Collins Library Links: End of the Semester Edition – Focus on Archives & Special Collections


End of the Semester Edition:
Focus on Archives & Special Collections


Additions to the Archives & Special Collections:

  • DuBois, W.E.  Burghardt (Editor), The Crisis: A Record of the Darker Races, March 1930. Vol. 37, No. 3. New York: NAACP ( 1930)
  • Raymond, Harry, The Ingrams Shall Not Die! Story of Georgia’s New Terror, New York: Daily Worker (1948)
  • Corréard, Alexandre, Narrative of a Voyage to Senegal in 1816 (1818)
  • Florence Crittenton Magazine, Devoted to Rescue Work Among Women (May 1903; July/August 1903; October 1903; December 1903; May 1904)
  • More than 530 photographs documenting all aspects of campus life 65 years ago during the year 1949 were added to during fall semester.  Check out some of our favorites:

Early Spring 2015 Events:

  • February 2 – June 15, Women from the Archives & Special Collections exhibition,
    Located on the second floor of the library, this exhibit will feature women authors, activists, scientists, and artists whose works are held in the University of Puget Sound Archives & Special Collections.
  • Tuesday, February 3, at 4:00pm, Behind the Archives Door featuring Collecting the Northwest: Archives, Indians, Missionaries, and the Curation of Plateau Cultural Heritage, Trevor Bond, Head of Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections at Washington State University Libraries.

Missionaries to the inland Northwest created the earliest and most substantial archives of Plateau Indian culture. This illustrated presentation examines how collectors with varied motivations amassed American Indian cultural materials. Power and wealth influence who acquires collections and where collections reside often resulting in the geographical dispossession of cultural heritage.  However, recent work centered on digital repatriation may provide one method for connecting cultural heritage with their respective communities.

Stay in Touch:

Stay Tuned for More:

  • Does the name of the town of University Place have anything to do with University of Puget Sound? Yes, it does, and the full story will be available this spring.
  • In anticipation of Kittredge Hall’s 75th anniversary celebration John Finney, retired Associate Dean and University Registrar, with Laura Edgar and Professor Linda Williams, Art & Art History, will be producing the Historical Guide to Kittredge Hall as a small pamphlet.
  • The Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas (LMDA) papers are currently being arranged and described by Maddie Faigel ‘15, the collection will be available for research in spring 2015.

Need Information? Don’t forget the Collins Memorial Library Library Guides
Questions? Contact your liaison librarian
Comments: Contact Jane Carlin, Library Director
Remember – Your best search engine is a Librarian!


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Check out ARTstor’s Renaissance Studies Collection


Bathers at Asnières (1884) by Georges Seurat, 1859 – 1891

ARTstor’ s Renaissance Studies Collection includes a selection of 100 images of the art and architecture of Renaissance Europe, including prints, drawings, paintings, sculptures, buildings, fresco cycles, and other forms of architectural decoration.

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Good luck on finals and best wishes for the new year!

BIGCALLOUT_HappyHolidaysGood luck on finals & best wishes for the new year! Have a fun holiday – see you next semester!

Image from the Collins Memorial Library Special Collections

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The most spectacular libraries in the world


The Rococo ceiling of the Theological Hall at Strahov Abbey was added 40 years after the room was initially completed; the masonry vaulting offered a degree of protection from fire – a huge problem in medieval and Renaissance libraries as coal or wood fires were used for heating. (Picture: Will Pryce)

View some unique libraries at their best. See more images at The most spectacular libraries in the world.




In the remote Buddhist monastery of Haeinsa is preserved the Tripitaka Koreana, the most complete corpus of Buddhist doctrinal texts in the world, dating from 1251. (Picture: Will Pryce)









Camouflaged into its surroundings, the library at Liyuan, two hours north of Beijing, has a facade of flexed twigs wedged between rusty steel rails. Inside, bookshelves are used as floor, stairs, seats and tables. (Picture: Will Pryce)


Portugal’s João the Magnanimous astonished the rector of the University of Coimbra by telling him that his request for help towards library facilities was too modest; the lavish result was financed with gold reserves that had been recently discovered in Brazil. (Picture: Will Pryce)

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From the Archives: Mapping a Path

mapsMaps tell us where we are and show us how to get to where we want to go. They give us a picture of what is around us. There can be maps of buildings, maps of towns, or maps of the world. Really, a map can be any size, shape, and color. While scanning the many books in the Archives & Special Collections, I came across a giant book titled, America in Maps. This book is a collection of, you guessed it, maps! But I am pretty sure you will not be able to find these on Google. These maps date from 1500 to 1856 and are done by many different people. Every map is different. Some are in color, others are black and white. Some are drawn with great detail, while others are clear and to the point. Even though all of these maps are unique, they all show history and give a sense of place. Come check out these beautiful maps in the Archives & Special Collections!

