This is Louis (Pronounced “Louie”).

He is a 3 month old New Zealand red rabbit named after several great men:
-King Louis of France (preferably the “Sun King” so the 14th)

What a stud
-My grandpa and uncle Louis
-The great and grumpy comedian Louis CK (they both have red hair)

Maybe not that grumpy
-And, as hard as it is to admit, but also Louis Tomlinson from One Direction (My housemates and I are heterosexual girls from the 90’s and boy bands are kind of like our kryptonite…)

What a real stud
We got him from a local breeder and fell in love with him from the beginning. But, pets of any kind are big commitments. Thank goodness my housemate Lexi lives in Seattle, or we wouldn’t know what to do with him over winter break!
When we first got him, he was incredibly nervous and hid under out couch. He clawed at me when I tried picking him up and he would burrow himself under his shelf in his cage. But in a week, we have come to find that he is the sweetest and most curious little bunny! He can be a pill and likes to throw his food bowls and nibble our fingers and run away when it’s time to go back into his cage, but he is so interested in everything!
Word of advice, though, if you’re going to get a pet in college, make sure that you have enough time for them. My housemates and I have very flexible hours right now, so we are able to spend time and play with little Louis. Also, read up on the pet you’re getting, because we did not do that and have had some scary moments in the last week that were really nothing.
One, he does this thing where he runs and twitches in the air, and we thought that he was seizing. It’s actually called a “binky” and means that he’s really happy. Another thing was that he freaked out and started thumping and ran under the couch and stayed there for 20 minutes. We thought he was having a heart attack, but he was actually warning us because the furnace turned on.
Long story short, college pets are only a good idea if you can love them and have them in your house. Now look at pictures of him!

Lexi and Louis

A glimpse of his precocious personality