Student Center is Coming!

The Campus Solutions team continues work on several fronts as we move toward the initial go-live of Student Center slated for next week. On Monday Kris Bartanen, academic vice president and dean of the university, and Mike Segawa, vice president of student affairs and dean of students, sent a message to students about what to expect in Student Center. Initially, Student Center will only provide a “to-do list” and the Fall 2013 course schedule, but eventually tools will be added for such tasks as registration and billing.

The message to students also introduced myPugetSound, the name of the new portal scheduled to replace Cascade in August. Moving forward, students will receive email updates and announcements from the myPugetSound Transition Team, composed of Martin Jackson, associate academic dean, Donn Marshall, associate dean of students, Maggie Mittuch, associate vice president for student financial services, Sarah Moore, associate academic dean, Brad Tomhave, university registrar, and Landon Wade, director of academic advising.

Also this week, Optimize managers visited with administrators at Clover Park Technical College to compare notes on preparing for an ERP implementation. Clover Park will be moving to PeopleSoft as part of an implementation planned by the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC).

We continue to welcome questions, suggestions, or any other feedback you may have. Please contact us at