By Sierra Scott

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Just in! “Carbide Tipped Pens” Edited by Ben Bova and Eric Choi

CarbideTippedPensFrom more than a dozen masters of the genre come seventeen tales of hard science fiction to form Carbide Tipped Pens. The collection contains titles from an impressive roster of authors, including Howard Hendrix, Nancy Fulda, Daniel H. Wilson, and many others! They’ve come up with new tales for today’s most avid sci. fi. reader, incorporating the latest scientific developments and discoveries.

From ancient China to the Oort Cloud, this compilation of science fiction gems is sure to impress. Check out Carbide Tipped Pens and the rest of the sci. fi. titles in the Popular Collection.

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The Civil Rights Act of 1964: A Long Struggle for Freedom

CALLOUT_CivilRightsActThe Civil Rights Act of 1964: A Long Struggle for Freedom

Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Library of Congress in Washington DC is currently hosting an exhibition, with an accompanying web site, that contains a wealth of information, photos, multimedia and documents that explore the history of the civil rights movement in the United States.

“This exhibition, which commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964, explores the events that shaped the civil rights movement, as well as the far-reaching impact the act had on a changing society. The act is considered the most significant piece of civil rights legislation since Reconstruction. It prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in voting, public accommodations, public facilities, public education, federally funded programs, and employment.”

View a copy of the original ‘Civil Rights Act of 1964 from the National Archives.

Major Features of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 can be read at CongressLink, along with a case history outlining the legislative action that led to the act.

And of course many fine books and articles can be found about the Civil Rights Act by searching ‘Primo Search’ at the Collins Memorial Library.

By Andrea Kueter, Social Sciences Librarian

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Spotlight on: Time management at the end of the semester

CALLOUT_TooManyBooksBy Liz Roepke, Peer Research Advisor

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays: it means I get to go home to spend time with my family, eat delicious food, and forget about my school work for a couple precious days. And for a little while, I can pretend I’m on winter break.

But then I get back to school, and reality sets in. Exams. Class projects and term papers are due. Then even more exams. Where did all my time go?! I thought I had another week to work on that paper! I thought there were a couple more lectures before our test! Ahhh!!

Every year, I tell myself I won’t let myself be taken by surprise when the last day of classes comes around and I have to seriously start preparing for my final exams and papers. Now you might be asking yourself: “But how do I do that? I have so many projects and exams I don’t even know where to start!” Here are a few ideas:

  • Write out a list of everything you have to do before the end of the semester, when it’s due, and how long it will take you to complete it. While planning for exams, estimate how long it will take you to study effectively for that class. This may vary a lot depending on how comfortable you are with the material!
  • Then, organize this list by due date so you can see where your main workload will be. If you work or volunteer, include your shifts in this list because they’re obligations too.
  • For every day between now and the last day of finals week, decide which assignments you’ll work on and for how long you will work on each. Make sure you have enough time to do it all, but don’t overschedule yourself! Don’t plan on spending 20 hours every day writing or studying, because that’s just not practical.
  • Make plans to study with a classmate. Decide up front what you want you each want to work on and hold yourselves to it! If you know you can’t focus while studying in the Cellar, don’t plan on meeting there.
  • Find multiple study spots so that you have choices when you just can’t sit still any longer and need a change of scenery. Try the upper floors of Collins Library, Weyerhauser Hall, or Commencement Hall if you haven’t already explored those spaces.
  • Take a mental break by going to the gym, on a run, for a swim or a walk – anything to get your mind off your studies and away from a laptop screen for a bit.
  • Call your parents or friends from home or your peer advisor to get some words of encouragement. You’ve got people rooting for you, and no matter how bleak your outlook is there’s always someone who’s proud of you for simply trying your best! If you think you actually want to talk to someone professional about your stress level, go to CHWS – they hold drop-in hours from 1-2:30 every weekday if you can’t get an appointment quickly.
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From the Archives: All My Life I Wanna be a Logger

WannaBeLoggerMany of the students at the University of Puget Sound have wanted to be a Logger their entire lives. Some have unknowingly come upon this course, but now that we are here, it is easy to assume that becoming a Logger was something we always wanted. However, some of these Loggers actually grew up as loggers. These men actually cut down trees. The book Personalities of the Woods by Stewart Holbrook highlights the brave loggers of the Northwest. These men have unique backgrounds and exciting stories that should make you proud to be a Logger (if you are not already). Get back to your roots in the Archives & Special Collections!

By Sierra Scott

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This Week’s Popular Collection Title: “The Son” By Jo Nesbo

TheSonAn internationally best-selling novel, The Son is an exhilarating mystery that tells the story of Sonny Lofthus, a charismatic but content young man who’s been in prison nearly his entire life, not to mention, for other people’s crimes. In jail, he serves as the “prison therapist” despite having a major heroin addiction.

When Sonny makes a shocking discovery about his father, who committed suicide years ago, he devises a plan to escape and manages to execute it perfectly. Now, he’s free in what has become foreign territory to him after spending so many years behind bars and he is determined to find those who put him there in the first place.

Find out what happens in Jo Nesbo’s The Son, available in the Popular Collection located in the Media Room.

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