Back row, from left to right: Katie Hoffman, Samuel Ryan
Front row: Taylor Cox, Andrew Nelson, Tam Nguyen (missing: Hyunhee Kim)
The Puget Sound Book Artists (PSBA) is pleased to announce it has awarded six Pacific Lutheran University students (Katie Hoffman ’15, Hyunhee Kim ’15, Andrew Nelson ’15, Taylor Cox ’16, Tam Nguyen ’15 and Samuel Ryan ’16) with 2014 annual memberships as a part of an initiative to support students in the book arts. Jane Carlin, Director of Collins Library at the University of Puget Sound and acting PSBA President shared, “We are delighted to welcome these students to the PSBA membership and look forward to the opportunities in 2014 to increase our contact and conversation with each other, encouraging us to further exchanges of ideas in this diverse art field”.
From everyone in the Puget Sound Book Artists, CONGRATULATIONS & WELCOME to Katie, Hunhee, Andrew, Taylor, Tam, and Samuel! We look forward to enjoying your work.