Life Skills Collection: Jump Start Your Job Search!

Welcome to April, Loggers! With the end of the academic year rapidly approaching, you may be wondering what to do with your free time this summer or thinking about life after Puget Sound. Did you know that the Life Skills Collection at Collins Library includes resources to help you get started on your job search? Here are our top picks for planning your next steps!


  • Get ahead! Land Your Dream Career in College offers insight from a recent college grad and a college professor on what you can do now to successfully pave the way for your future career.
  • Worried about the transition to post-college life? Don’t stress – There is Life after College! In this book, you’ll find practical, step-by-step advice to help you prepare for today’s job market.
  • Make the most of your opportunities with Best Job Ever!, a guide to job satisfaction and engagement.
  • Want more career advice? Career and Employment Services, located in Howarth 101, also maintains an extensive collection of job and career resources, which are available to check out for two weeks.

The Life Skills Collection is located in the Learning Commons, on the first floor of Collins Library. Learn more on the companion guide devoted to the Life Skills Collection and discover many more resources at the University of Puget Sound!

By Katy Curtis, Humanities Librarian

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A Colony in a Nation

AColonyInaNationNew York Times best-selling author and Emmy Award–winning news anchor Chris Hayes argues that there are really two Americas: a Colony and a Nation.

Hayes proposes a fractured country: the Colony and the Nation. In the Nation, we appreciate the law. In the Colony, we obsess over order, fear overrides civil rights, and aggressive policing resembles occupation. A Colony in a Nation examines the surge in crime that began in the 1960s and peaked in the 1990s, and the unprecedented decline that followed. Drawing on close-hand reporting at flashpoints of racial conflict, as well as deeply personal experiences with policing, Hayes explores cultural touchstones, from the influential “broken windows” theory to the “squeegee men” of late-1980s Manhattan, to show how fear causes us to misjudge options and choices, both in our society and at the personal level.

Check out the new additions in the Popular Reading Collection today!

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From the Archives & Special Collections: A Loggers Guide to Clothes

Archives_3-29ABut what do I wear? The question that is too often asked by students these days. However, this question was answered very specifically in the 1968 “Welcome to Our Campus” handbook. According to this book, women were the ones who asked such questions and what to wear always “depends upon the type of occasion, the weather, and the type of date.” Over the years, it seems that the type of dress has become less about the occasion and more about comfort. Who knew there were so many occasions to dress up for? The guide suggests that a lady wear a skirt and sweater with nylons and loafers, a tailored coat and limited jewelry while attending sporting events. Remember that the next time you go cheer on your fellow Loggers. Overall, though, “the most important aspect to remember is that no matter what you wear, be yourself and dress for your personality with neatness, good taste and careful grooming”  – the wise words of 1968.


The Archives & Special Collections is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:00-3:00 p.m. or by appointment.

By Sierra Scott

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The Nearness of You

NearnessYouA shocking confession, fear of the unseen, and a classic twist lands three parents in a whirlwind of emotions that will impact each of their lives forever.

Brilliant heart surgeon Suzette Kendall is stunned when her husband of fifteen years admits his yearning for a child. But Suzette fears passing along the genes that landed her mother in a mental institution; what about a baby via surrogate? Suzette soon doubts whether she’s made the right decision. Dorothy Muscarello is chosen to help complete this family; Dorrie sees her ticket to her future in surrogacy (and the money that comes with it). This situation forces all three—Dorrie, Suzette, and Hyland—to face a devastating uncertainty that will reverberate throughout their lives.

Beautifully shifting between perspectives, The Nearness of You deftly explores the connections we form, the families we create, and the love we hold most dear.

Check it out and others in the Popular Reading Collection

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From the Archives & Special Collections: Monumental Surprise

MonumentalSurpriseIn the Archives and Special Collections, just like the rest of the world, you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. I pulled out a book and from the oatmeal colored cover and unassuming name, Haida Monumental Art by George F. MacDonald, I wasn’t expecting to find too much. What I found when I opened it up was a plethora of fascinating information and interesting photos. The Haida of the Queen Charlotte Islands in British Columbia constructed vast cedar houses and totem poles, some of the largest in the Northwest.

