3rd Annual Gwen Phibbs Cookie Bake-off, May 6, 3:30-4 p.m., Misner Room, Collins Library

CALLOUT_CollegiateCookiesCelebrate the last day of classes! Come enjoy cookies baked by Collins Library staff inspired by the recipes from Mrs. Gwen Phibbs Collegiate Cookies Cookbook.

Back by popular demand is the Collins Library Cookie Bake-off.  Several years ago it was discovered in the Archives Gwen Phibbs’ Cookie Cookbook—this inspired recipes for this annual event which has become very popular. This year the library is once again hosting its Cookie Bake-off on Wednesday, May 6th in the Misner Room.  From 3 to 3:30pm, staff and faculty members are invited to sample cookies baked by library and student staffers.  At 3:30, students studying in the library will be lucky recipients of the delectable treats. It’s the library’s way of wishing students congratulations and good luck!

P.S. May 6 was a big hit!  Who can resist a cookie – or three? Former President Phillip and Gwen Phibbs made a special appearance, and was presented with a cookie cookbook of Gwen’s own delicious recipes.


On May 6, 2015, students and staff begin first dive into the fabulous cookie spread on last day of classes during 3rd Annual Cookie Bake-off.


Not one cookie left behind



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From the Archives: Preservation Week’s Frayed Edges

CALLOUT_PreservWkAPR28It’s preservation week! An entire week dedicated to discussing the concerns and solutions regarding preservation of rare books and unique collections. Here in the Archives & Special Collections at the University of Puget Sound, we’ll be showing you some common preservation concerns, highlighting our own collections.

Frayed Edges:

Frayed or chipped edges are defined as “a mark or flaw caused by scuffing, gouging, or breaking off of a small piece of the dust jacket, pages, or back-strip [of a book].” These flaws are caused not only by scuffing or gouging; they may also be caused by a number of environmental factors. These factors include, but are not limited to, fluctuations in temperature and humidity (causing a degradation of paper), direct light, oxidation, and water damage (paper weakness and fraying), and acidity (brittle paper). Therefore, as a preventative measure, be sure to keep your materials in ideal conditions. And if it’s too late, protect your delicate and damaged materials in preservation binders rather than on an open shelf, such as the example above.




By Monica Patterson

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Music in the Library: Flute Ensemble – Chamber Music from London & Vienna, Friday, May 1 at 3:15 p.m.

CALLOUT_MAY1-2015_MusicFlute Ensemble: Chamber Music from London & Vienna
Friday, May 1, 2015
3:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Collins Memorial Library, Reading Room

Performance by:
Whitney Reveyrand, Megan Reich, Bianca Lim, Colin Babcock Flutes,
Nic Bailon, Cello

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Behind the Archives Door event: “Documenting the Slide from Hope to Chaos: The Road to Tian’anmen Square”

BIGCALLOUT_TiananmenTuesday, May 5th, 4:00 p.m.
Archives & Special Collections,
2nd Floor, Collins Library

Documenting the Slide from Hope to Chaos:  The Road to Tian’anmen Square, Professor David Hull, Asian Studies

The Egge Collection is a vast trove of media sources tracking the lead-up to the chaos of Tian’anmen Square in June of 1989.  Aside from a couple of very interesting unique artifacts of the movements, the collection’s real value lies in the Chinese print media collected in the weeks leading up to the violent clearing of the square.

Please join us for tea, cookies, and conversation.  All are welcome!

Part of the Behind the Archives Door series!

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2015 Book Collecting Contest Winners

Zeb Howell, Krista Silva, Louisa Raitt, Cassandra Childs,  Alicia Matz, Jessalyn Kreutzer

Zeb Howell, Krista Silva, Louisa Raitt, Cassandra Childs, Alicia Matz, Jessalyn Kreutzer

The winners of the 2015 Book Collecting Contest, sponsored by the Collins Library and the Book Club of Washington were announced April 23, 2015. The aim of the contest is to encourage full-time students at Puget Sound to read for enjoyment and to develop personal libraries throughout their lives, to appreciate the special qualities of printed or illustrated works, and to read, research and preserve the collected works for pleasure and scholarship. Collections can be on any subject and this contest is open to all full time students.  The Book Club of Washington generously funds two cash awards for student winners – $750 to a single collector and $500 for best essay. A third award of $250, the Collins Choice Award, is sponsored by the Collins Library.

