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CALLOUT_NYTDon’t forget we have a subscription to the digital content for the New York Times – Sign up Now!  Click here to learn how.  Follow the directions to set up an account.

Did you know over 815 Loggers have registered for this service and we had over 5, 491 sessions!

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Artist Talk: “The Amazing World of Colette Fu: Pop-Up Book Engineer”, February 15, 6 p.m., Collins Library, Room 020

Colette-Fu_image-06Colette Fu received her M.F.A. in fine art photography from the Rochester Institute of Technology in 2003, and soon after began devising complex compositions that incorporate photography and pop-up paper engineering. She has designed for award-winning stop motion animation commercials and free-lanced for clients including Vogue China, Canon Asia, Moët Hennessy–Louis Vuitton, and the Delaware Disaster Research Center. Her pop-up books are included in the National Museum of Women in the Arts, Library of Congress, Metropolitan Museum of Art, the West Collection, and many private and rare archive collections. In 2014, Fu attended a 6-month artist residency at the Swatch Art Peace Hotel in Shanghai, where she continued her We are Tiger Dragon project, an extensive visual exploration of China’s ethnic minorities. There she also designed China’s largest (single-spread) pop-up book, measuring 2.5 x 5 x 1.7 meters high.

In her own words: “Pop-up and flap books originally illustrated ideas about astronomy, fortune telling, navigation, anatomy of the body, and other scientific principles. This history prompted me to construct my own books reflecting ideas on how our selves relate to society today. My pop-ups are a way for me to speak and inform; the real and implied motion in the pop-ups link to a temporal element and an inevitable corollary is to awe and unsettle. Constructing pop-ups allows me to combine intuitive design and technical acuity with my love of traveling as I try to understand the world around me. With pop-up books I want to eliminate the boundaries between people, book, installation, photography, craft, sculpture.”

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Campus New York Times Access

CALLOUT_NYTDear Campus Community,

The New York Times is currently experiencing what they are calling a “systems glitch” which has impacted most of their institutional subscribers, including Puget Sound.  This is why those of you who have registered for institutional access are not being recognized when you access articles and/or try to register or re-register for an account.

The Times has assured us that they are working diligently to address the issue.

Our institutional subscription has been renewed for the coming year, and as soon as they address the technical issues they’re having you should have full access.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and fingers and toes crossed that they will resolve this soon.

Thank you very much for your patience,

Andrea Kueter, Social Sciences Librarian & Coordinator of Electronic Resources

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Exhibit: “Louder Than Words: A Portrait of the Black Panther Movement”, February 1-May 15, 2018

CALLOUT_BlackPantherPartyCurated by Black Panther Party Archivist and Historian Bill X Jennings, Louder than Words: A Portrait of the Black Panther Movement focuses on the Party’s social justice and community programs. The Collins Memorial Library exhibit features a broad range of artifacts, including original pamphlets, newspapers, memorabilia and copies of the books on the Panther reading list.

The Black Panther Party was founded in Oakland, California, by Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton while they attended college. Motivated by the Civil Rights Movement, the assassination of Malcolm X, and riots in Los Angeles, the initial impetus for the party was to protect local African American neighborhoods against police brutality. However, the party was more than armed patrols. It also established free breakfast programs, health clinics, and some of the first drug education programs.

Billy Jennings grew up in San Diego and moved to Oakland in June 1968. He was a member of the Black Panther Party from 1968 to 1974. He currently works to maintain the legacy of the Black Panther Party, running the website It’s About Time which was started by former members of the Black Panther Party in Sacramento in 1995.

Bill Jennings will visit for an Archivist Talk on Monday, February 12th, at 4:00-6:00 p.m. in the Trimble Forum.

Read more about the Black Panther party.

Exhibit student reviews:

By Jade Herbert:
When viewing the Black Panther exhibit, it reminds me of home in Oakland, California. I really like the pins from the exhibit because that is something they used to wear on a daily basis. I enjoy making pins myself and they are something that can be held onto for life. The small pins can pass down multiple generations, still look nice and still hold the same value and maybe even more value to the local community they represent.

From the exhibit I learned about who started the Black panthers– Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton. Before I saw the exhibit I already had some previous knowledge about the Black Panthers. A close friend of mine is a Black Panther. He and some of his friends planned the 50th anniversary of the Black Panthers. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend this event but I understand it was very special. He and his friends also took me around Oakland and showed me some of the locations where the Black Panthers used to meet. I interned with a writing center in Oakland on Telegraph Avenue which used to be one of the meeting spaces. One of the programs they used to provide was the free food program for kids and my internship was in the same building where the black panthers used to provide that service. I did not realized how much my life was connected to such an important group of amazing black individuals. The exhibit and the Black Panthers make me extremely proud of where I come from.

I wish I could have learned about the Black panthers in school as I was in the Oakland Unified School District. Their legacy should be taught to all students. It is a part of history, and when teaching black history there needs to be more focus on issues related this and the fight for equality. We often only learn the history of enslaved Africans. It is often seen as our only history, when in reality African history consists of so much more. I hope the Black Panthers can start more programs around educating students about who the Panthers are and what we can do to make a social change using some of their tactics in modern times.

