Hello-Hello and Happy Halloween! For my first post I’ll give you a taste of what’s been going on at campus this fall:
Apparently our school is home to some master pumpkin carvers. Here are some of my favorites:
Puget Pumpkin ’88 (go loggers!)
and my personal favorite:
(*(Planet Pumpkin)*)—
It’s become a UPS tradition for the “Wizard” (famed Chemistry professor) to put on a chemistry magic show every year before Halloween. This year’s show, sadly, was his last as he is retiring next year and consequently the turn-out was ENORMOUS. I arrived 30 minutes before the show thinking I’d be one of the first in line but found myself walking to the back of a line that began at the door to Schneebeck concert hall, filled the courtyard, and snaked all the way around the science building. Somehow, miraculously, I just escaped the cut-off point (an usher clicked her tally counter after I walked in, shouted “460, that’s it!”, and shut the door behind me. I thank my lucky stars I got in. Here is a portion of the line in the courtyard:
I have several video clips from the show I wanted post here, but this site keeps playing tricks on me. If you are interested in chemistry/witchcraft check out past shows on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL14C9CAADF8F4430A Never before have I seen been in a room so bubbling over with nerdy science enthusiasm!
October in Tacoma means the air getting chilly and the gray setting in. At times it’s a little depressing (an entire week went by that I did not see the sun!) But truly- is there anything more beautiful than this morning mist?
That’s all, folks. Keep reading! or, as the Wicked Witch of the West would say,
Going so soon? I wouldn’t hear of it. Why my little party’s just beginning.
Happy Halloween, my pretties!!!