Yann Martel’s The High Mountains of Portugal

HighMTNsIn The High Mountains of Portugal, Martel takes readers on a century long story that is part quest, part ghost story, and part contemporary fable.

It begins in 1904 with young Tomas’s discovery of a journal hinting at a mysterious and amazing artifact. Thirty five years later, a Portuguese pathologist becomes entangled in the consequences of Tomas’s actions. The journey finally comes to a conclusion fifty years on when a Canadian senator and widower takes refuge in his ancestral Portuguese village.

Become a part of the search and check out The High Mountains of Portugal from the Popular Collection today!

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“Food for Fines” February 15 – 28, 2016!

FoodforFinesFebruary 15th – February 28th

This spring, Collins Memorial Library and the Pierce County AIDS Foundation are co-sponsoring Food for Fines. Pay off your library fines with food instead of cash, February 15th-February 28th. Donate to a worthy cause AND clean up your library debt at the same time.

Bring in 1 can of food and we will waive $1.00 of your library fines (for returned items). That’s right! $1 per can! No limit!


Welcomed Items:

  • Peanut Butter
  • Canned meats
  • Canned dinners
  • Canned vegetable & fruits
  • Dry beans & pastas
  • Stuffing mix


  • Bring cans to the Circulation Desk on the main floor of the library.
  • 4 ramen noodle packs = $1.00 of fines.
  • One – 6 ounce can or larger = $1.00 of fines. (Unlimited waived)
  • Canned food accepted for fines on returned items only, not for replacement fees of lost items.
  • Only non-perishable, un-dented, and labeled cans will be accepted.
  • All canned food will be donated to the Emergency Food Network.

Please, no jars/glass containers.  Additional donations are welcome. Thank you.


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From the Archives & Special Collections: Washington’s Family Tree

archive-1Every now and then, you stumble across an interesting title, which leads to an interesting book, which leads to even more interesting discoveries. While I was looking for some other books for research, I saw the title “Maternal Ancestry” and the word “Washington” attached to it. The first thing I thought of was not our first president, however, but the state. Curious as to how a state might have a maternal ancestry, I pulled out the book to realize my mistake (it was early). Titled “The Maternal Ancestry and nearest kin of Washington. A monograph,” this book was published in 1885 by George Washington Ball.

Many old family trees focused on paternal ancestry, but with someone as popular as Washington, it wouldn’t have been unusual for a maternal ancestry as well. However, this book comes with a bunch of notes! Not only did the owner underline many names, and add a bunch of footnotes in the margins, doubtless to do more research or to indicate that they knew of this person, they actually added on to the fold-out family tree and corrected some of the names.








The Archives & Special Collections is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 1:00-3:00 p.m. or by appointment.

By Morgan Ford

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Collins Library Links: New Resources at Collins


New Resources at Collins
Online resources available at Collins Library continue to expand.
Listed here are a few of the recently added resources.



Environmental Science Collection

This ProQuest collection contains environmental science related full-text articles, granular access to figures and tables within articles, environmental impact statements, and the entire range of bibliographic records from Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management (ESPM).


Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism
A full-text searchable database of articles on individual critics and theorists, critical and theoretical schools and movements, and the critical and theoretical innovations of specific countries and historical periods. It also treats related persons and fields that have been shaped by or have themselves shaped literary theory and criticism. Each entry includes a selective primary and secondary bibliography.



Key Business Ratios (Mergent)
Provides access to competitive benchmarking data. Examines industry benchmarks compiled from D&B®’s database of public and private companies, featuring 14 key business ratios (users choose a one-year or three-year set of ratios) for public and private companies in 800 lines of business.



Loeb Classical Library
A fully searchable, virtual library of Greek and Latin literature with English translations. Includes epic and lyric poetry; tragedy and comedy; history, travel, philosophy, and oratory; the great medical writers and mathematicians; and, those Church Fathers who made particular use of pagan culture.




ProQuest Newsstand provides access to the full text of over 1300 newspapers, news websites and blogs from leading publishers throughout the world. The database includes backfile for most newspapers, providing access to articles, columns, editorials, obituaries and features published in each paper.

Major newspapers include the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, The Guardian and many other national and regional titles. ProQuest Newsstand provides the very latest local, regional and national news.

ProQuest Central
This database serves as a central resource for researchers at all levels. Covering more than 160 subjects areas, ProQuest Central is a large aggregated database of periodical content. It features a diversified mix of content including scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, books, newspapers, reports and videos.

