The unknown future…

A visionary investigation into the most urgent issues we face today as we move into an uncertain future. In twenty-one chapters Harari dives into ideas surrounding political, technological and existential issues and offers advice on how to prepare for the future. How do we keep our freedom of choice when Big Data is watching us? How should we deal with the threat of terrorism? What will the future work force look like and how to prepare ourselves for it?

Look for this title in the Popular Reading Collection!

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From the Archives & Special Collections: Dead Feminists Seeding the Vote Broadside

Seeding the Vote, Dead Feminists broadside

The Archives & Special Collections recently acquired the newest Dead Feminists print, titled Seeding the Vote, by local artists Chandler O’Leary and Jessica Spring. This is the 27th broadside in the Dead Feminists series which features quotes by historical feminists, tied in with current political and social issues. In honor of the 2018 midterm elections, Seeding the Vote features a quote by voting rights activist and civil rights leader Fannie Lou Hamer.

This broadside is particularly relevant to the university’s history, as Hamer visited Puget Sound in February 1969 to discuss her work in helping thousands of disenfranchised African Americans register to vote. She organized Mississippi’s Freedom Summer campaign in 1964 and worked closely with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), a national organization that many Puget Sound students were involved in. There was an active SNCC chapter on campus in the mid-1960s. In addition, Hamer was the co-founder and vice-chair of the Freedom Democratic Party.

The Trail, p. 1, February 21, 1969.

The February 21, 1969 issue of The Trail ran a photograph of Hamer speaking with Social Sciences 111 students including Black Student Union founder and president Lou Smith. The February 28, 1969 issue contains two articles about Hamer’s visit. The first article, titled “Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer Speaks of Legitimate Means and Black Power,” recounts Hamer’s public speech in which she “spoke from her own personal perspective, told the story of her upbringing in southern tension-ridden Mississippi and her eventual rise to a place of influence with citizenship.” Hamer discussed her own experiences in registering to vote and the physical violence she faced as a result of helping others to do the same. The article quotes her as saying, “White America, you should know by now that you can’t save yourself by teaching us to hate – you have to learn to love. We’re not fighting men, we’re fighting principalities and the devil himself.”

The second article in the February 28, 1969 issue of The Trail is titled “Hamer Speech Sparks Action.” Following Hamer’s lecture, student Lou Smith asked President Franklin Thompson about his views on black courses on campus. The article quotes Smith as saying to Thompson, “Are you moved enough now to sanction a separate, autonomous black studies course curriculum here at UPS? Are you moved enough now to sanction the hiring of more black professors? Are you willing to take the ‘raps’ off the courses we have now?” Thompson responded the following day that the restricting factor on the establishment of additional black studies courses and hiring of new faculty members was the financial situation at the university.

Visit the Archives & Special Collections to see the Dead Feminist broadside collection and learn more about Fannie Lou Hamer’s visit to Puget Sound.

The Archives & Special Collections is open Tuesday through Friday from 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. or by appointment.

By Laura Edgar, Assistant Archivist




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Collins Library Links: What’s new in the Makerspace


What’s New in the Makerspace
Contact Information:  It’s easy – just contact

Guest Speakers:  Earlier this semester, we welcomed John Devine from the Tacoma Public Schools who established the SAMI Makerspace and is now working at the new iDEA alternative school.  This week Darcy Anderson from Tinkertopia visited the space.  Both these speakers shared insights about the growth and development of problem solving/creative thinking and technology happening in the K-12 environment.  All the more reason to think about how the Makerspace can support our current and future students.

3D Printing:  We have added a number of new filaments, including translucent colors and glow in the dark.

3D Scanning:  Stop by and check out our Structure 3D Sensor  iPad-based handheld scanner.

Wearables:  We provide tools and support for sewing and working with fabrics.  We are looking for students or faculty to partner with us to learn more about integrating electronics into textile projects. Wearable technology is an exciting area for innovation and creativity, with interest in it growing from both consumers and tech companies.

Electronics:  Don’t forget there are Arduinos, Raspberry Pi and Makey-Makey (think mini- computer) devices to use.

Paper Arts and Upcycling:  Stop by and see our incredible paper dress designed by our Maker students using recycled books.  Consider offering a workshop on journal, book or zine design.  We are just concluding our Fall Zine Workshop series coordinated by Katy Curtis, Humanities Librarian.

Orientation:  15 first year students had the opportunity to participate in a 3 day Immersion event that included the Makerspace as well as visits to local printers and book designers.

Team Building:  Consider booking the Makerspace for a Team Building workshop.  We can accommodate up to 15 people.  Inspired by Darcy and R.R. Anderson of Tinkertopia, we invite you to consider a 1.5 hour workshop that will be fun, creative and build relationships.

New Equipment:   We are anxiously awaiting delivery of a desktop laser cutter in November that will increase opportunities for making!  We now have wood burning tools, new button makers and a host of new supplies.

Take Apart Events:  Reverse engineering and take apart events are great ways to learn about design and construction.  It helps us learn how things work. Consider bringing a class in to take apart an old computer or microscope.

Ready, Set, Make:  Visit our Start Making link off the Makerspace guide for easy to follow projects.

Need Information? Don’t forget the Collins Memorial Library – Library Guides
Questions? Contact your liaison librarian
Comments: Contact Jane Carlin, library director
Remember – Your best search engine is a librarian!

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Who will get the “small fortune”?

