Timothy Ely Lecture – April 15th, 2016, Collins Memorial Library, Room 020, 6:30–7:30 pm

CALLOUT_TimElyLecture with Timothy Ely – April 15th, 2016
Collins Memorial Library, Room 020
6:30 – 7:30 pm

Collins Library, in association with the Puget Sound Book Artists, is pleased to sponsor a lecture by artist Tim Ely.

Tim Ely is a book artist whose work is engaging, inspiring and unique.  He is the recipient of many awards and honors, including a National Endowment for the Arts grant that supported travel in Japan, Italy, and England to study bookbinding and paper making.. He has had numerous solo exhibitions and has participated in many group exhibitions.. His work is in many private and public collections, including the Library of Congress, the Brooklyn Museum, the Boston Athenaeum, the Getty Research Institute, the Victoria and Albert Museum, and the Lilly Library. Tim will discuss his career, approach to his work and the impact of books as a design format.

Puget Sound Book Artists
Two-Day Workshop with Timothy Ely – Sketchbooks: Plan and Action
April 16th and 17th, 2016

Puget Sound Book Artists is proud to offer a 2-day workshop with Timothy Ely on sketchbooks.

The sketchbook can serve as a planner, recording device, carrier of scrap, journal, and muse. Notations in a sketchbook are often the first step in connecting the imagination with the realization of an object or the grasping of an insight.

This two-day intensive investigates the uses and utility of the artist’s sketchbook, a conceptual tool with a long and venerable history. We will fabricate a “formal” codex book with rigid covers. Knowledge of this conceptually flexible book form will ultimately allow for a great deal of spontaneous play. These structures are fascinating hybrids, combining a traditional, sewn text block, with Ely’s development of the “drum leaf” binding for cover techniques. There are many variations possible, so adequate so time will be provided to explore. Surface design on covering materials, possible variants on format, and engagement with mark-making will form a foundation for exciting and durable archiving. Adhesives, their make-up, and use for a range of techniques, both utilitarian and decorative, will be covered. Group dynamics will also insert topics of surprise as participants bring issues and ideas to the game. In addition, because of the approach to the blank page is often fraught with trepidation we will examine some arcane aspects of drawing and rendering. These give large doses of complexity, energy and surface to the life of the sketchbook and will help dissolve the blocks to the creative path.

Workshop fee $310
Supplies list and materials fee not yet identified
Workshop will be held at 701 Opera Alley down the hall from Fibers’ Etc. in Tacoma

All skill levels are welcome, beginning to advanced. Beginners are welcome though they should have done some reading or otherwise engage in the process.

Timothy Ely has been a student and scholar of the sketchbook form since the late 1960’s. He received an MFA in Design from the University of Washington in 1975 and since that time has made over 500 unique manuscript books, sketchbooks & archives and has been active in teaching the art of the book. His books are in public, private, and secret collections planet wide. He lives in Colfax, Washington.


Images of Tim’s work available at: https://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=timothy%20ely&rs=typed&0=timothy|typed&1=ely|typed

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30 Ways to Celebrate National Poetry Month

PoetryMonthApril is National Poetry Month. The Poetry Foundation has some great articles and podcasts on their website, including a Poem of the Day series and Essential American Poets, among many others. Poetry Northwest also has a podcast featuring interviews with poets. Also, check out Poems for Spring from the Academy of American Poets.

