Collins Library acquires fantastic new resources over the summer

CALLOUT_NewSummResourcesHere’s a rundown of the new databases and collections that Collins now provides access to:

  • Oxford Bibliographies Online – subjects included are:
    • African American Studies
    • African Studies
    • Chinese Studies
    • Latino Studies
    • Political Science
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Susan Lowdermilk, Book Artist: Friday, September 16, 2016, 5:30-7pm, Library Rm. 020

Lowdermik_2imagesSusan is a Professor at Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon where she has been teaching courses in printmaking, artist books and graphic design for two decades. As a book artist and printmaker, Susan works in traditional processes such as woodcut, wood engraving and etching as well as digital media. To see more:

Susan Lowdermilk | Book Artist, Printmaker


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We are so excited! Construction is underway on our new Archives & Special Collections space.

New Spaces:  Renovations in the Archives & Special Collections! This project has been three and a half years in the making and we are so excited to see it begin. Over the past few weeks we have relocated all of our collections and supplies in preparation for construction and anticipate our new space being open for the start of classes at the end of this month. Stay tuned for a full reveal of our new space in the next few weeks and an opening reception early in the spring semester.

Outside the Archives & Special Collections, July 2016

Outside the Archives & Special Collections, July 2016


The materials arrive, August 8, 2016



Materials in front of Archives & Special Collections, August 9, 2016

big callout

Walls under construction, August 12, 2016



Outside the Archives & Special Collections, August 15, 2016


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University of Puget Sound Joins Liberal Arts Colleges to Found a New Scholarly Press

LeverPress_LogoLever Press will publish peer-reviewed works in print and online

Students will have a new low or no-cost source of books

TACOMA, Wash. – University of Puget Sound has become a founding member of Lever Press, a new academic press launched by liberal arts colleges across the country to create an effective alternative means for scholars worldwide to publish their work.

The press will be open-access, with peer-reviewed works available both in print, for a small cost, and online, for no cost. Works from scholars and researchers across all disciplines will be considered. The new press is funded by a consortium of 80 liberal arts college libraries, and guided by a partnership of Amherst College Press and Michigan Publishing at the University of Michigan.

“We are thrilled to be founding members in a publishing group that is allied with our values and goals as educators,” said Jane Carlin, director of University of Puget Sound’s Collins Memorial Library. “This will mean new opportunities for faculty to publish their work and distribute it in an affordable form to a wide audience, and it will mean libraries such as our own can provide students will a far richer range of learning experiences.”

The Oberlin Group, a consortium of 80 research libraries serving liberal arts colleges across the United States, launched Lever Press out of a concern that restrictions on access to scholarly materials is exacerbating a disturbing trend in which not all libraries, institutions, and students can afford the educational resources they need.

“It shouldn’t be the case that only the wealthiest institutions can afford to purchase the best and most recent books addressing issues and fields at the heart of our campuses,” said Mike Roy, dean of libraries at Middlebury College and president of the Lever Press oversight committee.

“And as publishers increasingly request processing fees and subsidies for articles and book-length works, it shouldn’t be that only scholars at the best-resourced institutions get a chance to get published.”

Lever Press is distinguished by three key commitments: editorial alignment with the mission and ethos of liberal arts colleges; a “platinum” approach to open access in which the pledging institutions, rather than authors, pay all publishing costs; and digitally-native production processes designed to support innovative projects that go “beyond the book.”

“We’re looking for work that reflects the identity and characteristic emphasis on excellence in teaching and research that is the hallmark of our sponsoring colleges,” said Mark Edington, Lever Press’s publisher.

“As we’ve reflected on how a press founded by these colleges can offer a distinct voice and contribution to the world of scholarly publishing, we keep returning to the idea of the books that all of us encountered as undergraduates that opened our eyes and changed our lives. We’re looking for titles that can teach what they know, that reveal to the reader not just a recitation of findings but a narrative of discovery.”

Over the next five years, Lever Press is expected to publish some 60 titles. Titles will be available both as downloadable files and as screen-readable web pages. Production will be undertaken by Michigan Publishing’s emerging Fulcrum digital publishing platform, made possible with a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Lever Press is already accepting proposals from scholars for individual works and series of works. Proposals for individual works are welcome from faculty and scholars anywhere; proposals for series should come from faculty members or teams of faculty members from one or more of Lever’s sponsoring institutions.

Guidelines for submitted work can be found at:

A list of Lever’s sponsoring institutions are available at:

Tweet this: #College #scholars have new open-access press @Lever_Press w/ 80 #liberalarts members. @univpugetsound is in!

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University of Puget Sound is a 2,600-student, national undergraduate liberal arts college in Tacoma, Wash., drawing students from 47 states and 12 countries. Puget Sound graduates include Rhodes and Fulbright scholars, notables in the arts and culture, entrepreneurs and elected officials, and leaders in business and finance locally and throughout the world. A low student-faculty ratio provides Puget Sound students with personal attention from faculty members who have a strong commitment to teaching and offer 1,200 courses each year in more than 50 areas of study. Puget Sound is the only national, independent undergraduate liberal arts college in Western Washington, and one of just five independent colleges in the Northwest granted a charter by Phi Beta Kappa, the nation’s most prestigious academic honor society.

Aug. 4, 2016
– Shirley Skeel,







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Celebrate the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture

 The Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture and the Washington Monument. Photo by Alan Karchmer.

The Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture and the Washington Monument.  Photo by Alan Karchmer.

Please join us in celebrating the opening of the Smithsonian’s newest museum: A Place for All People: Introducing the National Museum of African American History and Culture poster set.

A Place for All People: Introducing the National Museum of African American History and Culture poster set. Explore African American history, culture, and community through a preview of the Museum’s inaugural exhibition galleries and collections.


(1) Bible belonging to enslaved minister Nat Turner, 1830s. (Gift of Maurice A. Person and Noah and Brooke Porter.) (2) Portrait of a couple in Greenville, Miss. by Rev. Henry Clay Anderson, ca. 1960. (3) Grand Dame Queenie by Amy Sherald, 2012. Copyright Amy Sherald.







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KNOW LibGuide

KNOWLearn more about resources to support the KNOW initiative.  Courses in Knowledge, Identity and Power provide a distinct site for students to develop their understanding of the dynamics and consequences of power differentials, inequalities and divisions among social groups, and the relationship of these issues to the representation and production of knowledge. In these courses, students also develop their capacity to communicate meaningfully about issues of power, disparity, and diversity of experiences and identities.

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A New Tradition is born! Library Cords

library_cords_closeupGraduating Senior Addison “Addi” Mercer, Communication Studies, University of Puget Sound said the Collins Library was such a large part of her college life that she wanted to have some sort of visual way to represent the library during this spring’s Commencement. Addi created library cords for graduating students that were worn proudly at the university’s graduation ceremony. Jane Carlin, Library Director of Puget Sound, thinks the idea was pure brilliance! She states, “so many of our students spend their 4 years working at the library and mCALLOUT_LibraryCords-gradany go on to graduate school. The library really becomes a home away from home for many students. Addi’s simple gesture to create these library honor cords is the start of a new tradition for the library. We look forward to next year’s cording ceremony for the class of 2017.”

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Sound Ideas Login Process Changing

Sound Ideas Banner CaptureEffective June 21, the login process for Sound Ideas is changing in order to ensure the security and dependability of the service.  In the past, Sound Ideas accounts used the same username and password as users’ Puget Sound network account, however, we are moving to a process where the two will no longer be linked and synchronized.

This change will require current users to reset their password before their next login.

In order to login to Sound Ideas you will have to reset your password using the following steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click “Forgot Password”
  3. Enter email address and click “Reset Password”
  4. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password
  5. Create a new password
  6. Login with your email address and newly created password from this point on

This change will have no impact on any works you have previously submitted to Sound Ideas, or any other features of the repository.

Individuals new to Sound Ideas can register as a new user at our login page.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ben Tucker at or by phone at (253) 879-3667.

-By Ben Tucker, Coordinator of Sound Ideas Institutional Repository


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New in the Popular Reading Collection: Anna Quindlen’s Miller’s Valley

MillersValleyThe Millers have lived in Miller’s Valley for decades. The most recent generation’s story is told through the eyes of Mimi Miller, an intimate and honest narrator. As Mimi listens and observes her parents and the people around her, she learns more about everyday life’s intricate complexities; the toxicity of family secrets, the perils of gossip, the imperfections of marriage, and the vulnerability required in friendship, passion, love, and loyalty.

Anna Quindlen brings her hallmark insight and emotional depth to Miller’s Tale. An examination of family, memory, loss, and personal discovery, Miller’s Tale reminds us all of the indelible mark our hometowns leave on us.

Get a jump start on that summer reading list and find this title and many more in the Popular Reading Collection!

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Matt Hufford Wins Library Art Award 2016

Collage-of-9-Oil-PaintingsMatt Hufford is the 2016 recipient of the 14th annual Library Art Award for his series of 9 paintings. His artwork will be on display in the library for a year starting this summer. Congratulations, Matt!

Artist Statement:

Portraits of Humanity
Matt Hufford

I hit refresh and it’s happened again. “Transgender Man With Asperger’s Shot Dead by Arizona Police.” Refresh. The articles flood my screen as the media grieves the loss of a person they misgender. Refresh. The news is forgotten like last week’s gossip. Refresh. Another death. Refresh. A suicide, a life drowned out by the sea of hatred. Refresh. This cycle doesn’t seem to have an end in sight. Refresh. This has to stop.

AnMatt educational article about gender appears on my feed. Pronouns are woven into orientation introductions and more people feel safe sharing who they are. I watch as people devour the information, consuming it so rapidly that our identities are discredited, accused of being a “fad.” Refresh, another death. Our smiles are buried beneath the sensationalized headlines, the statistics so dark that our colors are eclipsed by night. Haunted by fear, hatred, and stigma, these warped perceptions rob us of our names, our lives, and our humanity. I’ve had enough. Our smiles are forgotten, so I’m immortalizing them on canvas. Society tries to mask our shine, so I’m sculpting us with a thousand different colors. And because they don’t see that we’re human, I’m painting portraits of our humanity.

I began this project with the intention of painting a series of portraits of transgender and non-binary individuals who attend the University of Puget Sound, but when I put out a call to the trans community on campus, no trans women contacted me. Although many non-binary individuals and a few trans men expressed interest in participating in my project, the silence of “her” struck me. The representation felt inadequate, so I decided to create portrait-less paintings that will serve as temporary placeholders inviting future participation in my project, mourning the lives lost within the trans community, and waiting for the day when trans women who would like to participate in my project feel safe enough to be visible.

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