Woofstock 2013!

Oh. My. Gosh. Today was one of the happiest days of my life. The sun was out, the weather was nice, and I went to Woofstock. And that would be an animal festival on Todd Field! I was so happy for those 20 ish minutes that we were there, feeling so much love from all of the dogs and puppies, and not a lot of love from the kittens, but they were all so precious!

We first walked into a squad of chubby, panting, slobbery English Bull dogs. At one point, one of them had his tongue sticking out almost to the ground, and when I squatted to take a picture, another one nudged in to be a part of the fun.

Bull dog just swimming

Bull dog just swimming

Hey buddies!

Hey buddies!

Basically what Woofstock is is an event where there is live music being played while people walk around to perhaps adopt dogs, cats, or rabbits. There was a great array of puppies and older dogs, ranging from a couple months old to one that I saw who was 13. Many of the tents were from shelters wanting people to rescue the dogs. And many were adopted! Like our tiny Chihuahua and terrier mix friend, Oreo. Definitely a crowd favorite!



It was a fun day to walk around and see people with their cute and strange looking dogs. We met one dog with 3 legs who had been swimming in a kiddy pool and was the friendliest dog I had ever met! She ran up to us and was loving getting petted. Right afterwards, I went to a gate and was petting other puppies, when I felt a wet creature nudge me, and it was that same 3 legged dog, wanting all of my attention. I loved it so much and wished I could take one home, but being a college student and having our hands full with Louis, it wouldn’t have been a good idea. But it’s a fun thing to do in the summer if you’re in Tacoma, a really fun thing to do with friends.

Little, rowdy dogs!

Little, rowdy dogs!

Giant dogs

Giant dogs

The tents

The tents

A very poofy poodle

A very poofy poodle




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