Take a visual tour of Halloween in America during the first half of the 20th century

BIGCALLOUT_HalloweenWhat better way to wrap up  American Archives month then with a Halloween stroll through the Digital Public Library of America. From turn of the century Hallow’een postcards through photos from the 1950’s we get a taste of Halloween in America during the first half of the 20th century. From the small town to the segregated South to the Japanese American internment camps of WWII Halloween offered an opportunity to shed the daily trials and tribulations and have some fun. Enjoy the pictures!

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From the Archives: The Seattle Antiquarian Book Fair


Photo from the 2013 fair

Back in early October we blogged about the Seattle Antiquarian Book Fair, which took place the weekend of October 11th. Having attended the book fair, I’m here to bring you a little recap of the event!

As a student working in the Archives & Special Collections, I’m all about those old books, and couldn’t pass up the opportunity to wander around a treasure trove of rare books and archival materials when they were practically in our backyard. The event included over 90 book dealers from across the country, as well as from Canada, England, and Italy, and the items they had for sale ranged from medieval manuscripts, to children’s books, to ephemera and maps. I even spotted a few first edition Harry Potter books, and was shocked at how much they were going for! My favorite items included a collection of miniature books (I just really love tiny things), and a medieval Balinese manuscript which had the most beautiful bejeweled covers I’ve ever seen. I also enjoyed sifting through various pieces of ephemera, particularly advertisements from the late 19th– early 20th century. Although most of the items for sale were way out of my price range, I did bring home a facsimile of a medieval manuscript leaf written in Latin and Arabic, for a mere $15, which has found a happy new home on my wall.

closeup_AntiquarianBkFairI was not the only UPS student to enjoy this event, however. In addition to a couple of fellow Archives & Special Collections students, some of Professor Katherine Smith’s History 200 students also attended, and brought up some important points about the accessibility of rare materials like those exhibited at the book fair. At only $5 a ticket, the antiquarian book fair enables you to experience, as Lauren Griffin called it, “a feeling of connection with the past,” which most of us don’t have many opportunities to do. Both Danielle Penn and Erin Koehler were struck by the variety of the materials available at the book fair- while Danielle examined a leaf from a book of hours and was pleased to see its worn appearance, “suggesting that it was used often and had a life, ” Erin looked at issues of race in the collections of ephemera on display, particularly posters and caricatures, and noted that, “Conservation of these artifacts is key to understanding why race continues to play such a crucial role in society today.” I too was struck by the incredible range of items on display, and the comments of Professor Smith’s students really emphasize that no matter your interests, there really was something for everyone at the Seattle Antiquarian book fair.

By Kara E. Flynn

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Available in the Popular Collection: “Vitro” By Jessica Khoury

VitroSkin Island is a remote island off the Pacific where scientists privately funded by the enigmatic Corpus Corporation have brought life to test-tube embryos. These creatures are the Vitros, beings whose knowledge and abilities wildly surpass those of humans.

Seventeen-year-old Sophie and a young charter pilot named Jim Julien embark on a journey to Skin Island in hopes of finding Sophie’s mother, a scientist who allegedly abandoned her daughter years ago. Both Jim and Sophie are in for some life-changing surprises and as they discover what happens when science goes too far.

See what happens in Vitro, available for check out in the Popular Collection at Collins!

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Collins Library Links: Library Research Help for First-Year Students


In the week leading up to Fall Break, Collins Library was filled to the brim with students studying for midterms and conducting research for their project proposals. For many first-year students, the mid-point of the fall semester serves as a wake-up call to the intellectual demands of college. Indeed, as one first-year student noted during a research consultation with a liaison librarian last week, “Things just got real.” The college library is an unfamiliar and sometimes intimidating place for many of these students (see Research Practices Survey results below), and Collins Library offers several services to support both students and the faculty who teach them:


Liz Roepke ’15, Library Peer Research Advisor

  • New! Liz Roepke ’15 is the library’s first-ever Peer Research Advisor! Liz has received extensive training and is ready and eager to help first-year students and others enrolled in introductory courses. Liz is available to meet with individual students in a comfortable, non-threatening atmosphere to provide research support and follow-up to library instruction. Liz also writes a regular Friday blog post for Collins Unbound; her most recent post was on the importance of time management. Please let your students know about this new service; Liz can be reached by email:   peerresearch@pugetsound.edu.


  • The subject and course guides created by Collins librarians are fabulous starting points for research. In fact, many seniors comment that these guides are the single most important library resource that they regret not using earlier in their college careers. Faculty members who would like a customized library course page created for them should contact their liaison librarian.
  • As always, Collins Library continues to offer multiple avenues for receiving help at any point in the research process.



Where do our first-year students struggle the most with research? This past August, our incoming students received invitations to take the Research Practices Survey and 43 percent of them completed it while 67 percent partially completed it. Key findings:

  • Limited Experience with Library Research Tools

o   Only 56 percent had used an online library catalog
o   Just 57 percent had searched a subscription database like JSTOR
o   Only 44 percent correctly structured a Boolean search query

  • Incomplete Understanding of Basic Research Concepts

o   Only 21 percent correctly defined the difference between a scholarly journal and a popular magazine

o   Just 47 percent correctly identified the purpose of a citation; 22 percent indicated that they thought paraphrasing did not require a citation.

o   Students were inconsistent in identifying primary sources in the disciplines; for example, 88 percent correctly identified empirical research as a primary source in the sciences, but only 45 percent identified a novel as a primary source in literary studies.