30 Ways to Celebrate:

  1. Order a free National Poetry Month poster and display it at work or school.
  2. Sign up for Poem-a-Day and read a poem each morning.
  3. Sign up for Teach This Poem, a weekly series for teachers.
  4. Memorize a poem.
  5. Create an anthology of your favorite poems on Poets.org.
  6. Encourage a young person to participate in the Dear Poet project.
  7. Buy a book of poetry from your local bookstore.
  8. Review these concrete examples of how poetry matters in the United States today.
  9. Learn more about poets and poetry events in your state.
  10. Ask your governor or mayor for a proclamation in support of National Poetry Month.
  11. Attend a poetry reading at a local university, bookstore, cafe, or library.
  12. Read a poem at an open mic. It’s a great way to meet other writers in your area and find out about your local poetry writing community.
  13. Start a poetry reading group.
  14. Write an exquisite corpse poem with friends.
  15. Chalk a poem on the sidewalk.
  16. Deepen your daily experience by reading Edward Hirsch’s essay “How to Read a Poem.”
  17. Ask the United States Post Office to issue more stamps celebrating poets.
  18. Recreate a poet’s favorite food or drink by following his or her recipe.
  19. Read about different poetic forms.
  20. Read about poems titled “poem.”
  21. Celebrate National Poem in Your Pocket Day on April 21, 2016. The idea is simple: select a poem you love, carry it with you, then share it with coworkers, family, and friends.
  22. Subscribe to American Poets magazine or a small press poetry journal.
  23. Watch Rachel Eliza Griffiths’s P.O.P (Poets on Poetry) videos.
  24. Watch or read Carolyn Forche’s talk “Not Persuasion, But Transport: The Poetry of Witness.”
  25. Read or listen to Mark Doty’s talk “Tide of Voices: Why Poetry Matters Now.”
  26. Read Allen Ginsberg’s classic essay about Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass.”
  27. Watch a poetry movie.
  28. Sign up for a poetry class or workshop.
  29. Get ready for Mother’s Day by making a card featuring a line of poetry.
  30. Read the first chapter of Muriel Rukeyer’s inspiring book The Life of Poetry.
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Just in the Popular Collection: All the Birds in the Sky

BirdsInSkyIt’s sometime in the future in a world where magical powers and time machines are nothing out of the ordinary. Childhood friends Patricia and Laurence have grown up and are living in San Francisco. Patricia has graduated from a hidden academy for the world’s magically gifted and Laurence is an engineering genius. However, both will soon come to realize the force that is determined to bring them together, a force that will either save the planet that is falling apart around them or drag it further into oblivion.

NPR’s Jason Heller says it’s “full of quirkiness and playful detail [. . .] but there’s an overwhelming depth and poignancy to its virtuoso ending.” Check out All the Birds in the Sky from the Popular Collection today.

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Celebrating Shakespeare: Shakespeare’s Words By Cory Koehler

BIGCALLOUT_ShakespeareIn honor of William Shakespeare we are celebrating the 400th anniversary of his death on April 23, 2016. What better way to do this, than by highlighting the writing done by first-year students in Associate Professor of English John Wesley’s first-year seminar, A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare? This first-year seminar in scholarly inquiry studies four remarkable plays Shakespeare wrote or saw into production in 1599, the same year he opened the Globe Theatre. In the first half of the course, students were introduced to the myriad ways in which Shakespeare’s 1599 plays are shaped by and give shape to the political and cultural intrigues of that year. In the second half of the course, students turned to a play (and year) of their own choosing, the historicist analysis of which is the basis of an independent research project. As part of this project, students were asked to prepare a blog post that reflected on aspects of Shakespeare’s life, a specific work, or a resource or organization associated with Shakespeare, or to provide a personal interpretation of a play. During the month of April, we’ll feature the posts from students that celebrate all things Shakespeare!

Congratulations to our wonderful first-year writers. For additional online resources about Shakespeare, check out these sites:

Shakespeare’s Words
By Cory Koehler

Shakespeare_WordsWhen confronted with Shakespearean writing, some people enjoy the challenge and his stories, others grimace and try to work their way through the muddle, and still others flat out refuse to make the attempt. The archaic language and phrasing mixed with iambic pentameter and references that are no longer common knowledge can easily lead to distress and confusion. But in some respects, those of us reading Shakespeare’s plays in the modern age have an advantage over his original audiences. Beyond the benefit of having the internet at our disposal, we also are already familiar with many neologisms of Shakespeare’s that they may never have come across before. Currently, the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) accredits Shakespeare with coining 1,507 words, and creating 7,698 new definitions for existing words. Some are common words that we take for granted, such as downstairs, ghost, list, purr, and defeated. Others are obscure words that hardly anyone knows, like facinorous– meaning extremely wicked or immoral– and scamel– a word so seldom used that even the OED doesn’t know the meaning (Oxford).