Stanley Huang is a father, husband, ex-husband, and a man of all-inclusive vacations and bargain luxury goods. A man who is newly diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

Stanley’s family includes his son Fred, who feels that he should be making more; his daughter Kate, who is managing a fickle boss, an unfocussed husband, and two children; ex-wife Linda, who is familiar and doubtful of Stanley; and second wife Mary, giver of foot rubs and ego massages.

For years, Stanley has insisted that he’s worth a small fortune. Now, as the Huangs come to terms with Stanley’s approaching death, they are also starting to fear that Stanley’s “small fortune” may not be a fortune at all. A compelling tale of cultural expectations, career ambitions and our relationships with the people who know us best.

Find this and more in the Popular Reading Collection!

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From the Archives & Special Collections: Happy Thanksgiving!

The Trail, November 26, 2018, p. 4

Well, Loggers, the Thanksgiving holiday is upon us and I’m sure everyone is looking forward to spending time with their family and friends over a delicious meal. Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on what you are grateful for in your life, and this short article from The Trail 100 years ago really puts things into perspective. World War I had ended just a few weeks earlier on November 11, 1918, after four long years of fighting. Even though the United States was only involved in combat during the last 18 months of the war, it had a significant impact on our campus community. Many faculty, staff, and students were involved in the war efforts both abroad and at home. The Trail writers wrote,

“Surely history has never recorded a Thanksgiving time when there was more to be thankful for than this year! 1918 – a memorable year; Thanksgiving – a memorable day! Why wonder that gray-haired mothers, wives, and sisters crowded the churches on November 11, kneeling to pour out their thankfulness for the cessation of hostilities? For have not all of our hearts been filled with the great Thanksgiving spirits since that memorable day! And the gripping feature of Thanksgiving, 1918, is what this time means to the whole world! ‘O let the Nations be glad and sing for joy!’”

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Archives & Special Collections is open Tuesday through Friday from 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. or by appointment.

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She Would Be King by Wayétu Moore

Announcing Sarah Jessica Parker’s Newest Book Club Central Pick by Wayétu Moore.

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From the Archives & Special Collections: Alternative Student Newspapers

UPS has had an official student newspaper for almost as long as the university has existed. Published under three different names – Ye Recorde (1895-1903), The Maroon (1903-1911), and The Trail (1911-present) – the official student newspaper has published over 2,000 issues over the past 123 years. However, unbeknownst to many, during that time at least six other alternative newspapers sought to compete with the official newspaper. These underground papers were mainly published during the 1960s and 1970s, a time of social and cultural upheaval across the United States, and frequently criticized The Trail for failing to provide a forum for criticism of the university.

The Brail was one such alternative newspaper. Published between 1963 and 1965, The Brail offered “a criticism, not only of the TRAIL, but of student government in general” (1964 Tamanawas, pg. 152). At a time when the campus climate leaned more conservative, The Brail was noticeably liberal and somewhat anti-establishment; it “[existed] in spite of lethargy, apathy, and dynamic inertia” on campus (April 1964). The paper’s motto was “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed is king”, which is an Erasmus quote. The name of the paper is a reference to this quote, as well as a play on The Trail. The Brail frequently used satire and humor to make its point. For example, UPS and Puget Sound are always stylized as UP$ and Puget $ound, and the 1963-1964 issue references the university’s motto at the time, saying “UP$–Dedicated to learning, good government, and the Christian religion. Well, two out of three isn’t half bad.” The paper’s editor, Dennis Flannigan, was ultimately asked to leave campus by President R. Franklin Thompson after receiving a warning regarding continuing to publish The Brail.

The other alternative student newspapers mostly followed similar themes, and included The Grassroots Forum, the UP$ Rut, the Index, The Advocate, and The Third Eye. To learn more, come visit the A&SC and take a look!

The Archives & Special Collections is open Tuesday through Friday from 10:00 a.m.-
3:00 p.m. or by appointment.

By Julia Masur

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Celebrate Latinx Heritage with Latinx Unidos!

¡Ya Basta! A Look Into the East LA Walkouts 50 Years Later commemorates the 50th anniversary of a series of protests organized by Chicano students in 1968 against unequal conditions in Los Angeles schools. The display was created by the Latinx Unidos student organization and provides information on the issues that prompted the walkouts, the activists’ demands, and the results and lasting impact of the protests. Included in the exhibit are re-created protest posters, a timeline of events, photographs, and more.

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Music in the Library, Harpists, Friday, Nov. 30, 2018, 3-3:20pm, Library West Reading Room

Please join us:

HARPISTS November 30, 2018
West Reading Room

Performances by: Augusta Grassi, Christina Sumprer and Sienna Murphy

For more information contact:

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Food for Fines: November 12 – December 2, 2018

This fall, Collins Memorial Library and the Emergency Food Network are cosponsoring Food for Fines. Pay off your library fines with food instead of cash, Nov. 12 – Dec. 2.  Donate to a worthy cause AND clean up your library debt at the same time.

Bring in 1 can of food and we will waive $1.00 of your library fines (for returned items). That’s right!  $1 per can! NO LIMIT!


Welcomed Items:

  • Peanut Butter • Canned meats • Canned dinners
  • Canned vegetable & fruits • Dry beans & pastas
  • Stuffing mix

* * *

  • Bring cans to the Circulation Desk on the main floor of the library.
  • 4 ramen noodle packs = $1.00 of fines.
  • One – 6 ounce can or larger = $1.00 of fines. (Unlimited waived)
  • Canned food accepted for fines on returned items only, not for replacement fees of lost items.
  • Only non-perishable, un-dented, and labeled cans will be accepted.
    • Please, no jars/glass containers.
    • Additional donations are welcome. Thank you.
  • All canned food will be donated to the Emergency Food Network (
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