Haida Monumental Art includes many photos taken during the 19th century of the remote villages whose magnificent art had not been so thoroughly recorded before. The Haida people were known for their seamanship, craftsmanship and trade skills. Just by peeking into this nondescript book, I ended up learning a lot more than I had originally expected.

Check it out on Primo!

The Archives & Special Collections is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:00-3:00 p.m. or by appointment.

By Laure Mounts

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Diversity and Inclusion Resources: Africa: An Encyclopedia of Culture and Society

Africa1Africa : An Encyclopedia of Culture and Society

New to our online collection of reference resources from ABC-CLIO comes a 3-volume set, Africa: An Encyclopedia of Culture and Society.

The encyclopedia is organized by country, then by topic, and includes contributions from numerous eminent scholars of African history.

“This work provides readers with an overview of contemporary customs and life in North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa through discussions of key concepts and topics that touch everyday life among the nations’ peoples.”

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Setting Free the Kites

SettingFreeKitesBrought together by tragedy, two young boys grow together and learn the bounds of pain, joy, and glories of young friendship.

For Robert Carter, life in his coastal Maine hometown is comfortably predictable. But in 1976, on his first day of eighth grade, he meets Nathan Tilly, who changes everything. Nathan is confident, fearless, impetuous—and fascinated by kites and flying. Robert and Nathan’s budding friendship is forged in the crucible of two family tragedies, and as the boys struggle to come to terms with loss, they take summer jobs at the local rundown amusement park. It’s there that Nathan’s boundless capacity for optimism threatens to overwhelm them both, and where they learn some harsh truths about family, desire, and revenge.

Check it out in the Popular Reading Collection today!

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From the Archives & Special Collections: Building Stories

BuildlingStoriesHere in the Archives & Special Collections we have a myriad of intriguing items and unconventional books, including some books that are far too large to fit on a regular shelf. These books comprise our “oversized” collection, some of which are quite heavy and most certainly could not fit atop your average Puget Sound classroom desk. One of the items in this collection is a graphic novel (or rather, a collection of them) by Chris Ware called “Building Stories.” If one were to go searching for it, they would run into a very large box filled with illustrated books of various sizes and comic strips, none of which are titled or include much text outside of the comic speech-bubbles. This clever and relatable tale features the residents of a three-story apartment building in Chicago, and the interactions, introspective analyses, daydreams, struggles, and internal processes that comprise their daily lives. Among these featured residents is a single woman struggling with loneliness, a couple going through turmoil within their relationship, and an elderly woman. The illustrations provide narrative insight regarding many of the thoughts, insecurities, pain, worry, moments of intimacy, and comfort we experience as humans, and is therefore able to facilitate a broadened connection between each of us, as the pages illuminate much of what we may experience silently, within our own minds while we lie awake at night or choose between tomatoes at the grocery store. An eye-opening and entertaining spectacle, I would highly recommend flipping through these extremely colorful and thoughtful illustrations.

Come check it out!

The Archives & Special Collections is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:00-3:00 p.m. or by appointment.

By Monica Patterson

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Life Skills Collection: Practical Tips for Real-Life Responsibilities

LifeHacksGreetings, Loggers! By now, you know that college life is filled with new responsibilities that aren’t exclusive to your academic growth. Adulting is tough! If this is your first time living independently, topics like managing your finances, maintaining your living space, and even cooking for yourself might seem completely overwhelming. In addition to providing practical information about other topics, the Life Skills Collection at Collins Library has many resources to help you respond to these practical challenges.

The Life Skills Collection is located in the Learning Commons, on the first floor of Collins Library. Learn more on the companion guide devoted to the Life Skills Collection and discover many more resources at the University of Puget Sound!

By Katy Curtis, Humanities Librarian

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You Are the Universe: Discovering Your Cosmic Self and Why It Matters

YouAreUniverseWhat Came Before the Big Bang? Where Did Time Come From? Deepak Chopra joins forces with leading physicist Menas Kafatos to explore these questions and others like them about our place in the world, universe, and cosmos.

You Are the Universe means exactly what it sounds like–each person is a co-creator of reality extending to the vastest reaches of time and space. These two great minds offer a bold, new understanding of the universe as a “human universe”, opposing the idea of a cold, empty void where human life is barely a speck in the cosmos.

Check it out in the Popular Reading Collection today!

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