Open Access Week is October 20-26, 2014

OpenAccessWeekOpen Access Week, a global event now entering its eighth year, is an opportunity for the academic and research community to continue to learn about the potential benefits of Open Access, to share what they’ve learned with colleagues, and to help inspire wider participation in helping to make Open Access a new norm in scholarship and research.

“Open Access” to information – the free, immediate, online access to the results of scholarly research, and the right to use and re-use those results as you need – has the power to transform the way research and scientific inquiry are conducted. It has direct and widespread implications for academia, medicine, science, industry, and for society as a whole. Read more about Open Access Week 2014.

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Music in the Library: Flute, Cello, & Harp Trio – Friday, Oct. 24 at 3 p.m.!

MusicOct24Music in the Library:  Flute, Cello, & Harp Trio
Friday, October 24, 2014
3-3:20 p.m.
Collins Library Reading Room
Performance by Bronwyn Hagerty, Whitney Reveyrand, and Frances Welsh

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Sound Ideas – Open Call for Submission: Race and Pedagogy

Callout_RandPSound Ideas is launching a new online publication, the Race and Pedagogy Journal. Submit your scholarly article, creative writing, personal narrative, and artwork via the “Submit Article” link on the Race and Pedagogy Journal site at The submission deadline is November 1, 2014 for the winter issue.

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Advice from Liz Roepke ’15, Peer Research Advisor: Get started on your final papers/projects!

CALLOUT_LizAdvice_Oct17Okay, I know you’re SO EXCITED that it’s almost Fall Break so we have a long weekend coming up, and I know you reeeeeeally don’t want to do anything but relax and have a good time, but… you should really do some homework over break.

I know, I know, it’s called a “break,” it’s supposed to be time off!

Trust me on this one. Finals are basically around the corner, and if you have final papers/projects/presentations in any of your classes (your SSI, perhaps?), I promise those deadlines will come sooner than you think.

If you’re a die-hard procrastinator and can’t get anything done without a stressful deadline looming (like yours truly), set deadlines for yourself! Make an appointment with me or with one of our liaison librarians for research guidance to make sure you have excellent sources before you begin writing (or once you’ve started and you realize you need more). Then make an appointment (or a few) at the Center for Writing, Learning, and Teaching to have someone look over your rough draft and final version of your paper. That way, you’re still accountable for that work being done by a certain day. (Don’t skip your appointments!)

If you really think you have a handle on your final projects, then do some studying. Make sure you really understand the material in your classes that you’ve learned so far by:

  • Actually doing the textbook reading you were assigned.
  • Making a “cheat sheet” of all the important points on every topic you’ve studied so far in each class.
  • Re-reading articles you discussed in class to remind yourself what they said – and what your classmates and professor said about each one.
  • Reading through your notes and making a list of the topics you don’t totally understand (maybe you just got back a midterm test you didn’t do so great on), and make an appointment with your professor to come ask them questions next week when classes resume.

I know you don’t want to, but doing a little homework here or there – sitting on an airplane/bus/train, doing flashcards with your friend in the car on your roadtrip – will really decrease your stress level when we get back. I promise!

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Library Link of the Day: The Future of the Book [The Economist]

BigCallout_LinkoftheDayRead about The Future of the Book [The Economist]. Papyrus to pixels: The digital transformation of the way books are written, published and sold has only just begun.

Library Link of the Day  (archive, rss, subscribe options)

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From the Archives: Cross Currents

Crosscurrents_scarsToday I learned that in the Archives & Special Collections we have something called, Crosscurrents. I found it particularly interesting, as they are a published collection of student works, ranging from poetry, photography, art, music, and much more.

In Crosscurrents students get a chance to share their opinions, work, talents, and experiences, and be individual crosscurrents; leaving their mark for others to see. A poem from the 2002 Fall issue of Crosscurrents:


Eternal storytellers

Each one significant

Each one a story

Some point in

Life where something

Life happened

And it left a mark.

-Pearl Crandall


By Monica Patterson

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Metal-Urge Activity on Display October 13 – November 16

CALLOUT_PetraknifeWhile you’re in the library, be sure and visit the display “Metal-Urge Activity” by Petra Winnwalker. Below is the artist statement.

‘Daily Practice’

As the title suggests, this body of work was developed literally by creating a piece each day. This process allowed for a freedom and spontaneity that I often struggle to find in the permanent and sometimes rigid, medium of metal.These challenges are the very things that are beautiful about metal, however, at times they also keep me stuck in the planning process, distanced from it’s expressive potential. Moving at an almost urgent pace, and calling upon the guidelines of the Art Deco movement’s use of line, shape and symmetry, this body of work took shape.

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Blind Date with a Book – is back!

CALLOUT_BlindDateIn celebration of Fall Break, Collins has decided to bring back “Blind Date with a Book” to encourage you to spend your vacation with one of our wonderful Popular Collection titles. We’ve wrapped up a variety of titles, giving you just enough details to peak your interest. It’s a fun-and daring-way to catch up on that reading you always want to do but just don’t have time for.

If going on a blind date with one of these titles is too risky for your liking, stop by the Popular Collection anyway and keep your eyes open for new additions. We’re sure you will find it worthwhile!

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You can’t believe everything you find on the Internet!

BIGCALLOUT_EbolaRead this article from the Washington Post: Popular on Amazon: Wildly misleading self-published books about Ebola, by random people without medical degrees.

In the past 90 days, some 84 people have self-published Ebola e-books on Amazon. And many of the books — almost all of them, in fact — contain information that’s either wildly misleading or flat-out wrong.


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Who Leads Us? General election just a few weeks away, November 4th, 2014

PopulationWith the next general election just a few weeks away, November 4th, 2014, government representation should be on all our minds.  The Women Donors Network has just released a really interesting report titled “Who Leads Us.”



“Our goal is to provide the American people with a way to measure our progress toward a democracy where our leaders reflect the people they serve. The data you see presented on this website comes from a first-of-its kind exploration of the race and gender composition of more than 42,000 American elected officials, conducted in the Summer of 2014. This data was analyzed in comparison to Census data, confirming that the face of America’s leadership bears little resemblance to our country’s population.”

71% of elected officials are men, 90% are white, and 65% are white men.

White men are 31% of the U.S. population but hold 65% of all elected office.

White men have 8 times as much political power as women of color.

Much more can be found at:

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