The winners are:

  • Jessalyn Kreutzer (Junior), Liberation in Literature: Lesbian Ecofeminism
    The award for best essay goes to Jessalyn Kreutzer for her essay, “Liberation in Literature: Lesbian Ecofeminism”  Jessalyn’s essay and collection truly reflect her journey to discover herself and her place in society.  She purposefully centered her essay around her definition of selfhood, while cohesively weaving her plurality of interests around that theme and welcoming and encouraging others to have the courage to take a similar journey.  Congratulations to Jessalyn.
  • Krista Silva (Senior), The Wonderful World of Whedon: A Collection of Texts Celebrating Joss Whedon and His Works
    The first place award, or single collector award, acknowledges an excellent, integrated and comprehensive essay, a well annotated bibliography, images, and wish list. This year the first place award goes to Krista Silva for her collection, “The Wonderful World of Whedon: A Collection of Texts Celebrating Joss Whedon and His Works.”  Krista demonstrated a holistic, broad minded and informed approach to her collection, specifying as she did so the importance of a collection as a symbol of personal meaning.  She showed how a collection is more than a group of objects, it is rather a gathering of portals of experience.  Additionally, her essay exuded the depth and breadth of the Whedon universe in a variety of ways which showcased an imaginative, thorough approach to her collection.  Congratulations to Krista.
  • Alicia Matz (Senior), Epics, Myth & Modern Magic: Where Classics & Fantasy Collide
    The Collins Choice Award recognizes a student whose collection illustrates the hallmarks of a liberal arts education.  This year, for our inaugural award, the Collins Choice Award goes to Alicia Matz, for her collection, “Epic, Myth, and Modern Magic: Where Classics and Fantasy Collide.”  Alicia’s collection immediately stood out as a truly interdisciplinary demonstration of learning. Her collection reveals a broad integration of different disciplines woven together to form a whole.  Grounded in her understanding of classics, her collection ventured into new territory, asserting connections and gathering meaning, all with a deep appreciation for her books as portals to knowledge. Ultimately, an exceptional collection and a rich topic for further study.  Congratulations Alicia.
2015 Book Collecting Contest participants

2015 Book Collecting Contest participants

Congratulations to all the students who participated in the contest:

Cassandra Childs
Imagining New Worlds: A Fantasy Collection

Zeb Howell
Far Far Away and Further: The Star Wars Expanded Universe

Jessalyn Kreutzer
Liberation in Literature: Lesbian Ecofeminism

Alicia Matz
Epics, Myth and Modern Magic: Where Classics and Fantasy Collide

Louisa Raitt
Tacoma, Havana, Iberia, and Beyond: A Personal Art [History & Critique] Collection

Krista Silva
The Wonderful World of Whedon: A Collection of Texts Celebrating Joss Whedon and His Works

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From the Archives: Preservation Week’s Detached Book Boards

PreservationWk_MONIt’s preservation week! An entire week dedicated to discussing the concerns and solutions regarding preservation of rare books and unique collections. Here in the Archives & Special Collections at the University of Puget Sound, we’ll be showing you some common preservation concerns, highlighting our own collections.

Detached Book Boards:

The term book “board” originated from the time when book covers were made of wood in the fifth century and onwards. In the modern day, these boards are typically made of stiff cardboard or paperboard. However, due to environmental factors and mishandling, these boards can become misshapen and even detach, such as in the example below. Tips to prevent this from happening include proper shelving, never pulling a book off a shelf by its spine, and proper storage conditions. In the case of misshapen boards, books can be placed under a moderate weight for several days. Detached boards and torn spines are, however, more difficult to treat. In specific cases, a small amount of paste, PVA, or Japanese tissue with wheat starch paste can repair or reinforce these mishaps, but you want to talk to a professional conservator for that. The joints of books and their boards are the areas that take on the most stress, making them even more susceptible to weakness, so be careful!





By Monica Patterson

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Housing Works Bookstore Café Shows How Indie Bookstores Can Win In The Age Of Amazon

CALLOUT_BookstoreRemember The Shop Around the Corner? The charming children’s bookstore tragically had to close its doors in 1998 after Fox Books — a big box store with lattés, low prices and unbeatable selection — ran it out of business.

