From the Archives & Special Collections: The Parallel Bible

archives_PbibleIn my History 101 class we’ve been learning all about the spread of Christianity throughout the Roman Empire and as a giant history buff, I’ve been fascinated. Recently, this rather gigantic bible caught my eye with the intricate border work along the side. When I pulled it out I was surprised to see it had silver clasps to hold it shut as well! I had to take a look inside. Its resemblance to a treasure chest was hard to resist, especially with the faded gold edging on the pages, and I found beautiful artwork and intriguing content.

This edition is called the “Parallel Bible” because it includes the King James Bible, a revised version of the Old and New Testaments, Psalms and much more all arranged, you guessed it, parallel to one another. I found works of art depicting religious scenes and even a section entitled “Narrating Bible Stories for the Young” which simplified things such as Adam and Eve’s banishment from Eden for easier understanding. Even if one isn’t quite as fascinated as I am by religious and historical texts, just a glimpse into this book is an adventure in and of itself.

Check it out on Primo for more information!

The Archives & Special Collections is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:00-3:00 p.m. or by appointment.

By Laure Mounts


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