For a daily dose of inspiration: When Breath Becomes Air

BreathBecomesAirAt the age of 36 and with nearly a decade’s worth of training as a neurosurgeon under his belt, Dr. Paul Kalanithi was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. In an instant, he went from a doctor treating the sick to a patient struggling to live and the life that he and his wife had imagined for themselves disappeared. As a result of the diagnosis, Kalanithi delved into some profound questions: What makes life worth living in the face of death? What do you do when the future becomes a perpetual present? What does it mean to have a child and cultivate one life as another quickly fades away? In When Breath Becomes Air, Dr. Kalanithi answers these questions, incorporating his own personal transformations throughout the years.

Paul Kalanithi died last year in the process of writing this book. However, his incredibly poignant words live on as a beacon for us all. When Breath Becomes Air tells the story of Kalanithi’s ability to face mortality; letting it change both everything and nothing about life at the same time. Find it in the Popular Reading Collection today.

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Morgan Ford ’17, Peer Research Specialist in the Archives & Special Collections, Presented at the Northwest Archivists Conference

CALLOUT_MorganFordConferenceMorgan Ford ’17, peer research specialist in the Archives & Special Collections, presented “Archives, Social Media, and College Students,” at the Northwest Archivists Conference on April 30th in Seattle. The presentation covered the A&SC’s use of the social media platform Tumblr as outreach to students on campus and beyond.

Morgan was part of the “Outreach All-Stars” panel with Trevor Bond, head of Manuscripts, Archives, & Special Collections at WSU, and Donna McCrea, head of Archives & Special Collections at UM-Missoula.

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From the Archives & Special Collections: Good Habits 101

CALLOUT_GoodHabits101Education has changed a lot over the past eighty years, so to get an idea of what was taught in elementary school during that time we are going back to 1935 when the book Good Habits by Charters, Smiley, and Strang, the fourth book in the Health and Growth Series, was written. This book, along with five others, tells short stories of children and how they form good habits in their lives. Throughout the book, there are vocabulary words that are defined in the index. The purpose of this was to teach children health related words so that they were prepared to “read intelligently popular health articles after graduation and in adult life.” As mentioned in the foreword, the authors’ intentions for writing this book was to “make its mastery so interesting that it becomes a favorite subject of study…GoodHabits_brushingestablish habits of health…and furnish the child with latest scientific information about health and disease.” This book is very much an old fashioned lesson book used by teachers to teach their students about healthy living.

The Archives & Special Collections is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 1:00-3:00 p.m. or by appointment.

By Sierra Scott

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Collins Library – End of the Semester Services to Help You!


  • Extended Library Hours:
    Ready for the end of spring semester? Collins is here for your late night study needs with extended hours through reading period and finals. The library is open 24 hours, May 1-3  and May 8-12. You’ll find all our hours posted on the library’s website.
  • Research Help:
    Don’t hesitate to make an appointment with your subject liaison librarian for help with their research needs.
  • Peer Research Advisor:
    Melanie Schaffer, our peer research advisor is available to help first year students find resources for research paper in the Seminars in Scholarly Inquiry and other classes. She can also help with evaluating sources and citation styles. You’ll find her hours and contact information on the peer research guide.
  • A Reminder to Graduating Seniors:
    Don’t forget to pay your fines and replacement fees. Graduating seniors with a balance remaining may have a hold placed on their diploma and transcripts. Payments can be made with cash, check, or credit card.
  • Research Management Tools:
    Collins Library supports two research management tools: RefWorks and Zotero. They are programs designed to help collect, organize, and cite the resources you’re using to support papers, lab reports, and position statements. Contact us for more information and assistance.



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Collins Library links: Puget Sound Joins Lever Press: Open Access Scholarship


Puget Sound Joins Lever Press:  Open Access Scholarship
Supporting Publication of Research in the Liberal Arts

I’m writing to make you aware of this new publishing initiative that the Collins Library, the Dean, and the Library, Media and Information Services Committee are supporting and to encourage you to consider submitting ideas for publications to this press.

The Lever Press is a peer-reviewed, digitally native, open-access press supported by a consortium of 44 liberal arts college libraries. Undertaken in partnership with the Amherst College Press and Michigan Publishing at the University of Michigan, the Lever Press offers scholars a press with the highest scholarly standards, yet “aligned with the mission and ethos of liberal arts colleges.” All works will appear in print, and will equally be available both as web-readable and downloadable titles.

