Last night’s INK This! opening at the Tacoma Art Museum was a feast for the eyes. The exhibit, beautifully curated by Margaret Bullock, offered a distinctive array of print artists, including members of the Puget Sound Book Artists. Guests fortunate enough to attend were afforded the rare opportunity to see books which included Deborah Greenwood’s exquisite use of handmade paper in her work, Sequel, MalPina Chan’s unique glass book Gui Shu (Ghost Book), or Catherine Alice Michaelis’s amazing Blue Volcano. It was truly gratifying to view books represented as works of art next to printed works in intaglio and relief.
Guests were also given the opportunity to take home commemorative books they made themselves using the ancient Egyptian tacket binding technique. Assisting them were Puget Sound Book Artist Members, Rochelle Monner, Bonnie Egbert, Jan Ward, and Karen Perrine. The souvenir was a delight to all, as over 120 of these handmade books were created and taken home during the evening. Guests were also able to personalize their books either by monograms or by stamping personal heirogylphs in keeping with the origins of the Tacket binding technique.
PSBA members exhibiting in INK This!
MalPina Chan
Deborah Greenwood
Diane Jacobs
Chandler O’Leary
Catherine Alice Michaelis
Jessica Spring
Congratulations to the PSBA members who helped make INK This! A resounding success, and special thanks to Margaret Bullock curator for the Tacoma Art Museum for creating a wonderful exhibition.

PSBA member, Jan Ward assists guests in constructing a take home book using Tacket binding techniques. Photo by Rochelle Monner

A guest studies MalPina Chan’s work, Gui Shu, part of the INK This exhibition at the Tacoma Art Museum. Photo by MalPina Chan.
Blog Contributors: Jane Carlin, Mark Hoppmann, MalPina Chan, Jan Ward
Photo Credits: Jane Carlin, MalPina Chan, Rochelle Monner, Jan Ward
To read more about the exhibition, be sure to read Rosemary Ponnekanti’s review in the Tacoma News Tribune!