Budget Administration 2 Training
Budget Administration 2 training sessions this week solidified concepts introduced in Budget Administration 1 and provided attendees with the natural next step in becoming comfortable in the new system. People were most excited to learn how to export budget details into Excel, which will let them construct graphs, add columns to track purchases, and more. As MIS instructor Peter Ho (pictured) explained, “Excel allows you to perform ‘what if’ scenarios—What if I buy these items? How much money will I have left?” Attendees left training confident in their abilities to code financial transactions, save advanced searches, and review budget specifics.
Budget Administration 2 training provides tools that give users more flexibility and assurance when coding purchases and reviewing budgets. Optimize staff members can assist you in determining which training sessions make sense for your position. Please email optimizetraining@pugetsound.edu to ask for help evaluating your training needs. If you have questions about PeopleSoft access and technical concerns, please continue to contact the Service Desk at 253.879.8585.
August training sessions include Budget Administration 1, Budget Administration 2, Submitting Requisitions, and Approving Requisitions. Register now!