Lever Press has recently announced its inaugural editorial board and has opened an online pathway at this link for receiving proposals for both individual works and series of works. I encourage you, as your summer research plans take shape, to consider submitting your ideas for consideration in what I believe will become a voice in scholarly publishing distinguished by the rigor and accessibility that is the mark of excellence in liberal arts colleges.

Puget Sound, along with other colleges such as Amherst, Dartmouth, Grinnell, Middlebury, Pomona, Reed, Spelman, Vassar and Whitman, takes the scholarly communication crisis seriously and is willing to step forward with a solution that will certainly advance the mission of liberal arts colleges. A summary of the project, authored by Barbara Fister of Gustavus Adolphus College, appeared in Inside Higher Ed.

-Jane Carlin
Library Director

Need Information? Don’t forget the Collins Memorial Library – Library Guides
Questions? Contact your liaison librarian
Comments: Contact Jane Carlin, library director
Remember – Your best search engine is a librarian!

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Collins Library Congratulates Puget Sound Seniors 2016!

 Commencement 1951 - Academic Procession to Memorial Fieldhouse

Commencement 1951 – Academic Procession to Memorial Fieldhouse

Congratulations! Your success is well deserved and all of your hard work does not go unnoticed by your fellow Loggers. Now is the time to take all of what you’ve learned here at the University and use that knowledge to spread your wings and make your dreams a reality. You are all such unique, talented, intelligent individuals, and you have support from all of us here at Puget Sound. Good luck with all of your future endeavors as you enter the next exciting chapter of your lives. You rock class of 2016!

And remember… once a Logger, always a Logger! Hack hack, chop chop!

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Books One and Two of the Red Queen Trilogy, in the Popular Collection Now!

redqueen_trilogyThe Red Queen trilogy follows the life of Mare Barrow, a lowly red blood in a world run by the supernatural silver-blooded elite. In book one, Red Queen, Mare gambles everything to win the freedom of her friend who has been conscripted into the army, ending up in the Royal Palace in front of the King himself. Here, she is shocked to discover a supernatural ability of her own.

After leaving the royal court, Mare sets out to find other impossibilities-people of her kind-in order to join rebel forces against the silvers in Glass Sword. Her journey is a dangerous one as she is pursued by a vindictive King who seeks to control her.

Find both of these electrifying titles today in the Popular Reading Collection.

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Celebrating Shakespeare: A Man in Love with Words by Ellen Knowles

BIGCALLOUT_ShakespeareIn honor of William Shakespeare we are celebrating the 400th anniversary of his death on April 23, 2016. What better way to do this, than by highlighting the writing done by first-year students in Associate Professor of English John Wesley’s first-year seminar, A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare? This first-year seminar in scholarly inquiry studies four remarkable plays Shakespeare wrote or saw into production in 1599, the same year he opened the Globe Theatre. In the first half of the course, students were introduced to the myriad ways in which Shakespeare’s 1599 plays are shaped by and give shape to the political and cultural intrigues of that year. In the second half of the course, students turned to a play (and year) of their own choosing, the historicist analysis of which is the basis of an independent research project. As part of this project, students were asked to prepare a blog post that reflected on aspects of Shakespeare’s life, a specific work, or a resource or organization associated with Shakespeare, or to provide a personal interpretation of a play. During the month of April, we’ll feature the posts from students that celebrate all things Shakespeare!

Congratulations to our wonderful first-year writers. For additional online resources about Shakespeare, check out these sites:

A Man in Love with Words
by Ellen Knowles

The Telegraph, 2014.

The Telegraph, 2014.

When people picture William Shakespeare, they imagine a man filled with passion. To envision Shakespeare as a passionate man is not wrong either, but where he placed his passions is where most people are lead astray from the truth. Most would assume that Shakespeare must have had such a burning passion for love, that he must release it out onto paper. How else could Shakespeare write about a love as great as Romeo and Juliet if he himself had not experienced passion like that before? However, the reality is that Shakespeare’s true love was probably not any person, but writing.