Sure, that’s just the plot of the classic Meg Ryan-Tom Hanks vehicle “You’ve Got Mail,” but it was never purely fiction. The battle between Ryan’s tiny independent bookstore and Hanks’ behemoth was being played out, with admittedly less romance, all over the country. Read more of the Huffingtonpost online article about Housing Works Bookstore Cafe and see the video too!




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From the Archives: The Noble Jilt, by Anthony Trollope

AnthonyIn honor of Anthony Trollope’s 200th birthday this Friday, April 24th, I am writing today about a little known work of his, a play entitled, The Noble Jilt, a first edition copy of which can be found in the Archives & Special Collections.

Born in London in 1815, Trollope’s family experienced a rather drastic downfall over the course of his lifetime. His father, originally a barrister, lost his practice, as well as an expected inheritance. As a result of the family’s declining circumstances, Trollope changed schools frequently, and though he tried to attain University scholarships, he was unable to get one. While Trollope’s father was never very successful, his mother actually had a moderately successful writing career, and is most famous for her first book, Domestic Manners of the Americans. For a number of years, the family was largely supported by Frances Trollope’s career.

As an adult, Trollope wound up working as a clerk in a post office and was eventually transferred to Banagher, Ireland as a deputy postal surveyor in 1841. It was here in Ireland where Trollope first began writing. Introduced to the political discontent of the Irish, Trollope hoped to explore this through his novels. He began his first novel, The Macdermots of Ballycloran in 1843, and it was first published in 1847.

In the early years of his writing career, in 1850, Trollope wrote one of only two plays, The Noble Jilt. Plays were not Trollope’s strong suit- The Noble Jilt would not be published until 1923, when Michael Sadleir, a British novelist and book collector, edited and published the first edition of the play based on Trollope’s original manuscript. The first edition of the play was limited to only 500 copies, one of which now resides in Special Collections here at UPS.

In his preface of the first published edition, Sadleir defends Trollope’s failed play, writing that:

So far as is known, Trollope wrote only two plays during the prolific five and thirty years of his life of authorship. The genre was uncomfortable to him. It limited his elbow room and forbade him the accumulation of detail that was his genius. He liked a large canvas and a crowded one. . . The limitations of dramatic form cramped him intolerably

Despite the failure of his attempts at writing plays, Trollope adapted The Noble Jilt as a novel entitled, Can You Forgive Her? which explored the success of traditional Victorian marriages, and questioned the importance of the sexual aspect of marriage, something which would have been a relatively dangerous thing to do with his Victorian audience. So, I suppose you could say that out of the ashes of The Noble Jilt, the phoenix of Can You Forgive Her arose 🙂 Happy 200th to Mr. Trollope!

By Kara E. Flynn

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“I am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban”, By Malala Yousafzai

IamMalalaI Am Malala is the remarkable tale of a family uprooted by global terrorism, of the fight for girls’ education, of a father who, himself a school owner, championed and encouraged his daughter to write and attend school, and of brave parents who have a fierce love for their daughter in a society that prizes sons.

I am Malala will make you believe in the power of one person’s voice to inspire change in the world. Check it out in the Popular Collection!

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April Poetry Month – Beautiful Poems: “Dover Beach” by Matthew Arnold

DoverBeachFor April Poetry Month, we feature “Beautiful” poems. Here is one favorite called Dover Beach:




The sea is calm to-night.
The tide is full, the moon lies fair
Upon the straits; – on the French coast the light
Gleams and is gone; the cliffs of England stand,
Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay.
Come to the window, sweet is the night-air!
Only, from the long line of spray
Where the sea meets the moon-blanch’d land,
Listen! you hear the grating roar
Of pebbles which the waves draw back, and fling,
At their return, up the high strand,
Begin, and cease, and then again begin,
With tremulous cadence slow, and bring
The eternal note of sadness in.

Sophocles long ago
Heard it on the {AE}gean, and it brought
Into his mind the turbid ebb and flow
Of human misery; we
Find also in the sound a thought,
Hearing it by this distant northern sea.

The Sea of Faith
Was once, too, at the full, and round earth’s shore
Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furl’d.
But now I only hear
Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar,
Retreating, to the breath
Of the night-wind, down the vast edges drear
And naked shingles of the world.

Ah, love, let us be true
To one another! for the world, which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night.

-Dover Beach
Matthew Arnold

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