Original Phishing Message
From: Puget Sound <viktoriia.zemliak[@]uni-osnabrueck[.]de>
Subject: New returned messages

Tips for Detection
- Always hover over links in emails. The link in this email goes to dacewebsolutions[.]com/sitemap/hilight/login[.]pugetsound[.]html. This is not a Puget Sound site nor the site to check university email.
- The message was sent from viktoriia.zemliak[@]uni-osnabrueck[.]de. Legitimate notices about your account will generally come from an @pugetsound.edu address.
- Many phishing emails contain messaging claiming that you have new voicemails, rejected/quarantined emails, required maintenance, deactivation of accounts, etc.
Text of Phishing Message
From: Puget Sound <viktoriia.zemliak[@]uni-osnabrueck[.]de>
Subject: New returned messages
Recipient: [username]@pugetsound.edu
(3) new e-mails were returned to the sender(s) due to maintenance.
Please follow below link for a preview of failed messages.
View Here
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Thank Yου.
University of Puget Sound.