Fits, Gaps, and Conversions

The Human Resources team has been working on solutions for filling gaps and tightening fits in preparation for migrating from our current systems to PeopleSoft. They are collaborating with the Financials team on plans for parallel payroll testing.

Congratulations to Katie Holmes, who has accepted the regular staff position of Assistant Director of Financial Systems and Disbursements in Accounting & Budget Services. In this position, Katie will be responsible for processing Puget Sound’s payroll and related tax reporting. Katie also assumes the role of PeopleSoft payroll functional lead. Look for email messages from Katie in the coming weeks about the changes and training opportunities related to payroll and timekeeping.

The Campus Solutions team includes a wide range of members working on many different tracks. Some 21 people are involved in validating bio/demo data. The Registrar’s Office has been setting up external credit, test score, and advising conversion tables. Student Financial Services has been working on the setup and conversion for packaging financial aid awards. The technical team created an interface between Enrollment Manager and PeopleSoft for the Office of Admission. And Academic Recorder Leah Coakley completed the manual clean-up of the course catalog in PeopleSoft!