Unfortunately, it cannot be completely confirmed that Shakespeare himself created these words, only that his are the oldest recorded instances of their use. He could have heard some of those words from plays that didn’t survive or in passing from a person on the street. Some of his supposed neologisms have been found in older works as have been since stricken from his tally. Despite his reputation as a wordsmith and the impressive count of words still accredited to him, Shakespeare is not the author with the most neologisms. That distinction goes to Geoffrey Chaucer followed closely by John Trevisa, who are the only two individuals whose new-word counts exceed Shakespeare’s. While he doesn’t hold the record for new words, Shakespeare does have the most new definitions for existing words and is the single most quoted author in the OED with tallies at 7,698 and 33,076. Only The Times has more quotations or new meanings with 40,406 and 7,757, respectively, and they have had innumerable authors and two and a half centuries to amass that collection and they are still creating more (Oxford).

In spite of plethora of words in the English language, new words are continually being created. Some neologisms are needed for new inventions and the descriptive words that go along with its behavior or use, such as Twitter, hashtag, and tweet, although two of those are existing words that have been given new meaning. Others are coined for no particular purpose, but by word of mouth and the indomitable influence of the internet. There are also a few nonce terms that are created for a single occasion, one that don’t survive their coinage or are only applicable in an author’s writing, such as terminology for that specific fictional world. Words like flowgold, zan, and concraz (three words from my current favorite book: Earth Girl by Janet Edwards) don’t hold much meaning beyond the pages of their book. For anyone wishing to dabble in coining neologisms, there are already existing terms for creating words that might help you along: combining and shortening, using prefixes, suffixes, and syllables to do just as the words imply; blending, adding two words together; borrowing, taking words from other languages; and Eponymic naming, turning proper nouns into other parts of speech (Plotnik). Or you could simply create a new word from scratch, as many sci-fi and fantasy authors do. However you choose to neologize, don’t be afraid to share it with others. Who knows? It could become the next word added to the Oxford English Dictionary.


Plotnik, Arthur. “Shall we coin a term? When no other word will do, maybe a neologism will.” The Writer Dec. 2003: 17+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.

“William Shakespeare.” Top 1000 Sources in the OED. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2016. Oxford English Dictionary. Web. 28 Feb. 2016. <http://0-www.oed.com.catalog.multcolib.org/view/source/a644?result=2&rskey=0Gy7xd&sourceScope=FIRST_IN_ENTRY>.


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From the Archives & Special Collections: Which campus building has the most stories?

CALLOUT_OldLibraryThe library of course!

With so many books and so many floors this “multi-story” building is the ultimate resource and refuge for any UPS student! We as students spend a LOT of our time in this building, so sometimes it’s fun to take a moment and reflect on how the building has transformed over time. Ever wondered what the library looked like back in the day? In the Archives & Special Collections we have TONS of old photographs to illustrate exactly that. Witnessing the physical progression of the campus we know and love strengthens our connection to UPS and broadens our understanding of our history, so come check out the photographs in person or take a look at our digitized collection with A Sound Past!

To satisfy your newly-conjured curiosity, below is a photograph of the library entrance area back in 1954!

The Archives & Special Collections is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 1:00-3:00 p.m. or by appointment.

By Monica Patterson

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Through the years with Terry Pratchett

BlinkOfScreenA Blink of the Screen takes readers through four decades of the best-selling and beloved author’s writing career from his early schooldays to his creation of the wildly successful Discworld series. For the first time, Pratchett’s short stories and other short-form fiction have been combined into one book.

