Louis: It’s been a while


If you are a regular reader of this blog, you would know that I have a rabbit named Louis. If you aren’t a regular reader, I have a rabbit name Louis. We have moved and she seems to love it, especially because now there is more room for her to roam. Our house is two stories and Louis, being the smart little bunny she is, can now go up and down our stairs. People think it’s adorable, but it is very inconvenient and strange, especially when you hear her clambering up the stairs and realize it’s a giant rabbit.

And when I say giant, I mean that she is the size of a cat. Yes, a rabbit the size of a cat. She in fact scares our landlord’s cats who used to like to come into our house until they realized Louis lived here.

Louis up in arms against one of the cats

Louis up in arms against one of the cats

She has also gained the reputation of being the house’s main diva. She likes to splay herself out or jump on any piece of furniture she wants or just eat people’s fruit when they are trying to eat it, because it is theirs!

Paws up

Paws up

Queen of the castle

Queen of the castle

It’s hard not to love her adorable little face though. She can be frustrating and a troublemaker, but she’s fun and curious and a smart pet!



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