Hanji Unfurled

Aimee Lee, book and paper artist will be in Tacoma and Seattle during the month of March promoting her latest book, Hanji Unfurled.

Thursday, March 14, 3:30 – 5pm: Lecture/demo, UW Seattle East Asia Library, co-hosted by the Center for Korea Studies at the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies. 

Friday, March 15, 10am – 12pm: Reading, Asia Pacific Cultural Center, Tacoma

Friday, March 15, 1 – 4pm and March 17, 10am – 4pm: Workshop, Asia Pacific Cultural Center, Tacoma

Saturday, March 16, 1-3pm: family fun Day at Wing Luke Museum, Seattle

Sunday, March 17, 10am-4pm: Second part of APCC workshop, Tacoma

To register for the Tacoma workshop, contact Faaluaina Pritchard at (253) 383-3900 (office), (253) 590-7457 (cell), or email  faalua@comcast.net

For more information about the artist and her work: http://aimeelee.net/hanjiunfurled/booktour/

To view the book trailer: http://youtu.be/SCxX_2Lgi8Y

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One Sheet Wonder, Diane Stemper Workshop

April 20th, 2013 – 10am – 4pm

Location: Drawing Studio, 2nd floor, Kittredge Art Building, University of Puget Sound
Create a unique book from one large sheet of paper. Fold, cut and shape your paper to make a book with 8-12  small pages that can be viewed in multiple ways. Ideas, sketches, media, and found imagery will be included  and a relief print will be developed. There will be a focus on creating content that relates to form and structure.

We are excited to announce enrollment for the Diane Stemper Workshop is almost full.  Currently, there are still two slots open, but we expect them to fill fast, so you need to act quickly if you wish to join Diane.   For those already enrolled in the workshop and who have not already downloaded the complete list of supplies, please click on the link below.

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Out of Scale: Artist’s Book and Collections

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On the Language of History and the Binding of Mystery: The Creation of book of the bound

Carletta Carrington Wilson
Lecture on March 20th at 6:30pm
Collins Memorial Library, Room 118

Literary and visual artist, Carletta Carrington Wilson, will discuss the ideas behind the works in her latest series, book of the bound. These altered books employ cloth to tell fibered tales of spoken and unspoken bindings wrought during the Transatlantic Trade in slaves.

Wilson’s works have been described as “decorative with a message.”  The show, book of the bound, employs both language and image as vehicles for telling multivalent stories across centuries.

In addition to The Northwest African American Museum, which hosted book of the bound (December 15, 2012-March 10, 2013), Wilson’s collages have been exhibited at Gallery 110, Columbia City Gallery, Onyx Fine Arts Collective, The University of Puget Sound, Coastal Kitchen, Festival Sundiata, C Art Gallery and Seward Park Audubon Center.  She was artist-in-residence at the James W. Washington Foundation in 2011.

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PSBA Third Annual Members’ Exhibit Call for Entry

Entry deadline is March 1, 2013.
Exhibition dates: June 6-July 31, 2013.

Click here for on-line entry form.
Click here to join PSBA.

Each year the PSBA Annual Exhibit provides our members with the opportunity to show their work to the community and have them published in the exhibit catalog. Members are encouraged to submit up to three works. Curators will make their selection based upon the space available.  Each member will be represented by at least one book.

Past exhibits have featured a wide range of work from our vibrant book arts community. Many different book structures have been represented. Many different materials and surface design techniques have been utilized as well. We are excited to see what our members will create this year.

Questions?  Email: PSBAExhibition@gmail.com

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Upcoming Events for 2013: MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW!

February 20th, 2013:
Play Day – Photographing Your Books, Collins Memorial Library. 6:00 to 8:00 in the evening.  McCormick Room   Please Bring:
– 1-3 Artist Books you would like to photograph for the exhibition
– USB Jump Drive, Flash Drive or Thumb Drive (so you can take your photos home
to edit and label)
– A draft of your Artist Statement and/or Artist Statement about your book.
– A draft of your Entry Information.

March 20th, 2013:
An evening  conversation with book artist Carletta Wilson at the Collins Memorial Library.  Details forthcoming

April 19th, 2013:
Lecture with Ohio Book Artist Diane Stemper, Collins Memorial Library. 4:00 – 5:00, Room 020  In conjunction with her exhibit:  Out of Scale: Artist’s Books, Drawings and Collections on display in the Collins Library from March 25, 2013 to May 25, 2013.

April 20th, 2013:
All day workshop with Diane Stemper.  This workshop will require advance registration and there will be a fee.  Details soon.  The workshop will held in the Art Department on the campus of the University of Puget Sound.

June 6th, 2013:
PSBA Members Exhibit – Opening Reception, Collins Memorial Library, 4:30 to 6:30 pm.

June 19th, 2013:

Play Day – Talk with members about their books on exhibit.  Time to be announced.

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The PSBA Annual Meeting was a great success!  Not only did we have a wonderful turnout of members ( many new) but also had the opportunity to see some amazing work and we raised over $400 in our silent auction!  Quite a night.  Thanks for your support.

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Member News

Watch this space for updates about members.

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Annual Meeting

Annual PSBA Membership Meeting

January 16h, 2013, Collins Memorial Library, University of Puget Sound 6:00 to 8:00

(Please note that from 6:00 to 6:45 is a social hour,
business meeting starts prompting at 6:45)


6:00 to 6:45: Casual Meet and Greet. Light refreshments and sharing/display of work
6:45 to 8:00: Business Meeting

  • Introduction of Current Board Members:  Rochelle Monner
  • Review of the Year:  Rochelle Monner and Jane Carlin
  • Treasurer’s Report:  Lucia Harrison
  • Membership Update:  Lily Richmond and Mitzi Lindgren
  • 2013 Exhibit Update:  Exhibit Committee:  Pat Chupa, Debbi Commodore, Debbie Greenwood, Randi Parkhurst
  • Social Media and Website Update:  Randi Kander and Malpina Chan
  • Brainstorming about future programs and workshops:  Group Discussion

We will also have a great Silent Auction and a Few Surprises for Members!

Don’t miss this opportunity to meet with fellow book artists and bibliophiles!

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Pressing On: 30 Years at the Elliot Press

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