  • Main Research Challenges

o   Students were given the opportunity to identify what they believe to be their main challenges when conducting research. About half of the respondents indicated that the following components of the research process are either “somewhat difficult” or “very difficult” for them:

o   Selecting a topic, including narrowing or broadening that topic

  • Determining whether a source is credible
  • Developing the main argument, thesis statement or hypothesis
  • Organizing materials into a logical and unified structure
  • Deciding what information from the sources to integrate into the paper
  • Expressing ideas clearly
  • Knowing when to cite a source

Interested in learning more about the library’s teaching and research services? Email Peggy Burge for more information.

Need Information? Don’t forget the Collins Memorial Library Library Guides
Questions? Contact your liaison librarian
Comments: Contact Jane Carlin, Library Director
Remember – Your best search engine is a Librarian!


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“What routines or rituals do you follow?” Answers found in Relief Linocuts


Lexy Woods inking up her linoleum

Next time you’re in the library, look up! On the front of the balcony are some beautiful Relief Linocuts, created by students in Art 281: Beginning Printmaking, Relief and Intaglio, taught by Professor Janet Marcavage.

What is your daily script? What routines or rituals do you follow?

Students in Art 281 were asked to respond to these questions and develop a relief linocut. Students brainstormed by making lists, followed by rough sketches. They then made printed studies of Master prints in order to practice possibilities for mark-making and figure/ground relationships. Students then developed a to-scale drawing of their subject, followed by translation into a relief print.

In relief prints, material is carved away from a block. The areas left remaining get inked and are transferred onto paper either by hand-printing or press printing. The process gets repeated allowing for many impressions.

Prints by:

Makaylaa Clancy
Kathryn Endler
Landon Gauthier
Tess Krimmer
Abby Osborne
Maddie Peckenpaugh
Maia Raeder
Bella Wong
Lexy Woods
Gaby Yoque

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Unpublished Memoir of Simon & Schuster Co-founder Turns Up

SimonShusterCould it be that Simon & Schuster co-founder Richard “Dick” Simon failed to find a publisher for his own book trade memoir? Simon and partner Max Schuster launched the book publishing house of Simon & Schuster in New York City in 1924. An 84-page typescript document of Simon’s reminiscences, titled Fools Give You Reasons, dating to the late 1950s, is currently being offered in a rare book dealer’s catalog for $5,000. The fragmentary memoir discusses how he got into publishing, his thoughts on promotion and advertising, and his feelings about television… Read article in Fine Books and Collections.

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Vamp & Tramp Artists’ Book “Show & Tell”, Monday, Nov. 3 at 1 p.m.


Vamp & Tramp Artists’ Book Show & Tell
Monday, Nov. 3, 2014
1-2:30 p.m.
Collins Library, Rm. 020
University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA

Collins Memorial Library is pleased to welcome the Stewart’s for their 5th visit to Puget Sound. The Stewart’s represent book artists across the United States. This one and a half hour informal Show & Tell will showcase some of their most recent acquisitions.

Questions:  libref@pugetsound.edu

Directions and parking information


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Having computer or scanner problems in the Learning Commons?

CALLOUT_HelpLearningCommonsIf you have any problems when using the computers or scanners in the Learning Commons, please let us know.  The library staff can address and resolve many issues immediately.  We also work closely with Technology Services to address any larger issues.  However, no problem can be fixed unless we know it exists.  Please make us aware of any issues you encounter, as we, often, cannot know they are happening until a library patron tells us.

Please contact staff directly, send an email to the Collins library (libref@pugetsound.edu) or the Technology Service Desk (servicedesk@pugetsound.edu)

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From the Archives: Photographers of Puget Sound

BoatAs I walk through campus in these early autumn days I cannot help but to notice the trees turning vibrant colors, the glowing ivory tracing its way up the brick buildings, and the sunsets in the evening that transform the sky. I see so many remarkable pictures of this area that my fellow classmates have taken. The University of Puget Sound is clearly full of talented photographers.

Wilhelm Hester was enjoying many of these same things over 120 years ago. But unlike today, he was one of the only photographers in that time to take these pictures. Hester started to photograph the ships and the sailors that entered into Puget Sound in 1893. His pictures “reveal his extraordinary sensitivity to the beauty of the ships and the sea.” These pictures did not come easily, however. Today all you have to do is whip out your phone to get a good shot. In the 19th century, Hester had to carry “heavy and awkward equipment” around in difficult weather (and we all know how wet it can get around here). Even though it was a challenge to get a great shot of the boats, Hester’s pictures only show the remarkable simplicity and calmness of the sea.

Today it is easy to get a lovely picture of all that Puget Sound has to offer, but let us step back and appreciate Wilhelm Hester who brought to light the significance and beauty of Puget Sound. To read more about Hester and to see more of his photos check out “Tall Ships on Puget Sound” by Robert A. Weinstein in the library’s Archives & Special Collections.

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Puget Sound Book Artists Talk: “Tools of the Trade” is Oct. 25, 2014, 10-Noon

Callout_Oct.25_PSBATalkPuget Sound Book Artists Talk “Tools of the Trade”
October 25, 2014
10:00-12:00 p.m.

Collins Memorial Library,
Room 020

Join Puget Sound Book Artists for a morning dedicated to the tools of the trade. Learn about the various tools, papers, techniques and printing methods used in the book arts. View member’s work and take time to browse through books on books to learn more about the wonderful world of Book Arts!

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