With characters old and new, abandoned worlds and those waiting to be discovered, adventure, chickens, death, and Terry Pratchett’s distinct humor, A Blink of the Screen is wonderfully unpredictable. Look for it in the Popular Collection today!

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From the Archives & Special Collections: Exploring the Northwest

NWexhibitIt is finally spring time, which means nice weather and plenty of time to explore the great outdoors! From medicinal plants to conquering the mountains, people have been exploring the Northwest for many years and have made some amazing discoveries. In the library, the exhibit this spring is Exploring the Northwest. The exhibit features material from the Archives & Special Collections along with material from Puget Sound students, staff, and alumni. A wall of maps has been put up from different areas around the Northwest. Come by the library and show us where you have been. Add your name to a sticky note and place it on a map!

The Archives & Special Collections is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 1:00-3:00 p.m. or by appointment.

By Sierra Scott

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Collins Library Supports Multicultural Book Drive: April 1-15

CALLOUT_MultiCulturalDriveThe Library is supporting a Multicultural Book Drive sponsored by students engaged with the Center for Intercultural and Civic Engagement.  There will be donation boxes by the circulation desk and also at the SUB.  More information can be found at:   http://www.pugetsound.edu/student-life/service/youth-programs/multicultural-book-drive/  The web site provides a list of books that the students are seeking. The drive will run from April 1-15.

Please consider supporting this really important initiative.  


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Collins Library links: Focus on Data Management & Data Management Plans


Focus on Data Management & Data Management Plans
How Collins Can Help

What is Data Management?
Data management is the storage, access, and preservation of research data that is produced in the course of scholarly work. Throughout the lifecycle of a research project, there are specific moments during which data needs to be managed by the researcher, from initial planning to final deposition. Much of this management is second nature to experienced researchers, as data is collected, then assessed via a quality control process, documented whether formally or informally, processed for further analysis and use, possibly shared with others, and then finally archived in some fashion.

How can Collins Library assist with Data Management?
Liaison librarians are available to assist faculty with identifying areas where data management practices could be improved, or methods for incorporating data management best practices into teaching. Librarians can offer suggestions for discipline-appropriate best practices for sharing and archiving data, such as identifying subject-based data repositories and assisting with the process of depositing data. Librarians can also support one of the most common data management needs of faculty researchers, which is the creation of (and adherence to) a Data Management Plan.

What is a Data Management Plan?
A Data Management Plan (or DMP) is a document formally describing how researchers will manage, store, and make available the data that they collect or generate, both during the course of their research and after a given research project is completed. Typically, a DMP will address issues of long term storage, responsibility for ongoing maintenance of data, and the accessibility of the data for later reuse or access by other researchers. Specific details are included about how the data was generated, what file types are needed to store the data, what naming conventions or other organizational methods are in place, and how the data is being backed up or permanently archived.

Learn more about Data Management Plans at this guide hosted by Collins library which answers frequently asked questions, provides examples of completed DMPs, and links to useful tools for creating a DMP: http://research.pugetsound.edu/dmp

Interested in Learning More about Data Management or Data Management Plans?

Need Information? Don’t forget the Collins Memorial Library – Library Guides
Questions? Contact your liaison librarian
Comments: Contact Jane Carlin, library director
Remember – Your best search engine is a librarian!

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Behind the Archives Door: Monday, April 4, 4-5 p.m. – Washi Arts, Linda Marshall

CALLOUT_BTAD_Apr4-WashiArtsWashi Arts sole focus is Japanese papers, tools and supplies for creative artists and businesses, with papers in an incredibly wide range of fibers, colours, patterns, weights and sizes. Japan has a culture that honors excellence in craftsmanship and the 1,400 years of continuous paper-making meaning the quality is excellent and dependable. Japanese paper-makers traditional practices and methods are highly sustainable with the papers made from renewable fibres, in small communities and family businesses. Join us in learning more about washi paper.

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