People like to imagine Shakespeare writing his works motivated by deep love. The movie “Shakespeare in Love” is a perfect example of this idea of an intensely romanticized Shakespeare. The beginning of the movie starts with him frustrated as he has no ideas for what to write his next play about. The movie shows him finding inspiration through a woman named Violet, who he falls deeply in love with, and born from that love, Shakespeare writes one of his most famous plays to this day, Romeo and Juliet. The love we see between Shakespeare and Violet mimics that of Romeo and Juliet’s. Shakespeare and Violet are two lovers who do not belong together just as Romeo and Juliet were. The movie even shows Violet on the balcony reciting the famous lines, “Romeo, O Romeo,” (Shakespeare in Love). This movie assumes that in order for Shakespeare to have written Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare must have had a love similar to that of the famous star crossed lovers. This assumption is most likely hollow, though.

In truth, most evidence points to Shakespeare’s truest love being language. While the movie shows a handsome Shakespeare out dancing at a party attempting to woo a lady, what we know about Shakespeare, from those that knew him, is that he denied many invitations to parties. Most of Shakespeare’s days were filled with the work that came along with being both a playwright and an actor. If Shakespeare had any free time in his busy schedule he prioritized writing over women (Shapiro xviii).

Shakespeare fell in love with language at a young age. He would have met his true love at around the age of five, in his hometown of Stratford when he saw his first play. He fell further in love at the grammar school he attended as a child in his neighborhood where he learned Latin. At the grammar school was where he would have first been introduced to performing in plays, as school teachers thought the best way to learn the ancient language was to perform Ancient Roman comedies in Latin (Greenblatt 23-29). This love for literature continued throughout his life.

Although amusing to play with the idea of Shakespeare drawing from a deep love in his personal life to write his magnificent plays, it is more realistic to recognize that Shakespeare’s true love was writing. He wrote not because he was in love, but merely for the fact that he loved to write. In the marking of the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death we must honor his life with what he loved most: words.

Works Cited

Greenblatt, Stephen. Will in the World. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2004. Print.

Shakespeare in Love. Dir. John Madden. Perf. Gwyneth Paltrow, Joseph Fiennes, and Geoffrey Rush. Universal Pictures, 1999. Film.

Shapiro, James. A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare. New York: Harper Perennial, 2006. Print

2014. The Telegraph. JPEG file.

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Behind the Archives Door Events

Each month, the Archives & Special Collections will hold a series of informal presentations on current research, unique resources, and rare books. Join us for informal discussion, refreshments, and the opportunity to handle documents and artifacts hundreds of years old! Events are 4:00-5:00 p.m., Archives & Special Collections on the 2nd floor of the Collins Memorial Library.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017:  Behind the Archives Door. Professor Eric Orlin will discuss a 1538 printed edition of Plutarch’s Lives held in the Collins Library collection.  Plutarch was a prolific Greek writer of the early 2nd century CE, leaving us more different texts than any other ancient author.  He was also one of the most popular authors throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, as most of his works offered moral guidance on how individuals both great and small should live their lives. This presentation will discuss the place of the Collins Library text in the context of early printing as well as focusing on some oddities of our particular text and the story of its arrival at Puget Sound.  All are welcome for light refreshments and an informal lecture.  Archives & Special Collections Seminar room, 4:00–5:00 p.m.

Thursday, September 7, 2017:  Behind the Archives Door. David Wertheimer, Director of Community and Civic Engagement at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Join us for our monthly Behind the Archives Door lecture series! David Wertheimer is an avid book collector. He began collecting as an after school hobby while in the sixth grade, wandering the shops on Fourth Avenue in New York City. David will discuss his start as a book collector, some of his favorites pieces from his personal collection, and how he insures the long-term preservation of the books in his personal collection. All are welcome for light refreshments and an informal lecture. Archives & Special Collections Seminar room. 4:00–5:00 p.m.

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Celebrating Shakespeare: Broken Windows By Bobbi Ford

BIGCALLOUT_ShakespeareIn honor of William Shakespeare we are celebrating the 400th anniversary of his death on April 23, 2016. What better way to do this, than by highlighting the writing done by first-year students in Associate Professor of English John Wesley’s first-year seminar, A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare? This first-year seminar in scholarly inquiry studies four remarkable plays Shakespeare wrote or saw into production in 1599, the same year he opened the Globe Theatre. In the first half of the course, students were introduced to the myriad ways in which Shakespeare’s 1599 plays are shaped by and give shape to the political and cultural intrigues of that year. In the second half of the course, students turned to a play (and year) of their own choosing, the historicist analysis of which is the basis of an independent research project. As part of this project, students were asked to prepare a blog post that reflected on aspects of Shakespeare’s life, a specific work, or a resource or organization associated with Shakespeare, or to provide a personal interpretation of a play. During the month of April, we’ll feature the posts from students that celebrate all things Shakespeare!

