September Closes with Significant Progress
The way the Optimize teams are moving along, they might well be singing these lines from September Song by Kurt Weill and Maxwell Anderson: “Oh, it’s a long, long while from May to December, but the days grow short when you reach September. When the autumn weather turns the leaves to flame, one hasn’t got time for the waiting game.”
The Campus Solutions folks certainly aren’t playing the waiting game as they had several major accomplishments this week. They successfully created a budget for a student and loaded Profile and Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) files in PeopleSoft. The Human Resources team completed the salary plans workbooks and are progressing at a rapid pace through other topics such as bio/demo data, student employment data, payroll design, and timekeeping.
The Financials team has been testing the new budget administration tools planned for roll out Monday, October 1. Included will be a new budget view very similar to what Cascade provided under Budget Administration.
Training sessions on budget and purchasing continue. See the full schedule at Optimize Puget Sound Training. Please send PeopleSoft questions to the Technology Service Desk at and any project-related questions or comments to We welcome your feedback!