Work on Procurement and Campus Solutions Set to Begin
Things keep rolling along for Optimize Puget Sound! This week, the Financials team and the technical folks initiated touch-base meetings as an ongoing way to document recent accomplishments and plan for upcoming hurdles. The Financials team also conducted a phone interview with several new consultants coming on board from MIS, our implementation partner.
Seven representatives from MIS will be on campus next week to facilitate discovery sessions for Procurement, Hyperion (budgeting), and Academic Structure/Campus Community. Numerous campus members will be involved in these discussions to finalize requirements for the new system.
As an FYI for those of you involved in all this hard work, Travis has stocked up on yummy treats to help keep you going!
Optimize Update – Friday, February 10, 2012
It was another busy week, with Stephen Phillips from MIS on campus to finish up the development tools training that started in January. Staff from Technology Services are progressively learning the technical aspects of PeopleSoft applications. These sessions are critical in the development of preliminary and long-term maintenance strategies. As Stephen put it, “The idea is if you can make it, you can fix it.”
Project Advisor for Quality Assurance Jim Fleming of Pacific University in Forest Grove, OR, was on campus today to become more familiar with the project environment. Jim is going to provide oversight and guidance based on his experience implementing PeopleSoft at an institution similar to Puget Sound.
Want to learn more about Optimize Puget Sound? Project Manager Travis Nation is available to join departmental meetings to answer questions and give a brief presentation on the project and what to expect over the next 24 months. To schedule, please contact Travis at 253-879-2710 or
Financials Fit/Gap Wraps Up and Other Updates
The Financials team was the first group to embark on the intense journey of design and implementation, and they are blazing a trail for the rest of us to follow! Throughout January, they participated in an extensive fit/gap analysis with representatives from MIS, Inc., our implementation partner. This week saw the wrap-up of those sessions intended to identify Cascade and Banner processes that will transfer easily to PeopleSoft as well as any processes requiring additional configuration or interfaces. Also in January, the development team from Technology Services participated in training on the use of PeopleTools.
Yesterday, several representatives from Puget Sound visited our counterparts at George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon, to learn about their implementation and use of PeopleSoft. We appreciate the willingness of folks there to share their experiences, insights, and good advice as we move forward!
Today we had a demo of PeopleSoft for representatives from Human Resources and CES as design and implementation will start in their area in July.
Special thanks to everyone for their active engagement in these important activities!