Congratulations to our wonderful first-year writers. For additional online resources about Shakespeare, check out these sites:

Broken Windows
By Bobbi Ford

Portrait of Shakespeare, 1884

Portrait of Shakespeare, 1884

I don’t know about you, but growing up I read one of Shakespeare’s plays every year, and every year it was intimidating. When I was younger the language was hard to comprehend, now that I’m older the concepts are what stumbles me. It seems that there has always been a certain ambiguity that comes along with Shakespeare. We try extensively to understand and theorize who William Shakespeare was personally – not just one of, if not the greatest playwright of all time. Analyzing his sonnets and plays to not only learn the bigger picture he was trying to create but rather what that vision can tell us about him politically, socially, or even romantically. If we take into account his works, the books he may have had access to, the political movements of that time, and who he got to work with, we can create a more realistic picture of how each piece of his life effected his plays. More specifically, if we look into the religious background of England we gain a bigger understanding of Shakespeare and his plays as a whole.

A once Catholic church that was whitewashed during Shakespeare’s time

A once Catholic church that was whitewashed during Shakespeare’s time

It is hard to say for certain anything about Shakespeare’s personal life, especially something as private as what religion he practiced. However, we do know that Protestantism became the official religion of England the year before Shakespeare was born in 1563 (Goaby). With that, we can infer that he was aware of its ceremonies and other attributes including its reformation of catholic churches through whitewashing. This was done essentially to remove “distractions”, such as intricate stained-glass windows and paintings of saints covering the walls in the church to let the word of god be the focal point. One in particular, the “right goodly chapel” in Stratford-upon-Avon – where Shakespeare was from – had a glazier come to town to shatter the beautiful stained-glass windows and replacing them with clear glass. Since this was a public event chances are he was there as a child watching it unfold. (Shapiro) Seeing this could have effected how Shakespeare perceived religion and furthermore influenced his writings.

In Shakespeare’s time many things were changing and a change in religion added another confusing factor. Many official Catholic holidays that had been celebrated for years were no longer celebrated and new protestant holidays were added to the mix. This disrupted their everyday life because there was a certain way to dress for holidays, usually a special hat. When you don’t know what is a holiday and what isn’t there can be a lot of confusion. This problem bleeds into some of his plays including Love’s Labor’s Lost and Julius Caesar (Shapiro). In the opening scene of Julius Caesar, a common man and a cobbler are dressed for the holiday, two men, Flavius and Murellius confront them for wearing holiday attire on a workday, however, it was actually a holiday (Julius Caesar 1.1). This confusion directly parallels with how the Elizabethans were always questioning “Is This a Holiday?” like in James Shapiro’s book, A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare, 1599 explains.

Another larger problem was time for the Elizabethans and was only worsened by the divide in religion. People were off of the calendar by about ten days. To fix this a pope suggested to skip day to get back on track. This seemed like reasonable and easy solution until the Protestant countries didn’t agree, consequently Easter was celebrated five weeks apart (Shapiro). In Julius Caesar, the very noble and smart Brutus asked what the date is which if you didn’t understand the problem with time back then you would be very confused why such an intellectual man would ask such a silly question (Shakespeare, Julius Caesar 1.2). Things like this and many others seemed to have directed influenced his plays. Though we can’t know for sure much about Shakespeare we can use the historical events surrounding him to help better understand his plays and even further, why his historical plays are so important in understanding him.


Goadby, Edwin. “Protestantism in Elizabethan England.” Shakespeare’s Religion. Shakespeare Online, 2011. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.

William, Page. Portrait of Shakespeare. 1884. Photograph. Folger, Shakespeare Library. Web. 28 Feb 2016

Shakespeare, William. Julius Caesar. Broadview Press: Internet Shakespeare Editions. 2012.  Print.

Shapiro, James. “Is This a Holiday?” A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare, 1599. Harper Collins Publishers. 2005. Print.

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