A Conversation with Paper Maker Velma Bolyard
July 11
Room 020
6:30 – 8:00
Collins Memorial Library
The University of Puget Sound
Velma Bolyard is a fiber, paper and book artist working with mostly locally gathered materials for textile, paper, and book making. She recently retired from 25 years of teaching special education in alternative public school settings. Her passion is to make art that explores environment and the connection to place, and teach others technique to inspire them to push their own work. Currently she is exploring the properties and personality of flax/linen and milkweed and is working on a larger project, Hortus Siccus about plants and place. She writes a blog, Wake Robin www.velmaboyard.com about her work and life. Velma will discuss her work as a paper maker and artist and share examples of her work.