Original Phishing Message
Note: If you received this message, please delete it and do not respond. The email is not from President Crawford.

Tips for Detection
- Notice the “Caution” banner preprended to the message. This indicates the message matches patterns of previous phishing emails and comes from outside the university’s email system.
- Though the display name says “Isiaah Crawford”, the email address is a random @gmail.com address. If you receive emails with the display name of a campus member but an email address that is not @pugetsound.edu, please use caution.
- There are numerous typos/errors in this email.
- This type of email is a phishing attempt impersonating a campus member in the hopes that gift cards would be purchased. Generally speaking, do not purchase gift cards or bitcoin when requested via email.
Text of Phishing Message
From: fty908072[@]gmail[.]com
Subject: Response
H i [name removed]
I’m planning to surprise some of the staff with Gifts, for their hard work and dedication to the company, Your confidentiality will be appreciated however. I need you to get a purchase done, Email me once you get this.Thanks
Isiaah Crawford
sent from my mobile device