Upgraded webserver2 to Ingeniux 5.2.36

I upgraded webserver2 to Ingeniux 5.2.36, the version needed to support the improvements to the Mac client. Barbara and I will test the client tomorrow morning.

Change to security settings:

Due to changes in how the Mac OS handles Windows authentication, the editlivejava directory security no longer is set to Integrated Windows Authentication; instead, it allows access by the Internet Guest Account, IUSR_WEBSERVER2. (The Ingeniux folks are having a hard time working out these settings; nevertheless, Sean feels that some of the problems we’ve had in recent testing of the Mac client may be related to authentication.)

redistributableseditlivejava is the location.

HTML Tidy option included in upgrade

This release comes with a version of HTMLTidy, the use of which is an option during the upgrade. Sean recommends using the report-only mode as well as the option that shows the original cdata block with the proposed changes. The resulting report is located in the upgrade directory (found at the same level as the xml directory in the site folder).