Message
Note: If you received this email, please delete the message and do not click any links. The email is not legitimate. For more information about similar scams, please see https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/irs-warns-university-students-and-staff-of-impersonation-email-scam.

Tips for Detection
- Notice the “Caution” banner prepended to the email.
- The IRS does not generally initiate contact via email, text message, or social media.
- Hovering over the hyperlinked text shows a suspicious URL outside irs.gov: https://main[.]dnryov2fkyjam[.]amplifyapp[.]com/.
- Tax refunds are not paid by credit card as the email would indicate.
- The email address spoofs an @pugetsound.edu address. Note: no account was compromised.
Text of Phishing Message
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Dear Applicant,
After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity, we have determined that you are eligible to receive an extra tax refund of 944.79 USD
Please submit the tax refund request and click here by having your tax refund sent to your account in due time.
Claim your refund now [link removed]
Refundable Amount: 944.79 USD
Payment Method: By Credit Card
After completing the form, Please submit the form by clicking the SUBMIT button on form and allow 5-9 business days in order to process it.
This email was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming email.
This is an automatically generated email.
Please do not reply as the email address is not monitored for received mail.