Update from Suzanne Taylor

Suzanne Taylor, alumna (class of ’11), Boulder Junction, WI

I happened to be on the psychology department website and was startled to see the address for the Psych department listed as Weyerhauser 307. It’s weird to think that school at UPS is actually still going on without us, isn’t it?

I wanted to write a blog entry so that other people are more encouraged to post things on here – I figure the more people who contribute, the more it will take off because other alumni will perceive that it’s a common thing to do. (That is what I learned from studying Psychology, all you prospective Psych majors!) It’s awesome to read all the updates on here; I want to hear more!

After graduation, I drove home alone to Wisconsin (2200 miles, I wouldn’t recommend it) and have been working at the same YMCA camp where I have worked for 5 years. My job there consists of working with high school students who come with their school or other program to develop their leadership and teamwork skills. The groups are soooo diverse and it’s never boring, and anyone who has ever worked with 14 year olds will understand how much I use Psychology knowledge every day. I spend a lot of my days either on canoe trips or the high ropes course – the job goes through October, and it’s really fun, so I feel lucky. If you’re looking for a sweet outdoorsy summer gig next year, let me know, I can hook you up!

Currently I’m at my parents’ house trying to figure out What I’m Doing After College. I’m on crutches recovering from a stress fracture so it’s good timing to spend hours on the computer researching jobs, housing, plane tickets, etc. My plan right now is to live out of a backpack for a while – visiting friends and then heading south. I am hopefully spending six weeks in Guatemala this fall volunteering in a daycare at the only domestic abuse shelter in Guatemala and finding other opportunities there as well – just trying to soak up whatever learning I can.

I woke up this morning with the realization that I think Tacoma just feels like home for me and I really want to move back there in January, at least for the spring – so if anyone has housing to sublet or knows of any good short-term jobs, let me know! It will be great to get back to the drizzle and mountains. I miss it more than I thought I would.

I’d love to hear more about how and what everyone is doing! Best wishes to you all. Here is my current favorite quote, I think it’s pretty applicable to post-college life.

‘“But what,” badgers a relentless voice, “exactly are you doing here? What are you accomplishing? What are you getting out of it? And what, oh especially what are you going to do with your life?
The voice usually stops me. Knocks me down, kicks sand in my face. But this time, finally, I tell the voice to shut up. It’s a stupid question, what are you doing with your life. Setting out to do something with your life is like sitting down to eat a moose. Nobody ever did anything successfully with their life. Instead they did something with their day. Each day.
Sunrise is birth. Sleep is death. Each day is your life.
Let the moose run. Eat some blueberries.”

-Douglas Wood

From the book Paddle Whispers

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