Social Sciences Premium Collection
This ProQuest collection provides access to multiple databases covering the international literature in the social sciences, including politics, sociology, social services, anthropology, criminology and education. Featured databases include IBSS, PAIS and Sociological Abstracts. Together, they provide abstracts, indexing and full text coverage of journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, working papers and more, including deep indexing and full text from many important social science journals.

Need Information? Don’t forget the Collins Memorial Library – Library Guides
Questions? Contact your liaison librarian
Comments: Contact Jane Carlin, library director
Remember – Your best search engine is a librarian!

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Blind date with a book in the Popular Collection

packagesCome celebrate Valentine’s Day with Tina Fey, Judd Apatow, Han Solo, and many more!

Starting next week, select titles from the Popular Collection will be wrapped up and waiting for you as part of our Blind Date With a Book event. It’s a fun way for you to get to know some of the wonderful books in the collection. We’ll give you some clues as to who exactly your date is so just this once, it’s good to judge a book by its cover.

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From the Archives & Special Collections: The Darwin Family

CALLOUT_DarwinIf you’re a fan of science, Darwinism, or fascinating autobiographical anecdotes then the Archives & Special Collections is the place for you! We have a 3-volume collection titled The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin and it is FULL of captivating stories regarding the life of Darwin. Edited and arranged by his son, Francis Darwin, these books contain biographical and scientific information ranging from theory to lady troubles, so if you’re interested in learning about Darwin beyond the context of his most well-known scientific theories and work, this is most certainly the collection for you. Come check it out!

Sneak peek: “My father [Robert W. Darwin] used to tell me many little things which he had found useful in his medical practice. Thus ladies often cried much while telling him their troubles, and thus caused much loss of his precious time. He soon found that begging them to command and restrain themselves, always made them weep the more, so that afterwards he always encouraged them to go on crying, saying that this would relieve them more than anything else, and with the invariable result that they soon ceased to cry, and he could hear what they had to say and give his advice.”

The Archives & Special Collections is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 1:00-3:00 p.m. or by appointment.

By Monica Patterson

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February 1 is National Freedom Day

promisesofLibertyOn February 1, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln signed the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution. As the amendment made explicit, “neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

Read more about it: Tsesis, Alexander. The Promises of Liberty The History and Contemporary Relevance of the Thirteenth Amendment. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010. (ebook)

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AAA Style Guide Retired




Last fall the American Anthropological Association announced that it would retire its style guide.

According to an announcement on the AAA website, “After much consideration of publishing standards and member input, AAA has decided to cease production of the AAA Style Guide. AAA style now adheres fully to the current edition of the Chicago Manual of Style (Author-Date).”

The change should not lead to any major difficulty, since the last 2009 edition of the AAA Style Guide was largely based on the Chicago Manual of Style .

The Chicago Manual of Style can be accessed online in its entirety, while a print copy is held on reserve at the Circulation Desk, (Call number Z253 U69 2010).

For more information about style citations and citation management tools check out our Citations Tools page.

– By Ben Tucker

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From the Archives & Special Collections: A Piece of Art


When words and art come together you get the wonderful and creative artists’ books. However, these books go much further than picture books; they really are a piece of art. One such book, The Girl in the Moon by Jessica Spring, brings together words, pictures, texture, and 3D pop outs that tell a story. The first page reads, “That man in the moon is really a girl. Watching earth, she inspires mischief to unfurl.” The story continues to tell of the things that can happen on a full moon night. Come to the Archives & Special Collections to check out more pieces of art!

The Archives & Special Collections is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 1:00-3:00 p.m. or by appointment.


By: Sierra Scott

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Behind the Archives Door: Tuesday, Feb. 2, 4-5 p.m. – Renee Simms, African American Studies, Documents of Cultural Shift: Reading our Campus Letters, Student Newspapers, Yearbooks, and Course Catalogues from 1965 to 1971

CALLOUT_BTAD_Feb2Join us in the Archives & Special Collections space for light refreshments and an informal lecture.

When did our university begin discussions about adding courses on African American culture? What were campus discussions in 1965 about racial integration of fraternities and sororities?  Who participated in those discussions?  How did the Black Student Union come about? These are some of the questions that students are asked to consider during a class in the Archives & Special Collections for Introduction to African American Studies. Join assistant professor Renee Simms as she shares this lesson and how it prepares students for institutional analysis in later class assignments.


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