Optimize Teams Collaborate Across the Board

With the PeopleSoft Financials module in place, the Human Resources module set to go live January 1, and implementation of the Campus Solutions module planned for next March, cross-team collaboration was happening across the board this week for Optimize Puget Sound.

On Monday, Optimize representatives participated in a panel at the President’s LEAD meeting to discuss policy and operational changes prompted by the transition to PeopleSoft. Participants included William Morse, chief technology officer and associate VP for technology services; Travis Nation, Optimize project manager; Cindy Matern, associate VP for human resources and career and employment services; Janet Hallman, associate VP for accounting and budget services; and John Hickey, associate VP for business services and community engagement. For details covered in their presentation, see the handout distributed at the meeting.

On Tuesday, Sherry Mondou, vice president for finance and administration, and Kristine Bartanen, academic vice president and dean of the university, sent an overview of project developments to faculty and staff. This was followed on Wednesday by a message from HR describing leave policy changes coming with the HR module in 2013. Members of multiple teams are engaged in the development of more communications to come related to faculty and staff ID cards, payroll, and timekeeping.

As project work continues, we are seeing growing integration between the systems supporting Financials, HR, and Campus Solutions. This week, the HR and Financials teams worked together on budgeting and payroll processes in the HR module. And both technical and functional team members have been involved in the conversion of data for Campus Solutions. As they say, it takes a village to implement an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system like PeopleSoft!
