Stress Management & Library Tools

CALLOUT_stressTips from Liz Roepke ’15, Peer Research Advisor

I’m not sure about you, but I am definitely starting to feel the pressure of quizzes, exams, papers, and projects this semester! When my to-do list keeps getting longer, I forget what day of the week it is, and I feel tired at 8 o’clock at night, I can tell I’m getting stressed out. So what to do about it? It seems backwards, but what helps me through weeks of particularly heavy workloads is usually stepping back from my work and taking some time to stop thinking about all the tasks I need to complete. Other methods I use are studying with friends from my class, writing more lists, and seeking outside resources like tutoring sessions or research consultations. Here’s my list of helpful resources from the library and around campus:

  • Research consultations: Working on a paper or research project? Request an appointment with a Liaison Librarian or the Peer Research Advisor (me!) if you’re having trouble settling on a research topic, finding enough sources, or finding the right kind of sources. You can check which librarian covers your discipline by finding your subject page at; the Peer Research Advisor ( can help you in any introductory-level course.
  • If it’s outside of business hours and you have research questions, you can use the 24/7 “Ask A Librarian” tool and a real-live librarian will respond to your message! If they can’t fully answer your question, the request will be forwarded to the reference librarians and they can help you the next morning. Access it here:
  • Take advantage of the library’s lesser-known study spaces: there are study carrels on the north wall of the lower level, study rooms on the 2nd floor near the music stacks, and tables/carrels hidden around the 3rd and 4th floors (nice views outside!).
  • Bring a friend to study with you and you can keep an eye on each other’s things when you need a mental break. If I’m in the middle of a long reading assignment and I just can’t absorb any more information, I like to walk a loop around the president’s woods because the air feels so refreshing.
  • Schedule a tutoring or writing advising appointment at the CWLT ( I’m always impressed by how helpful and knowledgeable my peers are!
  • If you have a question you think an expert has to answer, ask your professor or another in the department. Professors are usually able to make appointments outside of their office hours or can even try and answer your question by email. Don’t be afraid to admit you didn’t understand some aspect of their lecture, or that you have further questions about a class discussion – taking the initiative to ask for help is never looked down upon!

Remember, if you’re stressing out over upcoming tests and papers, take a deep breath and then utilize these available resources that are designed to help you succeed!

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