By Katya Ramich:
In helping with the setup of the Black Panther Party Exhibit, I learned much more about who the Black Panthers were than I had anticipated. In school, we did not cover a lot about the movement, or if we did I just don’t remember, so my knowledge was very limited. One of the most interesting things that I learned as a result of this exhibit was the impact that the Black Panther Party had on not only the communities that it directly served, but also the lasting impact that many of their social programs had on America as a whole. In the exhibit there is a list of 65 different social programs that the Black Panther Party created and maintained; which included programs such as free employment referral, free  health clinics, Liberation schools, SAFE (Seniors Against a Fearful Environment), youth training  and development, and a free children’s breakfast program. This was surprising to me because I was not aware of the impact the Black Panther movement had on the community within Oakland.  The Party did not aim all of its resources and programs towards a specific demographic either. The programs that were created had a large range of people whom they supported, from a WIC (women, infants and children) program, to elderly assistance programs, drama classes to martial arts classes, education and medical programs, domestic programs, and many more. They were responsible for bettering the lives of many people, both directly and indirectly, and to me that was one of the best things that I was able to learn from the exhibit.

Some of the most impactful artifacts from the exhibit were certain newspaper articles and flyers. In one of the display cases, the one labeled Social Programs, there are flyers advertising the free food program (where they were giving away 10,000 free bags of groceries), the Bobby Seale People’s Free Health Clinic, and a flyer about health screening for African American women. These were impactful to me because they were very personal. These programs that were being advertised were not frivolous and benefitted to the betterment of their community.

Overall, this exhibit taught me that the Black Panther Party was more than just a far left militant group made up of African Americans.  They were active members in their communities, working to make the lives of others better, demonstrating on a smaller scale what they wanted to be done in America as a whole.



To escape the entrapment of being enslaved in our minds

Teach monogamy vs misogyny

Function vs dysfunction

Empowerment vs power


Create a National Agenda

To be fair & just

Not to be equal but equitable

To be neither black, African American any other title

Healthcare accessible to all–so everyone can be their best self

A just justice system

An end to sexism, racism, and bigotry

Sadly, pretty much like the same things we asked for last time we wrote this- has anything changed?

Universities that actually care about social justice on an institutional level

Single payer healthcare

Freedom from police terror, jobs, release of all political prisoners (aka- all POC (people of color) folks

To be free

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Happy Holidays from the Collins Memorial Library

Best wishes for the new year!

Jones in winter 1977, image from the Archives & Special Collections


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A family mystery

FloatingWorldAs hurricane Katrina is fast approaching the Louisiana coast, Cora Boisdore, refuses to leave. Her parents, Joe Boisdore, a decedent from slaves, and his white wife, Dr. Tess Eshleman, are forced to evacuate without her. This sets off events that leave their marriage in shambles and Cora catatonic: the victim or perpetrator of mysterious violence. When Cora’s older sister, Del, arrives from her successful life in New York City, she returns to her hometown in ruins and her family deeply alienated from one another. Follow Del as she attempts to figure out what happened to her sister.

Check it out in the Popular Reading Collection!

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From the Archives & Special Collections: Studying vs. the Snow

Archives_snowman2With our stomachs still full from Thanksgiving dinner, we are forced to accept that finals are only a couple of weeks away. Of course it is easy to get distracted with this dark, rainy weather by imagining snow piles instead of rain puddles and mittens instead of umbrellas (but who uses one of those?). The snow could come though! But until it does, take a break from studying and check out the photos on A Sound Past to get some ideas of what to do when it does snow. You can build a snowman like the ladies from 1949 or get around campus on skis like these kids in 1993. One thing is for sure, when it snows, studying does not stand a chance.

The Archives & Special Collections is open on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 12:00-3:00 p.m. or by appointment.

By Sierra Scott

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Leaving a story to tell.

BeastsOrphaned and raised by wolves, Weylyn Grey knew he wasn’t like others. However when he single-handedly stops a tornado on a stormy winter day, he realizes just how different he is. The tornado was just the start of strange occurrences. But as great as his powers seem, they show themselves at inopportune moments. Weylyn’s powers are a danger to him and to the woman he loves, Mary. She doesn’t seem to care though as she knows once he wanders into your life you wish he’d never leave.

Look for it in the Popular Reading Collection!

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From the Archives & Special Collections: Harunobu

archives_Harunobu1I noticed this wonderful little book with its unique cover as I was browsing the collection and it piqued my interest. Suzuki Harunobu was a Japanese woodblock artist who was actually the first artist to use full-color prints in 1765. Most of Harunobu’s life is unknown, but he is considered one of the great masters of Japanese woodblock. His art had the special ability to capture eternal girlhood, in that many of his subjects often had a child-like look about them. This book, simply titled Harunobu is a collection of the artist’s work along with the commentary of Lubor Hajek. Come look at this beautiful and influential artwork!

The Archives & Special Collections is open on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 12:00-3:00 p.m. or by appointment.

By Laure Mounts

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Art Sci Workshop with Makey-Makeys, Thursday, Nov. 30th, 5:30pm, Collins Library, Makerspace

MakeyMakey_Nov2017This November we have a special Art Sci workshop with Makey-Makeys (

At Puget Sound we now have a new Makerspace, with 3D printers, 3D scanners, small electronics and tools for innovation and creation.

On  Thursday November 30th, we issue a Makey-Makey challenge – Use them to design a device that can help differently abled people navigate the world better. Can you control a car without your hands, or help a blind person turn on a warning note while crossing the street. Part Art, Part, Science, Part Tech.

This event will happen in the new Makerspace in the basement of the Collins Memorial Library.
5:30pm with a brief introduction to the space with food and drinks.
At 6:00pm Makey-Makeys, their use and the challenge will be explained.
From 6:15pm to 7:15pm you will work in groups to create your devices.
From 7:15 to 8:00pm, we will share and test each others devices.

Come, converse, collaborate and change the world.

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